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Lincoln Parish Schools

Lincoln Parish Schools. School Improvement Training Part 2: School Improvement September 15, 2010. S.I.P.-School Improvement Plan.

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Lincoln Parish Schools

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  1. Lincoln Parish Schools School Improvement Training Part 2: School Improvement September 15, 2010

  2. S.I.P.-School Improvement Plan The School Improvement Plan (NCLB SEC.1116) is a document that results from a collaborative effort of school stakeholders and sets forth measures to ensure change in student achievement. The plan is based on school data, and its strategies and activities align with what research indicates will improve student learning.

  3. Our goal today… • To become familiar with the new SIP template • To utilize the LDOE resources to plan the School Improvement actions • Data-Driven Decision Making will guide the School Improvement Process. • Utilize research-based strategies to develop activities to address school weaknesses.

  4. Overview 2010-11 Resources • School Improvement Plan Template • Tools For Success • (LAMP) Louisiana Measure of Progress - Action Plan - Goals and Objectives - Professional Development - Family and Community Involvement - Curriculum - Coordination of Resources 10

  5. 2010-11 Data Analysis

  6. To begin the School Improvement Process… • As a school, where are we now? • Review cognitive data to determine previous strengths and weaknesses. • Each school site needs to identify strategies and activities to address school weakness based on at least 3 types of data. • What are the 4 different types of data?

  7. Multiple Types of Data 1. Cognitive Data • CRT Summary Achievement Data • DIBELS • SRI Reading Inventory 2. Attitudinal Data • Stakeholder Questionnaires • Faculty Needs Assessment • Parent, Teacher, and Student Focus Groups • Administrator, Teacher, and StudentInterviews

  8. Multiple Types of Data (cont.) 3. Behavioral Data • Classroom Observations • Contextual Observations • Summary of Attendance and Dropout Rates • Information on Suspensions and Expulsions • PBS Data 4. Archival Data • Agendas, Meeting Logs, Evaluations • Principal’s Report Card • Parent Accountability Report Card

  9. Overview What did we see?How did the students do?How does it all fit together? Data Triangulation: 3 Strengths and 3 Weaknesses • Trend Data (11 steps) • School Performance for LEAP/GEE, iLEAP Data 5

  10. Activity 1: Data Triangulation Strengths and Weaknesses

  11. Data Comprehensive Needs Assessment: Summary Report • Using the information compiled in the Data Analysis Template, complete parts Ia, IIa and Ib, IIb in the SIP template. • Rank order the identified areas of strength and weakness. • For Title I Schools, ELA and Math weaknesses by subgroups should be a primary focus of the SIP. • After the SACS site visit in October, Attitudinal data from interviews and focus groups will be utilized for data sources. • Monthly walkthroughs and observations can be used as a data source for Behavioral Data.

  12. The real power of data emerges when they enable us to see and address patterns of our instructional program’s strengths or weaknesses, thus multiplying the number of individual students we can help.

  13. Overview Overview: Tools for Success • The following have been added to the Overview portion of the Tools for Success document: • Federal Law (NCLB) • School Improvement Plan Crosswalk • Louisiana State Legislature Statute regarding School Improvement Planning • Systemic change is a cyclical process in which the impact of change on all parts of the whole and their relationships to one another are taken into consideration. 3

  14. School Improvement Plan Crosswalk • Cover Page for the SIP • The Crosswalk shows the correlation between what you have in your plan and required Title I components. • All schools in improvement status must include the Ten Components of a School- wide Program.

  15. Walkthrough: Tools for Success

  16. Walk-Through: Tools for Success and School Improvement Template - Action Plan - Goals and Objectives -Scientifically Based Research Strategies - Professional Development: Appendix E - Family & Community Involvement: Appendix D - Curriculum - Coordination of Resources: Appendix G -Evaluation - Samples: Appendix A

  17. Directions: How to Complete the SIP Template Data Portfolio District Assurance Federal/State Instructional Programs School Policies and Partnerships

  18. How to Complete the SIP Template • Submit the plan via jump drive to the LEA Accountability and Federal Programs Contact. • Insert page numbers in the Crosswalk-Table of Contents. • To revise SIP use strikethroughs and place revisions in bold. • For any completed activity, write the word completed. • If any activity is incomplete, explain with a brief note in parenthesis. • For grant applications, place Activities and Action Steps for targeted funding in bold. • For original signatures, USE BLUE INK. • Use the State Rubric for evaluation of SIP.

  19. Data Portfolio The following items should be kept on file at the school: • Subgroup Component Report and Principal’s Report Card for the last three years • Comprehensive Needs Assessment: SACS Final Report (with Summary of Survey Data, Interview Data, and Focus Group Data) • Copy of Data Triangulation Form • DIBELS Reports • Data Analysis Template • Data Notebook • Cognitive Summary Data • Citation from Monitoring Federal Programs (with corresponding Corrective Action Plan)

  20. District Assurance • Collaborative efforts with stakeholders • Statement of school’s mission • Evidence of Data Analysis • Goals and measurable objectives • Scientifically based research methods, strategies, and activities that guide curriculum content, instruction, and assessment • Professional Development components aligned with assessed needs • Transition Plans for pre-school children • Family and Community involvement activities aligned with assessed needs • Methods to measure progress of implementation • Coordination of fiscal resources • Action Plan with timelines and specific activities that address school improvement efforts

  21. Federal/State Instructional Programs • Place an “X” in the status area for each program implemented at your school: -Number of years -Proposed program -Deleted program • List Supplemental Educational Services. (Title I Schools in SI 3 or above) • List the Distance Learning courses provided for your students.

  22. Screen Shot: School Polices & Name PartnershipsThe policy checklist helps to identify components of school improvement as well as mandated programs/policies. Is a copy on file at the school?

  23. Overview Action Plan • The SIP template has been streamlined and • made more user friendly for schools. • The Action Plan has been redesigned to include • goal and objective. • The Action Plan will include strategy, indicator of • implementation, and desired outcomes. 12

  24. Overview Screen Shot of Action Plan FCI-Indicates Family Community Involvement Activities C-Indicates Curriculum Activities N-Indicates Numeracy Activities D- Indicates Discipline Support Activities L-Indicates Literacy Activities T-Indicates K—12 Transition Activities 13

  25. Overview Mission, Goals, and Objectives • Removed Vision, Mission, and Core Beliefs Sections • Moved sample Goals and sample Objectives out of the Appendix into the body of the Tools for Success book • Data Sample: Tools for Success, page 127 • Using the data to write measurable and realistically • achievable objectives 9

  26. USA Today Half of states’ schools face steep achievement requirements “Unless you have a deadline, people put things off so there is some purpose in having a goal.”

  27. Goals A goal states the general educational outcome for the school.

  28. Objectives An objective is an expression of the desired specific and time bound outcome.

  29. Goals/Objectives for Title I Schools • ELA and Math by subgroups should be primary when considering weaknesses that will lead to the goals in the SIP. • Objectives will come from weaknesses identified during Trend Data Analysis in the Needs Assessment.

  30. Screen Shot

  31. Activity 2: The Action Plan • Sample Goal(s) Format • By 2013-2014, all students will… • Tools for Success, page 27 • Sample Objectives • To increase …. • Tools for Success, page 30

  32. Evaluation:SIP Rubric, pages 76-77 Goals: Guideline I. The goals are linked to student learning and clearly state the direction of school improvement. Guideline II. The goals address the school’s NCLB weaknesses in Academic Achievement. Objectives: Guideline I. The objectives are measurable (verifiable) outcomes and are realistically achievable in light of the accountability time frame. Guideline II. Each objective is clearly linked to a specified goal and clearly states the direction of school improvement.

  33. Break

  34. SPRING 2006

  35. Overview Screen Shot of Action Plan FCI-Indicates Family Community Involvement Activities C-Indicates Curriculum Activities N-Indicates Numeracy Activities D- Indicates Discipline Support Activities L-Indicates Literacy Activities T-Indicates K—12 Transition Activities 13

  36. Overview Action Plan • The Action Plan pages have been reformatted to also include the following: - Seven Research-Based Strategies • The Indicator and Procedures for evaluating the indicator are listed under each strategy and activity. • The timeline for each activity must be addressed with a start date, completion date, and funding sources. • Summative evaluations are inserted at the end of each strategy. 14

  37. Research-Based Strategies • Research that applies rigorous, systematic, and objective procedures to obtain valid knowledge relevant to educational activities and programs • The strategy is the method that the school will use to achieve the identified objectives. • First there were 7…then there were 5…and for schools currently under State School Improvement Mandates, there must be 3.

  38. Overview Scientifically Based Research Strategies • Updated the Best Practices book -There are now five strategies for schools to implement: • Response to Intervention (RtI) • Data-Driven Decision Making • Job-Embedded Professional Development • Curriculum Alignment • Meaningful, Engaged Learning • Created Innovation Configurations for Strategies 10

  39. Best Practices: A Closer LookLDOE-State Goals, page 1How Effective Schools Use Their Funds, page 2Best Practices included in SIP, Pages 3-4 • Response To Intervention (RTI) - provides students with high quality instruction and interventions that are matched to the student’s specific needs • Data-Driven Decision Making (DDD) - collecting, analyzing, and using numerous types of data effectively in meeting school improvement goals • Job Embedded Professional Development (JEPD)(e.g., study groups, coaching, job shadowing) - also known as on- the-job learning. It occurs while school leaders and staff engage in their daily work. • Curriculum Alignment (CA) – the congruence of the content, context, and cognitive demands present in the written, taught, and tested curriculum • Meaningful Engaged Learning (MEL) – based on the changing needs of the 21st century, a reform in instruction and strategies to increase student motivation and engagement

  40. District Focus: Curriculum Alignment Curriculum Alignment has been defined as the “congruence of the content, context, and cognitive demands present in the written, taught, and tested curriculum” (English & Steffy, 2001). Research indicates an aligned and balanced curriculum increases student achievement.

  41. Evaluation:SIP Rubric, page 78 Scientifically Based Research Strategy: Guideline I. The Strategy directly addresses contributing factors of strengths and weaknesses. Guideline II. The Strategy can be implemented with available and obtainable fiscal and human resources.

  42. STEPS TO TAKE 1.Consult literature for the selected research‐based strategies (1988‐present) to address objectives and discuss findings. 2. Use the Innovation Configuration to evaluate the identified strategy and its relevance to the individual needs and characteristics of the school. 3. Select the strategy on the Action Plan page in the SIP Template for each goal. 4. Evaluate the strategies using the Rubric. 5. Place any revisions on the appropriate Action Plan page in the SIP Template.

  43. Overview Innovation Configuration 11

  44. Activity 3: Innovation Configuration • Use the Innovation Configuration Matrix for Curriculum Alignment to assess your level of implementation. Rate your current status from low fidelity to high fidelity using the following categories: • Written Curriculum • Taught Curriculum • Assessed Curriculum • This will lead to the selection of Indicators of Implementation…

  45. Indicators of Implementation • Use the school’s current level of fidelity based on the rating scale for your chosen strategy to develop the 2010-11 Indicators of Implementation. • Use the results of that rating to help develop up to 6 Indicators of Implementation in the Action Plan.

  46. Activity 3: Screen Shot

  47. Desired Outcomes:Procedures for Evaluating Indicators of Implementation • This is Formative Evaluation consisting of documentation of level of implementation. • This is the PROOF! • It may be easier to write the evaluations after you have written the activities. • If your activities lead to successful implementation of the strategy, what would we expect to see in student achievement? • Desired Outcomes are written based on student performance. • Look to the state goals for suggestions.

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