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WBRTF meeting WSM cases

WBRTF meeting WSM cases. WBRTF November 26 th Slaven Kincic. WBRTF meeting-WSM cases. As of October 29, 2012 the WECC RC began posting converted next-day Operational Planning Analysis powerflow case; WECC RCs use ALSTOM savecase of the WSM;

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WBRTF meeting WSM cases

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  1. WBRTF meetingWSM cases WBRTF November 26th Slaven Kincic

  2. WBRTF meeting-WSM cases • As of October 29, 2012 the WECC RC began posting converted next-day Operational Planning Analysis powerflow case; • WECC RCs use ALSTOM savecase of the WSM; • Since many BAs and TOPs within WECC cannot use ALSTOM case, case is converted into the following two formats: • PTI30 format (bus-branch model) and exported as a RAW file that can be imported into PSS/E and PSLF. • PowerWorld AUX file. • NDA signed (GE, PowerWord, V&R)

  3. WBRTF meeting Proposed Workflow WBRTF November 26th Slaven Kincic

  4. Proposed Workflow • WECC RC office will provide WSM export in PTI30 format and aux format. The cases are posted on weccrc.org; • Transmission Operators (TOP)/ Balancing Authorities (BA) will perform comparison/inspection of WSM export to base case for their footprint (those involved in base case preparation should be involved in comparison/inspection) and indicate needed changes;

  5. Proposed Workflow • WECC Reliability Coordination Office will suggest template; • Model inspection needs to be performed in phases based on priorities. The most obvious issues such as differences in system parameters are considered priorities: • Phase 1: Units and Generator Step-up (GSU) transformers • We want to match units one-to-one, control point, bus number, Pmax, Qmax, Qmin • GSU impedances and ratio;

  6. Proposed Workflow • Phase 2: System Transformers (impedances, ratio) • Phase 3:High Voltage Line parameters (230 kV and above) • Further priorities and phases will be determined based on WBRTF input and WECC needs • Comparison indicates changes needed to match both cases. • WECC RC Modeling Engineers perform changes gradually and test changes, making sure those changes do not adversely affect the State Estimator (SE) solution.

  7. Proposed Workflow • If some of the changes adversely affect WECC’s SE solution, re-verify recommended change and WECC RCO will investigate further in collaboration with Entity that has sent changes. • Completed changes will be tracked on progress Dashboard • Progress report is provided to the TSS at regularly-scheduled TSS meetings.

  8. Proposed Workflow • Time frame for each phase will be addressed separately (Millstones are already provided –see www.WECC.org September 8, 2001 Response Report, page 35) . • Time-phased approach will enable reconciliation of two models. • There is need to coordinate updates to planning base cases with members in future.

  9. WBRTFMillstones and timeline for WBRTF WBRTF November 26th Slaven Kincic

  10. WBRTF meeting-milestones • Arizona-South California Outages on September 8, 2011; • WECC has launched web page dedicated to September 8, 2011 response : http://www.wecc.biz/About/sept8/Pages/default.aspx • Dashboard is used for tracking progress toward completion of the 27 Recommendations from the Joint FERC/NERC Report and the eight systemic issues identified by NERC President and CEO, Gerry Cauley;

  11. WBRTF meeting-milestones: • Finding 16: • WECC’s model used by TOPs to conduct RTCA studies is not consistent with WECC’s planning model and produces conflicting solutions. • REC 16: • WECC should ensure consistencies in model parameters between its planning model and its RTCA model and should review all model parameters on a consistent basis to make sure discrepancies do not occur

  12. WBRTF meeting-milestones: • WECC Response (REC 16): • To address discrepancies between planning and operations models, WECC is focusing on the major WECC models: the WSM and the planning base cases. WECC has developed the West-wide System Model Base Case Reconciliation Task Force (WBRTF) to address this reconciliation. Work continues on correlating bus numbers with node identifiers and other data, including generator representations, between models.

  13. Proposed Workflow

  14. Proposed Workflow http://www.wecc.biz/About/sept8/Lists/Activity/DispForm.aspx?ID=42&RootFolder=*

  15. WBRTF meeting-milestones: • Current progress • IPCO completed inspection of units &GSUs and provided recommendations; • BC-Hydro completed inspection of units, GSUs and system transformers and provided recommendations; • PSE completed inspection of units and provided recommendations; • SRP to complete comparison of generators, GSUs and lines until the end of month; • APS to complete comparison of units & GSUs until the end of the year; • SCE to complete comparison of units & GSUs until the end of the year; • PaciCorp to complete comparison of units & GSUs until the end of the year;

  16. WBRTF meeting-milestones: • Tracking the progress on dashboard • BAs, TOs • WECC RC • Need to develop a detailed schedule for BAs and TOs • WSM license agreement (how to perform comparison if WSM license agreement is not in place?)

  17. Dynamic simulation using WSM and .dyd file (preliminary results) WBRTF November 26th

  18. System Event 07/04/2012: • Arlington Plant Tripped • Palo Verde unit tripped 4 sec. later • WSM snapshot (powerflow case) representing system condition prior to disturbance has been sent to Dmitry so that he can adjust initial condition in WECC base-case for model validation • Adjusted PSLF case available at:  • http://www.wecc.biz/committees/StandingCommittees/PCC/TSS/BaseCases/Base%20Cases/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fcommittees%2FStandingCommittees%2FPCC%2FTSS%2FBaseCases%2FBase%20Cases%2FComposite%20Load%20Studies&FolderCTID=0x01200068291443AA0B7A468B42DF79601BAB44 • Good occasion to compare base-case vs. WSM dynamic response using same .dyd

  19. WBRTF meeting-dynamic simulation WSM: • Differences: • Some difference in in initial conditions; • Differences in power flow data; • No plant load in WSM; • Not all units are matched in .dyd file; • Composite load model used with base-case; • WSM in TSAT and base-case in PSLF;

  20. Results: MW flow from PV #2

  21. Results: MW flow from Cholla units

  22. Results: Voltages on Cholla units terminals

  23. Results: MW from Diablo units:

  24. Results: Voltage on Diablo units:

  25. Results: MW from NAVAJO units:

  26. Results: Voltages on NAVAHO unit terminals:

  27. Results: MW from CORONADO:

  28. Results: Voltages on CORONADO:

  29. Results: MW from Termex

  30. Results: Voltages on Termex

  31. Results: MW from Otay Mesa

  32. Results: Voltages on Otay Mesa terminals

  33. Questions?

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