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THE SYLLOGISM. Examples of Syllogisms. All English teachers are cool. Mr. Sell is an English teacher. Mr. Sell is cool. AII-1 No dog is a bird. All birds are winged animals. Some winged animals are not dogs. EAO-4. The Syllogism. There are 256 types of syllogism.
Examples of Syllogisms All English teachers are cool. Mr. Sell is an English teacher. Mr. Sell is cool. AII-1 No dog is a bird. All birds are winged animals. Some winged animals are not dogs. EAO-4
The Syllogism • There are 256 types of syllogism. • The majority of these are invalid. • There are 24 valid syllogisms. (9 are considered to sometimes commit the existential fallacy.) • There are rules as to what makes a syllogism valid or invalid. More on that later.
Syllogisms have 3 parts: • Major Premise • Minor Premise • Conclusion • A premise that starts with all or no is a universal proposition. • A premise that starts with some is a particular proposition.
The Basic form of the syllogism __________ [ ] ____________ [ ] __________ [ ] ____________ [ ] ____________________________________ __________ [ ] ____________ [ ] • Major premise • Minor premise • Conclusion
Filling in the syllogism __________ [ ] ____________ [ ] __________ [ ] ____________ [ ] ____________________________________ __________ [ ] ____________ [ ] • By filling in this form, we can see the parts of the syllogism. Let’s start with the conclusion.
Syllogism, conclusion filled in __________ [ ] ____________ [ ] __________ [ ] ____________ [ ] ____________________________________ ____All___ [ A ] _____are____ [ B ] • A is the subject of the conclusion. A is known as the minor term. • B is the predicate of the conclusion. B is known as the major term.
Major and Minor Terms __________ [ ] ____________ [ ] __________ [ ] ____________ [ ] ____________________________________ ____All___ [ A ] _____are____ [ B ] • Which is the major term? • Which is the minor term?
__________ [ ] ____________ [ B ] __________ [ A ] ____________ [ ] ____________________________________ ____All___ [ A ] _____are____ [ B ] • Here we have included A and B into the first two premises.
__________ [ B ] ____________ [ ] __________ [ ] ____________ [ A ] ____________________________________ ____All___ [ A ] _____are____ [ B ] • We could have done it this way…
__________ [ B ] ____________ [ ] __________ [ A ] ____________ [ ] ____________________________________ ____All___ [ A ] _____are____ [ B ] • …or this way…
__________ [ ] ____________ [ B ] __________ [ ] ____________ [ A ] ____________________________________ ____All___ [ A ] _____are____ [ B ] • …or this way, so long as B is in the top premise, and A is in the 2nd premise.
__________ [ B ] ____________ [ ] __________ [ ] ____________ [ A ] ____________________________________ ____All___ [ A ] _____are____ [ B ] • This is because the top premise is the major premise, and the 2nd premise is the minor premise.
Major and minor premises __________ [ B ] ____________ [ ] __________ [ ] ____________ [ A ] ____________________________________ ____All___ [ A ] _____are____ [ B ] • The major premise has the major term in it. • The minor premise has the minor term in it.
The Middle Term __________ [ B ] ____________ [ M ] __________ [ M ] ____________ [ A ] ____________________________________ ____All___ [ A ] _____are____ [ B ] • The term that is located in both the major and minor premises is the middle term.
Major, Minor, and Middle Terms __________ [ M ] ____________ [ B ] __________ [ M ] ____________ [ A ] ____________________________________ ____All___ [ A ] _____are____ [ B ] • Which is the major term? • Which is the minor term? • Which is the middle term?
An AAA-1 syllogism ____All____ [ M ] _____are____ [ B ] ____All____ [ A ] ____are_____ [ M ] ____________________________________ ____All___ [ A ] _____are____ [ B ] • All M are B. • All A are M. • Therefore, all A are B.
Putting AAA-1 to the test • All M are P. All marigolds are plants. • All S are M. All signets are marigolds. • All S are P. All signets are plants. P M S
All signets are marigolds. All marigolds are plants. All signets are plants.