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Presentations - Day 1

Agenda. Announcements5 minutesClass PresentationsCHI 2010 Team15 5 minutesFoot Soldiers15 5 minutesVoting Team15 5 minutes. Sketching Critiques20 minutesWrap up

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Presentations - Day 1

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Presentations - Day 1 HCDE 418 Autumn 2009 Class materials: -IDEO method cards -projector -laptopClass materials: -IDEO method cards -projector -laptop

    2. Agenda Announcements 5 minutes Class Presentations CHI 2010 Team 15 + 5 minutes Foot Soldiers 15 + 5 minutes Voting Team 15 + 5 minutes Sketching Critiques 20 minutes Wrap up & Next Class 5 minutes

    3. Announcements Your questions, comments, issues, appreciations? Upcoming work P7: Final Report & Presentation Due Dec. 8th & 10th at class time or 5:00 P.M. (for report) Final Sketching Report Due Wednesday, Dec. 16th at 5:00 P.M. 15 total discussion board posts Due Tuesday, Dec. 15th at 5:00 P.M.

    4. Class Participation Justification Optional 2-3 paragraph statement saying why you deserve full credit for class participation See Syllabus for details on participation criteria If youve been coming to class and participating, you dont need to do this Due in the CollectIt drop box by December 15th at 5 P.M.

    5. Group Project Participation Rating Rate your teammates on their participation in the group project Rate each team member on a scale from 1 to 5, including yourself Online WebQ Survey (opens Thursday after class) Due by Tuesday, Dec. 15th at 5:00 P.M. Will be considered when making participation grades, especially if there is agreement amongst the team

    6. Class Presentations 60 minutes

    7. Class Presentations 15 minutes + 5 for Q&A You must rate two other teams presentations

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