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SO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENGINEER?. Considering engineering?. Have you always wanted to build things, play with legos, take apart TVs, or simply wanted to know how things work? Do you have a love of math and science? Are you willing to make new discoveries?. So, what is Engineering?.

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  2. Considering engineering? • Have you always wanted to build things, play with legos, take apart TVs, or simply wanted to know how things work? • Do you have a love of math and science? • Are you willing to make new discoveries?

  3. So, what is Engineering? • Engineering is defined as, “The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.” • Too technical? Why don’t we look more into specific types of engineering?

  4. Aeronautical Engineering • Work primarily with spacecrafts, aircrafts, or missiles. • Can specialize in areas such as design, navigation systems, or manufacturing techniques • Astronautical engineers deal with crafts outside the Earth’s atmostphere, while aeronautical engineers stay within the earth

  5. There is a lot of focus on objects moving within gases or liquids, which can be applied to everything from the launching of a shuttle to golf balls or high-speed trains. • Often a separate degree, but it can also fall as a speciality under Mechanical Engineering • Starting salary for a B.S.- $56,335

  6. Biomedical • Work in collaboration with health and medical fields to improve the health and safety of everyone around you • Projects include developing prosthetic limbs, joint replacements, medical instruments, and artificial organs

  7. You can specialize in electronics or mechanics that have BME applications • Or, you can work toward the more biological side, working on tissues or organs • Many BMEs have chemical engineering degrees and take pre-med classes, while other schools offer specific degrees • Starting salary is $68,000

  8. Chemical • Work with the production and use of chemicals • Can treat and purify drinking water, refine products from petroleum, processing food, or recovering raw materials • Need to produce products with several factors in mind, such as cost and environmental impact

  9. Usually a specific degree offered at universities, with many specialties such as petroleum or mutagen engineering • Staring salary- $65, 403

  10. Civil • With this degree, you would be able to work on projects such as building bridges, stadiums, and everything in between • Oversee construction • Produce efficient means to get jobs done- such as airport walkways or highways

  11. Four year degree, with specialties in structures, hydraulics, transportation, or management available in many colleges • Staring salary- $51, 793

  12. Computer • Find computers fascinating? • With this degree, you can develop new computer hardware or software, write codes for to solve problems, or even work with robotics • Many computer engineers can work from home

  13. At some universities, there is a distinction between computer engineering as being involved with hardware or systems, and software engineering or computer science, which would deal with programming codes • Available as its own degree or as a specialization or duel-degree under/with electrical engineering • Starting salary-$61, 017

  14. Electrical • Interested in how your iPod or television works? Or how your home or school is powered? • With an EE degree, you can work on robotics, electronic devices, or even space communication • This is also the largest field of engineering

  15. Many EE’s get their degree in this field, though some prefer to get their degree in physics or electronics • Starting salary: $57,600

  16. Environmental • Environmental engineers work to protect the environment • Many focus on containing and filtering pollution, properly disposing waste materials, or properly recycling materials • You can make an impact on the planet!

  17. There are opportunities in both Environment Engineering and “Green,” or sustainable engineering • Some colleges offer these specific degrees, but these engineers can be mechanical, agricultural, or other types • Starting salary- $45,000

  18. Mechanical • Many engineering subjects can also fall under mechanical engineering • Involves anything that contains a mechanical process- from an aircraft, to a toy, to an engine • In this field, you can study heat transfer, buildings, systems, materials, manufacturing…the list goes on!

  19. Another one of the most popular engineering degrees, so many schools offer at least a BS • Many ME’s cross over into other fields, due to the versatility of their degree and subject material • Starting salary- $58,749

  20. Nuclear • Nuclear engineers work with nuclear energy (which occurs when atoms split) to design products • These inventions include all the processes involved in nuclear energy, such as using the fuel and its disposal, as well as medical imaging and carbon dating. • It is a perfectly safe field with little actual exposure to radioactive materials

  21. Many Nuclear engineers get a BS in nuclear engineering, while other get an advanced degree in Nuclear science • Starting salary- $58,266

  22. Other Resources • http://www.futuresinengineering.com/what.php?id=2 • http://www.eweek.org/AboutEngineering/TypesEngineering.aspx • http://www.engineergirl.org/CMS/Careers/Descriptions.aspx

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