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中国护理人员新加坡培训项目. 新加坡的医院. 1 、新加坡医院概况 Hospitals in Singapore 2 、新加坡中央医院 SGH 3 、新加坡国立大学医院 NUH 4、 陈笃生医院 TTSH 5、 樟宜医院 CGH 6、 竹脚妇幼医院 KKH. CONTENTS 本课目录. 5 broad clusters of public hospitals: Alexandra Health Pte. Ltd., 1 hospital and 1 medical center

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  1. 中国护理人员新加坡培训项目 新加坡的医院

  2. 1、新加坡医院概况 Hospitals in Singapore 2、新加坡中央医院 SGH 3、新加坡国立大学医院 NUH 4、陈笃生医院 TTSH 5、樟宜医院 CGH 6、竹脚妇幼医院 KKH CONTENTS 本课目录

  3. 5 broad clusters of public hospitals: Alexandra Health Pte. Ltd., 1 hospital and 1 medical center Jurong Health Service, 1 hospital National University Health System, 1 hospital National Healthcare Group (NHG), 2 hospitals, 2 national specialty centers Singapore Health Service (SingHealth), 3 Hospitals, 5 specialty centers, 9 polyclinics HOSPITALS IN SINGAPORE 新加坡医院概况

  4. With a history and tradition of medical excellence spanning two centuries, Singapore General Hospital (SGH) is Singapore’s flagship hospital. SGH operates as a restructured hospital and is a member of the SingHealth (Singapore Health Services) Group, an integrated healthcare delivery network incorporated on 31 March 2000 comprising hospitals, national specialty centers and polyclinics. SGH 新加坡中央医院

  5. It is a not-for-profit institution with a long tradition of providing affordable tertiary healthcare. As the bedrock of medical education, SGH continues to play a key role in nurturing doctors, nurses and allied health professionals, and is committed to innovative translational and clinical research. SGH 新加坡中央医院

  6. Their social mission and humanitarian legacy have been the driving force behind the Hospital’s efforts and achievements in service, education and research – the “three pillars” of SGH. SGH 新加坡中央医院

  7. Established in 1985, NUH is Singapore's only university hospital. It serves as a tertiary hospital as well as a clinical training centre and a research centre for the medical and dental faculties of the National University of Singapore (NUS). NUH 新加坡国立大学医院

  8. The hospital has many of the world's, the region's and Singapore's firsts to its credit. It is a specialist hospital that provides advanced, leading-edge medical care. NUH 新加坡国立大学医院

  9. The NUH is also a major referral centre for a wide range of medical and dental specialties including Cardiology, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics and Orthopaedic Surgery. NUH 新加坡国立大学医院

  10. A member of the National University Health System, it is the principal teaching hospital of the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (YLL SoM). See video attached: NUH 新加坡国立大学医院

  11. Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) is one of Singapore’s largest multi-disciplinary hospitals with more than 160 years of pioneering medical care and development. It is part of the National Healthcare Group, providing holistic and integrated patient care. TTSH 陈笃生医院

  12. TTSH has 36 clinical and allied health departments, 15 specialist centers and is powered by more than 6000 healthcare staff. The hospital sees over 2000 patients at its specialist clinics and some 460 patients at its emergency department every day. TTSH 陈笃生医院

  13. With a strong quality culture steeped in patient safety, TTSH constantly challenges itself to provide faster, better, cheaper and safer care for patients. To achieve this, the hospital keeps abreast and believes in investing in its staff, facilities, medical technology and system improvements. TTSH 陈笃生医院

  14. In recognition of its commitment to excellent patient care and its comprehensive range of quality healthcare services, TTSH has been awarded the ISO 9001 certification and the prestigious Joint Commission International (JCI) accreditation. TTSH 陈笃生医院

  15. TTSH医院正门 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  16. TTSH医院正门 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  17. TTSH医院康复中心 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  18. TTSH医院CDC TTSH 陈笃生医院

  19. TTSH医院疾控中心 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  20. TTSH医院餐厅一角 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  21. TTSH医院药房 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  22. 操作演示 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  23. 病区文化墙——来自病人的祝福 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  24. 一位中国护士在TTSH的感受 陈笃生医院(TEN TOCK SENG HOSPITAL简称TTSH)是新加坡第二大公立医院,成立于1844年,由两个CDC、一个康复中心、一个综合性医疗总部组成。床位1700张,拥有尖端的医疗设备 陈笃生医院下设有24个部门,全套辅助科室。包括:传染疾病科、老年病学科、康复中心、呼吸科、风湿科、过敏免疫科、普通外科、急诊科、放射诊断科、肠胃科、五官科、手术科,以及介入中心等 我是2009年2月起在TTSH从事临床护理工作 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  25. 医院环境:整个医院环境优美整洁,到处绿意葱葱,鲜花盛开,充满了人和自然的和谐一致。医院的建筑和设施充分体现以病人为中心。医院的病房是连体组合的综合大楼,4栋医疗大楼均有室内通道互相连接,便于病人和医护人员通行医院环境:整个医院环境优美整洁,到处绿意葱葱,鲜花盛开,充满了人和自然的和谐一致。医院的建筑和设施充分体现以病人为中心。医院的病房是连体组合的综合大楼,4栋医疗大楼均有室内通道互相连接,便于病人和医护人员通行 各科之间物品的传送(各类标本等)可通过密闭的中枢传送系统进行传送。门诊的候车处不仅为病人和家属提供舒适整洁的椅子,还有专门工作人员帮助病人上下车,门口的近百把轮椅随时提供给病人使用。医院各处可见供病人休息的椅子,电话厅、书报亭、便利店、面包房、餐厅,随时为病人提供服务 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  26. 医患关系:医院工作人员之间,工作人员和病人、家属之间礼貌相处,文明相待,热心帮助病人,呈现着一种和谐的医患关系医患关系:医院工作人员之间,工作人员和病人、家属之间礼貌相处,文明相待,热心帮助病人,呈现着一种和谐的医患关系 管理模式:在此期间,对TTSH的科学、高效的护理模式感受颇深。新加坡陈笃生医院是一所集医疗、教学、科研为一体的综合医院。护理管理特色:一是技术管理与行政管理并举,有利于护理质量的提高和护士的自我发展;二是各级护理人员职责明确,促进了整体护理的发展。 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  27. 病区分为A、B、C三级:A级病区相当于我国的高级病房,一人间,设施齐全,服务一流,收费一流,费用最高;B级病房双人间,处于中档级别;C级病房6~8个床位一间,医保病房,低收入者可得到基本的医疗保障。医生护士的水平尽在ABC级中体现病区分为A、B、C三级:A级病区相当于我国的高级病房,一人间,设施齐全,服务一流,收费一流,费用最高;B级病房双人间,处于中档级别;C级病房6~8个床位一间,医保病房,低收入者可得到基本的医疗保障。医生护士的水平尽在ABC级中体现 护理管理系统在医院管理体系中是一个相对独立的系统,由资深护理总监、科护士长、病区护士长三级组成,共同负责医院护理管理工作。她(他)们中大多数均获得护理管理硕士或博士学位,熟悉护理业务和管理。各级护理人员都有明确的工作职责、权辖范围、上下级关系和汇报沟通的渠道。护理总监直接向院长汇报工作;科护士长负责本专科病区,经常在本专科病区走动,了解病区护士长和护士的工作情况,及时反馈给护理总监 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  28. 病区护士长:工作重点在于管理病房,实行24小时负责制,每天巡视病房,了解病人病情及病人需要,及时解决护理上的问题,督促护士工作,定期评价每位护士的工作业绩,并与医生及其它部门工作人员进行沟通与交流病区护士长:工作重点在于管理病房,实行24小时负责制,每天巡视病房,了解病人病情及病人需要,及时解决护理上的问题,督促护士工作,定期评价每位护士的工作业绩,并与医生及其它部门工作人员进行沟通与交流 护士长助理:有些护士长助理是非护理专业的人。他们主要负责外人事,宣传,接待等。负责病区物资请领与财政预算工作,以便尽可能在节约人力、物力的基础上,取得最好的社会及经济效益。在人事制度上,护理部实行层层聘用,并每年进行一次个人评价,以及上下级互相评价 注册护士:负责所管病人的出入院、书写及估护理病历、执行医嘱 助理护士:协助注册护士完成所管病人的基础和生活护理 各类人员等级分明,严禁越级行使职责 TTSH 陈笃生医院

  29. Changi General Hospital (CGH) is a trusted healthcare provider with 790 beds in eastern Singapore.  CGH 樟宜医院

  30. CGH provide a comprehensive range of medical specialities. CGH offers the entire gamut of medical services, from general surgery, internal medicine, cardiology, ENT to orthopaedic surgery and dermatology. CGH 樟宜医院

  31. Peaks of medical excellence are represented by the Integrated Sleep Service, Breast Centre, Endoscopy Centre, Diabetes Centre, Geriatric Centre and the Changi Sports Medicine Centre.   Changi Sports Medicine Centre is Singapore’s largest and is a leading provider of sports medicine expertise. CGH 樟宜医院

  32. CGH is JCI (Joint Commission International) accredited since 2005. NCH 樟宜医院

  33. KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital has evolved over the decades, since its founding in 1858, into a regional leader in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Neonatology. KKH 竹脚妇幼医院

  34. Today, the 830-bed hospital is a referral centre providing tertiary services to handle high-risk conditions in women and children. KKH 竹脚妇幼医院

  35. More than 400 specialists adopt a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach to treatment, and harness the latest innovations and technology for the best medical care possible. KKH 竹脚妇幼医院

  36. As an academic healthcare institution, KKH believes that world-class clinical training and research are imperative in raising the standard of care. Hence, the Hospital has adopted a culture of innovation as it strives for world-class clinical leadership. KKH 竹脚妇幼医院

  37. Management 管理 • 管理者拥有充分的职权 • 积极的竞争氛围 • 良好的职业道德 • 体现法制观念

  38. Incident Report 医疗差错 • 医疗差错情况 病人摔倒 发错药物 侵入性操作失误差错 • 医疗差错的处理措施 报告SRN 通知Nurse Manager 必要时通知医生 通知病人家属 填写差错表格

  39. 北京卫生人才培训中心 2011年5月

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