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2. Community Grants Programs Staff. Kristin O'Connor - Community Grants Program ManagerVenecia Malloy, Governor's One-on-One Program CoordinatorShana Overdorf
1. 1 NORTH CAROLINADepartment of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency PreventionAmeriCorps Promise Fellow Program2007-2008 Orientation
2. 2 Community Grants Programs Staff Kristin O’Connor - Community Grants Program Manager
Venecia Malloy, Governor’s One-on-One Program Coordinator
Shana Overdorf – Support Our Students Program Coordinator
Demian Futterman, AmeriCorps Promise Fellow Program Director
Beverly Clark, Community Grants Program Assistant
Lynne Fleetwood, Community Grants Program Assistant
3. 3 Overview NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service is a grantee of the Corporation of National and Community Service (CNCS)
DJJDP AmeriCorps Promise Fellow Program is one of ten sub-grantee programs and has been awarded funding by the NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service since 2000
Promise Fellows build capacity for the Governor’s One-on-One Program
DJJDP has 15 host sites throughout NC for 2007-2008
An ongoing relationship with a caring adult;
Safe places with structured activities during non-school hours;
A healthy start and healthy future;
Marketable skills through effective education; and
Opportunities to give back through community service.
5. 5 PERFORMANCE MEASURES The funding DJJDP receives for the grant award from the NC Commission is based on the successful completion of four performance measures:
Volunteer Recruitment
Community Collaboration
DJJDP is required to demonstrate progress on a quarterly basis in meeting all performance measures (WBRS)
Host Site Supervisors will be responsible for evaluating their Promise Fellow quarterly as they strive to meet each performance measure
Each of the 15 Promise Fellows will serve as a mentor and be matched with one court-involved youth enrolled in the Governor’s One-on-One Volunteer Program. Fellows will serve 2-4 hours per week as a mentor.
Promise Fellows will mentor court-involved youth in an attempt to reduce delinquency. These youth will be monitored quarterly by the AmeriCorps Program Director in NCJOIN during the program year for changes in recidivism status.
Host Sites must administer a survey to their Promise Fellow and the Fellow’s matched youth at the beginning (pre) and end (post) of the mentoring relationship
Host Site Supervisors should notify the Program Director if a youth is charged with another offense after being matched with a Fellow.
7. 7 PERFORMANCE MEASURESVolunteer Recruitment
15 Promise Fellows will recruit candidates who express interest in becoming volunteer mentors. This goal is for the purpose of reducing waiting lists of youth referred to Governor’s One-on-One Volunteer Programs.
Promise Fellows will strive to have their host sites screen and match a combined total of 225 volunteer mentors with youth (15 matches per Fellow).
Matches can occur in either the 60% or 40% category, and is at the discretion of the Host Site Supervisor.
These 225 volunteer mentors will spend a combined total of 10,000 hours of service throughout the program year.
All 15 Promise Fellows will receive service related training in core areas including, but not limited to:
Volunteer Recruitment
Conflict Resolution
Race Relations/Diversity/Cultural Awareness
Disaster Preparedness (Disaster Response Teams)
CPR/First Aid
9. 9 Disaster Response TeamsAmerican Red Cross (ARC) American Red Cross (ARC) – This training will train 3 members how to manage ARC shelters and serve as damage assessors after an event. Members will receive training listed below. Topics for this curriculum were developed by ARC and are listed below:
Translating Your Compassion into Community Action
Mass Care Overview
Shelter Operations
Fundamentals of Disaster Assessment
10. 10 Disaster Response TeamsCommunity Emergency Response Team (CERT) CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) – This training will train 3 members how to respond (as a team or even individually) to different types of disasters. The CERT training curriculum to be used is the certified FEMA curriculum. Topics for this curriculum are listed below:
Unit 1 - DISASTER PREPAREDNESS (Introduction to disasters, impact of disasters on infrastructures, and the role of CERTs in disaster response)
Unit 2 - DISASTER FIRE SUPPRESSION (Identifying and reducing potential fire hazards, basic fire suppression strategy, and resources and techniques)
Unit 3 - DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS, PART 1 (Treatment Strategies for life-threatening conditions and principles of triage)
Unit 4 - DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS, PART 2 (Head-to-toe assessments and treatment for various injuries)
Unit 5 - LIGHT SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATIONS (Techniques for size-up and search, lifting, cribbing and removing victims, and rescuer safety)
Unit 6 - CERT ORGANIZATION (Team organization, decision-making, and documentation)
Unit 7 - DISASTER PSYCHOLOGY (Team well-being and working with survivors’ trauma)
Unit 8 - TERRORISM AND CERT (Terrorists targets and weapons; and preparing home/work.)
11. 11 PERFORMANCE MEASURESTraining (continued)
Each Promise Fellow must attend all required trainings/meetings.
All 15 Promise Fellows will demonstrate improvement in knowledge and/or skills in the core training areas listed above, as measured by pre/post tests.
It is the Fellow’s and Host Site Supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that missed trainings are made-up. Make-up training identified by the host site must receive final approval from the Program Director.
Failure to attend quarterly meetings and/or trainings may result in termination from term of service.
12. 12 PERFORMANCE MEASURESCommunity Collaboration Promise Fellows will collaborate and build the relationship between the Support Our Students Program and Governor’s One-on-One Volunteer Program for the purpose of delivering America’s Five Promises through group activities with program youth.
Each Promise Fellow will facilitate/co-facilitate a total of 9 group activities throughout the program year (approximately one activity every 6 weeks). These activities may include National Identity Day events, service-learning activities, AmeriCorps related events, Career Days, and the delivery of the Five Promises.
Promise Fellows will strengthen collaboration between the Governor’s One-on-One program and organizations within the community that help to build the capacity of the program. Promise Fellows will be responsible for creating a Community Resource Guide to assist the community with linking into services within their community. The theme of this guide will be the Five Promises, which will allow for five sections/chapters that the Promise Fellow can organize/list community resources. The target audience can be adults/parents and/or youth.
Educational Award
Health Care
Child Care
Loan Forbearance
14. 14 Living Stipend Promise Fellows will receive a living stipend over the term of service on a monthly basis, less tax withholdings. The maximum total gross stipend for the program year is $13,000, or a gross of $1083.33 per month. The first and last month’s stipend may be prorated depending on the date of the Fellow’s enrollment and term completion date.
Fellows will receive their paycheck via direct deposit on or around mid-month for the preceding service month.
Payroll is pro-rated during the first month if enrollment does not begin on the first day of the month.
If a Fellow resigns prior to the end of the program year, his/her last paycheck may be prorated depending on the final date of service. The official date will be decided by the Program Director.
15. 15 Educational Award Fellows are eligible to receive the Segal AmeriCorps Educational Award of $4,725.00.
In order to receive the award, Fellows must complete 1700 hours and fulfill all requirements for the term of service.
Educational Awards can be used at Corporation selected institutions of higher education (www.volunteernc.org).
See Policies and Procedures Manual for additional information
16. 16 Health Care(SRC, an Aetna company) AmeriCorps Programs must provide coverage to:
All full-time members who do not have adequate health care coverage at the time of enrolling in AmeriCorps.
Any full-time member who loses coverage during the term of service through no deliberate act of his or her own (i.e. - parent dropping a dependant).
Any full time member who lose coverage due to his/her participation in the program.
17. 17 Health CareEligibility
SRC does not provide health care coverage for the member’s family members or dependents.
Members on Medicaid/Medicare
AmeriCorps Programs must provide health care coverage to all full-time members even if they are eligible for Medicaid or Medicare. The US Department of Health & Human Services has taken the position that members receiving Medicare/Medicaid have coverage available to them through AmeriCorps. Since Medicaid and Medicare ‘wrap around’ other available health care coverage, they will pick up only the cost that is NOT covered under the AmeriCorps policy.
18. 18 Health CareEnrollment Health Care coverage is effective on the first day the member becomes an active member of the AmeriCorps program.
Plastic ID card will be sent to the Fellow’s home approximately 3 weeks after enrollment is received and entered into the system.
SRC will prorate health care coverage for members whose effective date is after the first day of the month.
If a member is not eligible for the plan or does not elect health care coverage through AmeriCorps, they must sign a form stating such.
19. 19 Health CarePlan Enhancements Aetna’s Vision One discount program, a nationwide network of vision care Providers
Dental Insurance Plan
coverage with a deductible
covers most common services
20. 20 Health CareMember Materials Enrolled members should receive enrollment kits that contain:
Option I and Option II Member Kit
Benefits Summary
Questions and Answers with Temporary Member Identification
Member Reference Guide that includes claim form: Medical Benefits Request
21. 21 Health CareMember Materials (continued) Option II Member Kit
Dental Benefits Request
Proof of Death (Claim) Form / Affidavit of Sole Survivors
22. 22 Child CareNational Association of Child Care Resources and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) The National Association of Child Care Resources & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) is our nation’s leading voice for child care. They work with more than 800 state and local Child Care Resources & Referral Agencies to ensure that families in every local community have access to high-quality, affordable child care.
AmeriCorps CARE is a program administered by NACCRRA on behalf of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS).
The purpose of AmeriCorps CARE is to assist members with finding quality caregivers and to administer all childcare reimbursements directly to those caregivers.
23. 23 Child CareEligibility Determining Eligibility to Receive Child Care Benefits:
Fellow is the parent/legal guardian/custodian of a child under 13 years of age who resides with him/her. If Fellow is a legal guardian or custodian, Fellow must be able to provide supporting documentation for verification.
Fellow maintains a family income that does not exceed the state’s income eligibility guidelines for assistance, according to the Child Care Development Fund Act.
Fellow needs childcare to be paid for in order to participate in AmeriCorps.
Fellow is not currently receiving a childcare subsidy from another source
24. 24 Child CareEligibility (continued) The AmeriCorps Program Director will determine the Fellows eligibility to receive childcare benefits through AmeriCorps CARE. Eligibility is based on the factors already mentioned.
Fellows must work closely with the Program Director to ensure that the Child Care Eligibility Application, related forms, and supporting documentation are complete, approved, signed, and promptly forwarded to AmeriCorps CARE for approval and processing.
Once AmeriCorps CARE receives a complete application, it will require 3-4 weeks, from the date received, to process.
25. 25 Loan Forbearance Fellows may be eligible for loan deferment on qualified student loans while serving as a Promise Fellow
Deferment is at the lender’s discretion
If a Fellow successfully completes the term of service, the interest accrued on a loan during the term of service will be paid by National Service Trust
Loan Forbearance Request Form is completed before enrolling
26. 26 Service Activities Become matched as a mentor to a court-referred youth in the Governor’s One-on-One Volunteer Program
Recruit and place 15 volunteers to serve as mentors for the Governor’s One-on-One Volunteer Program
Attend training as required/identified by Host Site and/or DJJDP
Develop and implement a Race Relation/Diversity/Cultural Awareness and a Volunteer Recruitment plan with Host Site Supervisor
Develop and facilitate at least 2 Career Days during the program year
Create a local community service guide
Participate in all National Service Days and Corporation sponsored events
Be an active member while serving in the program
27. 27 Promise Fellow Responsibilities and Graduation Requirements In order to successfully graduate and receive the educational award Promise Fellows must:
Complete a minimum of 1700 hours of service
Complete an entire term of service from October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008
Serve as a mentor with a court-involved youth from the Governor’s One-on-One Volunteer Program. This relationship must be ongoing throughout the program year.
28. 28 Fellow Responsibilities and Graduation Requirements (continued)
Meet all minimum requirements by the end of the program year
Earn satisfactory or better performance appraisals from their Host Site Supervisor
Receive a recommendation for graduation from DJJDP
Complete and submit all documentation before the final day of the program including Exit Forms, timesheets, and other site documents
29. 29 National Service Identity Days Activities for National Service Identity Days are held in conjunction with Governor’s One-on-One Volunteer Program events.
Host Site Supervisors will offer guidance to their Promise Fellow on how they will be assisting their host site.
30. 30 National Service Identity Days Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day(January 21, 2008)
During his lifetime...
Dr. King sought to forge the common ground on which people from all walks of life could join together to address important community issues. Working alongside individuals of all ages, races and backgrounds, Dr. King encouraged Americans to come together to strengthen communities, alleviate poverty, and acknowledge dignity and respect for all human beings. Service, he realized, was the great equalizer.On January 15, 2008, as we celebrate the anniversary of the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday, Americans across the country will celebrate by honoring the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Hundreds of thousands of Americans will remember and memorialize Dr. King by participating in service projects in their communities. Together, we will honor King’s legacy of tolerance, peace, and equality by meeting community needs and making the holiday..... “A day ON, not a day OFF.”
31. 31 National Service Identity Days2007-2008 Make A Difference Day (October 28, 2007)
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 21, 2008)
National Volunteer Week (April 2008)
AmeriCorps Week (May 2008)
32. 32 Rules of Conduct/Code of Conduct Promise Fellows are expected to:
Demonstrate mutual respect
Follow directions as given by Program Officials and Host Site Officials
Direct concerns, problems, and suggestions to the appropriate officials.
Violations include:
Violating any of the internal rules of conduct of the Host Site
Unauthorized tardiness and absences (failure to notify Host Site)
Repeated use of inappropriate language (including profanity)
Failure to wear appropriate clothing to service assignments (AmeriCorps T-Shirt or clothing in accordance with the Host Site’s dress code
Stealing or lying
Failure to notify the Program of any criminal arrest or convictions that occurs during service
Please review Policies and Procedures and Agreement of Participation for additional Violations
33. 33 Prohibited Activities Engaging in religious instruction
Conducting worship services
Providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship
Constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship
Maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship
Engaging in any form of religious proselytizing
Leading children in singing religious hymns
Taking part in political demonstrations or rallies
Please review Prohibited Activities in Policies and Procedures for a complete listing of prohibited activities
34. 34 Prohibited ActivitiesFundraising At no time should Fellows prepare any part of grant proposals or perform other fundraising functions to help achieve a match requirement or pay an organization’s general operating expenses.
Activities Permitted by Fellows:
Soliciting supplies form local businesses for a direct service project (i.e. - solicit cans of paint from a store near a work site to meet a need)
Organize a “Serv-a-thon” in which Promise Fellows recruit individuals to obtain sponsors in advance of an approved direct service project
No more than 10% of a Fellow’s total service hours (170 hours) can be dedicated to fundraising activities
35. 35 Disciplinary Procedures Enforced when a Fellow violates the Rules of Conduct, including Prohibited Activities
Must be done in partnership with DJJDP
Progressive discipline procedure
36. 36 Progressive DisciplineFirst Offense Fellow to receive verbal warning detailing the offense/area of concern.
Must be summarized and documented in a formal written letter to the Fellow
Fellow to acknowledge receipt of letter
Letter sent to DJJDP
37. 37 Progressive DisciplineSecond Offense Fellow to receive a written warning detailing offense
Must be documented in a formal letter to the Fellow
Disciplinary Consequences May be invoked:
Suspension from placement without hours and/or living stipend
Additional training or educational hours
Apologies or other restitution as determined by Program Officials
38. 38 Progressive DisciplineThird Offense Fellow may be released “for cause” by DJJDP
Host Site or DJJDP may issue a final written reprimand and invoke one or more of disciplinary consequences listed with second offense
39. 39 Progressive DisciplineFourth Offense Should the third offense result in final written reprimand, fourth offense will result in release for cause
40. 40 Immediate Termination of Service The Program will release the Fellow from the term of service if:
Fellow has dropped out of the program without obtaining a release for compelling personal circumstances from the appropriate Program Official
Fellow has been charged/convicted with a violent felony or the sale/distribution of a controlled substance
Fellow has committed a “Third or Fourth” offense in accordance with the disciplinary policy.
Fellow is unable to fulfill duties of service as described in the placement as awarded the Host Site and as understood by the Fellow
Any other serious breach of the agreement
41. 41 Drug-Free Workplace Act In accordance with the Drug Free Workplace Act Promise Fellows should understand the following:
(i) The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the Host Site;
(ii) Conviction of any criminal drug statute must be reported immediately to the Host Site Supervisor and DJJDP (AmeriCorp Program Director)
(iii) The Fellow’s participation is conditioned upon compliance with the notice requirements; and
(iv) Certain actions will be taken against employees and Fellows for violation of such prohibitions.
42. 42 Grievance Procedures Grievance Procedures are used to resolve disputes concerning the Fellow’s suspension, dismissal, service evaluation or proposed service agreement.
A grievance compliant must be submitted in writing to the Host Site Supervisor within 5 business days in which the Host Site Supervisor must respond in 5 business days to the compliant.
The Host Site Supervisor shall inform the AmeriCorps Program Director in writing and the actions taken.
If the Fellow is not satisfied with the response, a written appeal should be made to the AmeriCorps Program Director within 5 business days.
A response to this appeal shall be made within 30 calendar days.
43. 43 Grievance Procedures(continued) If the Fellow is not satisfied the response, a written appeal should be made to the DJJDP Community Grants Program Manager within 5 business days, with copies to all who have been involved in the process.
A) A response to this appeal shall be made within 60 calendar days.
B) Any grievance that has followed the above procedures shall be regarded as final and binding.
Copies of all grievance correspondence shall be kept in the Fellow’s personnel file.
44. 44 Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is available as a first option within 45 days of the event.
If a Fellow chooses to use ADR as a first option, a neutral party designated by the DJJDP shall attempt to facilitate a mutually agreeable solution to the problem.
ADR is confidential, non-binding and informal. No communications or proceedings of ADR may be referred to at later arbitration stages.
The neutral party shall not participate in subsequent hearings.
If ADR is chosen by the Fellow, the 30 day deadline for convening a hearing shall be withheld until the conclusion of ADR.
If ADR is chosen by the Fellow, the 60 day deadline for a hearing decision shall be withheld until the conclusion of ADR.
If ADR does not resolve the matter within 30 calendar days, the neutral party must again notify the Fellow of his or her right to request a hearing.
45. 45 GRIEVANCE HEARING If ADR is selected and fails to result in a mutually agreeable resolution, the Fellow may request a grievance hearing
The Fellow shall make a written request for a hearing to the AmeriCorps Program Director
A request for a hearing must be made within one year after the date of the alleged occurrence except for fraud and criminal activity
A hearing must be held no later than 30 days after the filing of the grievance, except for fraud or criminal activity.
A written decision must be made no later than 60 calendar days after filing.
46. 46 BINDING ARBRITATION A Fellow may request binding arbitration if the grievance hearing is adverse or if no decision is made with 60 days of the filing of the grievance as referenced in Section III (3).
The arbitrator must be independent and selected by agreement of the parties.
If the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator, the Corporation for National and Community Service will appoint an arbitrator within 15 calendar days after receipt of a written request from DJJDP.
Arbitration must be held within 45 calendar days after DJJDP receives the request for arbitration, or no later than 30 calendar days after the appointment of an arbitrator by the Corporation for National and Community Service An arbitration decision shall be made no later than 30 calendar days after the commencement of the arbitration proceedings
Arbitration can be a costly process. The National Community Services Trust Act requires the cost of arbitration to be split evenly between the Fellow and DJJDP AmeriCorps grant, unless the aggrieved party prevails, in which case DJJDP AmeriCorps program will pay for the total cost of the proceeding.
47. 47 Host Site Supervisor Responsibilities
Read and acknowledge AmeriCorps Policies and Procedures
Read, complete, and adhere to Host Site Participation Agreement
Develop a work plan outlining the Fellow’s service activities during the period of October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008
Develop a training calendar to include training topics relevant to the Fellow’s service activities in fulfillment of the term of service and approved work plan (Training hours cannot exceed 340 hours, or 20%, of total hours
Submit work plans and training calendars with the Fellow’s Participation Agreement
48. 48 Host Site Supervisor Responsibilities Review for accuracy, sign, and submit their Fellows required time sheets, reports, and travel reimbursements
Provide daily supervision to assist in developing and implementing monthly activities, provide guidance on recruitment strategies/tools, implementation of the FIVE PROMISES, and any other personnel issues including but not limited to: accuracy of timesheets and reports, appropriate dress, or punctuality.
Schedule weekly supervision Promise Fellow to review projects, needs, and offer support.
49. 49 Host Site Supervisor Responsibilities Provide Fellow with an orientation to the Governor’s One-on-One Program host site
Provide supervision and mentoring to assist the Fellow in developing baseline professional working skills (i.e. - writing/memo skills, time management, computer skills)
Provide copies of CPR and First Aid certification to Program Director. Fellows must receive training prior to being matched with a youth, or within 60 days of placement.
Ensure that Fellows attend mandatory quarterly meetings, DJJDP Annual Conference, AmeriCorps related events, and any other events as scheduled by the Program Director
50. 50 Host Site Supervisor Responsibilities Notify in writing of any potential or actual liability due to on-site accidents (including issues of transportation) or claims.
Provide adequate office space an office supplies at all times. Fellows should have access to a computer, printer, copier, telephone, a desk, and materials for marketing/recruitment.
Understand that in a state or national emergency, the AmeriCorps Promise Fellow may be deployed to Raleigh to participate in disaster relief efforts for up to four days.
Will receive 4 DJJDP on-site monitoring visits during the program year and possibly a visit from the NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service
Promote or display AmeriCorps sign/logo
Ensure that Promise Fellows do not perform routine duties of the Administrative Assistant, Program Director/Coordinator, or other program staff
Conduct performance appraisals on the Fellow
51. 51 AmeriCorps Promise Fellow Reporting Monthly (Due by 5th )
Travel Reimbursements and Cover Sheet
($ 48.5 cents per mile)
Promise Fellow Monthly Reports
Recruitment Tracking
Monthly Narrative
52. 52 Guidelines for Reports All Reports must be completed electronically, printed, and then signed
If reports must be done manually (extenuating circumstances), then they must be completed in pen. Pencil will not be accepted.
WHITE-OUT is NOT accepted for making corrections. Information needing correction must be crossed out, corrections must be initialed and dated.
53. 53 Resources Office of State Budget and Management (www.osbm.state.nc.us)
For information on subsistence payment rates for Mileage Reimbursement, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Lodging.
Breakfast 7.50
Lunch 9.75
Dinner 16.75
Lodging 63.75
Effective as of July 1, 2007
54. 54 Questions?