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How To Improve Website’s UIUX Design For Maximum Conversion Rate

This PPT about give ideas about How To Improve Websiteu2019s UI/UX Design For Maximum Conversion Rate. A good UI/UX design includes much more than an intuitive user flow and an eye-popping layout. A great User Experience will instantly elevate the browsing experience of the users. if you want to increase the conversion rate of your website then go through the whole article.

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How To Improve Website’s UIUX Design For Maximum Conversion Rate

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  1. HowToImproveWebsite’s UI/UXDesignForMaximum ConversionRate? SHIVLAB.COM.AU

  2. UI/UXdesignisthemajorfactorofanywebsite.UI/UXdesignisthe process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, efficiency,andaccessibilityofawebsite.Also,theconversionrateis directlyproportionaltotheUI/UXdesignofthewebsite.Hence,the mainemphasisofbusinessesistohirethebestUI/UXdesigner. But, a good UI/UXdesign includes much more than an intuitive user flow and an eye-popping layout. A great User Experience will instantlyelevatethebrowsingexperienceoftheusers.This,inturn, willleadtomoretrafficandanincreaseinconversions. Improving your User Experience will convert visitors into leads, buyers,andbrandadvocates.

  3. Here are 4 ways on how to improvetheUserExperienceof yourwebsite:

  4. Call to Action(CTA)are the buttons that are used in a website to guide users towards conversion. The most common CTAs are: Start a trial, to sign up for updates, to download the app,bookaconsultationandmanyothers. UsingaclearandattractiveCalltoActionbuttonimprovestheuserexperienceofanywebsite. TheCalltoActionattributeshouldbeplacedoneverypageofthewebsite.Ithasbeenobserved that websites which have a clear CTA have higher conversion rates. Having a clear CTA also improvestheoveralluserexperience. Moreover,ifyourwebsiteisdesignedinfolds,itisimportanttokeepyourCalltoActionabove the fold so that it is easily visible to the users. Here are a few things that you should keep in mind: The colour of CTA matters. Using colours can make the CTA stand out and gives them more prominence. Use contrasting colours in CTA’s as compared to the colour scheme of the entire webpage. The CTA text should be action-oriented. Avoid using passive verbs in the text. The text should besubtleyetactiveenoughtoprompttheusertotaketherequestedaction. WhilewritingtheCalltoActiontext,thewordcountshouldnotbemorethanfivewords. Hence, a clear and visible Call to Action in your web design is imperative to a great User Experience. 1.DesignaClearCalltoAction Button

  5. Whilesearching,usersgenerallyexpecttolandontheexactspecificpagetheyweresearching for. In case they land an error, a 404 error in most cases, they will navigate to another site in theirsearchforafasterservice. Well,404errorshavethecapabilitytodriveusersawayfromyourwebpage.But,Iunderstand, 404errorsarenotcompletelyunavoidable.So,howdoyoutackletheproblem? Thefirststepistofindoutforwhichsearchesthe404errorsaredisplayedandthenfixthemas soonaspossible. Ratherthanallowingyoursitetonavigatetothestandard‘404error:pagecannotbedisplayed’ page,personalizetheerrormessagessothatusersfindthemfriendlyandappealing. Userelevant,entertainingandpleasingimagesontheerrorpagetoreducetheannoyance causedtotheuser. Makeitcleartotheusersthatyouwillprovideacomfortableandsmoothbrowsingexperience. Toachievethat,customizetheerrortextandaddapersonaltouchtoit. Whileitisnotpossibletocompletelyeliminatetheerrormessages,fixingthesenofounderrors willbringyouonestepclosertowardsdesigningagoodUX. 2.CatchYour404Errors

  6. Imagesinstantlyliftupanywebpageandmakethecontentvisuallyappealing.But,thekindof imageyouchoose,canmaketheoveralldesignofthepageappeargoodorbad. Rule—Stayawayfromstockphotos,always.Whileitischeapandextremelyeasytousestock photos,trustme,itwilldomoreharmthangood. Stock images might look professional, but, within no time the users will be able to make out thatthesearestockimagesandthusloseinterest. Originalphotosdrawmorevisitorsastheyhavearealisticapproachtothemandtheusercan connectwiththem.Whereasstockimagesareoverusedanddon’tappealtotheusers. One more thing to keep in mind is that using stock photos will send across a message to the surethatyouhavenotinvestedmucheffortindesigningthewebsite.Also,itwon’tlookunique astheymighthavealreadyseenitsomewhereelse. So, always use authentic images, no matter how basic and simple they might look. But, stay awayfromstockphotos. 3.UseAuthenticImages

  7. If your webpage loads slowly, it will frustrate the users who will eventually abandon your websiteandmoveontoanothersitethathasafasterloadingtime. Ithasbeenobservedthat if yourpagetakesmorethan2secondsto load, theuserleavesthe website.Also,basedontheloadingtimeofyourwebsite,usersdecidewhethertofurthervisit yoursiteormoveontoanothersite. So, if the landing page of your website is slow, there is a high chance that the user might not evengothroughyourwebsite. Remember, just improving the page load speed of the website for desktop is not enough. It is importanttooptimizeformobileusersaswell.Withthemobile-firstapproachbeingpromoted by Google, optimizing and designing your webpage for mobile users has to be done without fail. There are many online tools that can help you check whether your website delivers a speedy userexperienceacrossallplatforms.OneofthemisPageSpeedInsightsbyGoogle.Usingthis tool, if you enter the URL of the site you want to check, Google will highlight the areas where yourpagespeedisweakandalsogivesuggestionsonhowyoucanimprove. 4.FasterPageLoadingTime

  8. Tosumup: A great User Experience is not just about providing useful information. Rather, it includesprovidingusefulinformationinanengagingandpleasingmanner.Nomatter howgoodyourserviceorproductis;ifitisnotabletocatchtheusersattention,itis notenough. Hence, invest time and efforts and to create an engaging website design. Rest assured,yourfocusandeffortsonimprovingtheUserExperienceofyourwebsitewill surelygeneratemoretrafficandimproveconversionrates.

  9. ContactUs +61452450962 projects@shivlab.com.au shivlab.com.au 2/23FosterStreet,SurryHills, NSW2010Australia.

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