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web development

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web development

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  1. Web development Introduction for web development Web development is designed to begin your path toward future education in web development and design, no matter how limited experience or professional knowledge you currently have. The web is a very large place, and if you are an average internet user, you probably visit several websites every day, whether for profession, production, or training. How are they built? How browsers, computers, and mobile devices interact with the web. What skills are necessary to build a website? Almost 1 billion websites are now on the internet, the solutions to these problems could be your first step toward a better thought of the internet and catching a new set of internet skills. At the end of this blog, you’ll be able to describe the composition and functionality of the world wide web, create dynamic web pages using a combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, apply essential programming language concepts when creating HTML forms, select a relevant web hosting service, and publish your webpages for the world to see. Process of web development 1) Information Gathering, 2) Planning, 3) Design, 4) Content Writing and Assembly, 5) Coding, 6) Testing, Review and Launch,

  2. 7) Maintenance. 1. Information Gathering That stage, the stage of discovering and researching, determines how the after steps will look like. The most crucial task at this point is to get a clear perception of your future website ideas, the main goals you wish to get, and the target audience you want to attract to your site. Such a sort of a website development survey helps to elaborate on the best strategy for further project management. News portal varies from the entertainment websites, and online resources for teenagers seem unconventional than sites for adults. Various types of websites provide visitors with various functionality, which means that different technologies should be used according to purposes. 2) Planning, At that stage of the website development cycle, the developer creates the data that allows a customer to decide how the entire site will look like. Based on the information that was collected together in the previous phase, the sitemap is created. 3) Design, During the design phase, your website takes shape. All these visual content, such as images, photos, and videos is designed at this step. Once again, all the info that was gathered through the first phase is essential.

  3. The client and target public must be kept in mind while you work on a design. The website design is the result of a creator's work. It can be a graphic plan or an actual graphic design. The layout is to describe the information structure, visualize the content, and indicate the basic functionality. Designs include colours, logos, images and can give a common knowledge of the future product. 4) Content Writing and Assembly, Content writing and editing usually overlay with other stages of website creation, and its role can’t be underestimated. On this step, it is necessary to put in drafting the very essence you’d like to communicate to the viewers of your website and add calls-to-action. As a rule, the client tries to provide website content ready to transfer on the site. 5) Coding, At this level, you can eventually start building the website itself. Graphical components that have been created during the previous stages should be used to create an actual website. Normally, the home page is designed first, and then all sub-pages are added, according to the website hierarchy

  4. that was previously created in the form of a sitemap. Frameworks and CMS should be executed to make sure that the server can handle the installation and set-up smoothly. All static web page components that were created during the mock-up and layout should be created and tested. Then, special features and interactivity should be added. Deep knowledge of every website development technology that you’re going to use is crucial at this phase. When you use CMS for site production, you can further install CMS plugins at this step if there’s a need. 6) Testing, Review and Launch, Testing is apparently the most conventional part of a process. Every single link should be examined to make sure that there are no broken ones among them. You should check each form, every script, run spell-check software to find potential typos. Use code validators to check if your code reflects the current web standards. Valid code is important, for example, if cross-browser compatibility is essential for you. After you review and verify your website, it’s time to upload it to a server. An FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server is used for that purpose. 7) Maintenance. What’s essential to cherish is that a website is more of a service than a product. This is not enough to “present” a website to a user. You should also make sure that everything operates fine, and everybody is satisfied and always be able to make changes in another case. The feedback system added to the site will allow you to identify possible dilemmas that the end-users face. The most crucial priority task, in this case, is to fix the query as fast as you can. If you don’t, you may find out

  5. that your users prefer to use another website rather than put up with the inconvenience.

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