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fat in food

fat in food. What is fat in food?. Is sugar the same as fat? No, sugar is a simple carbohydrate. How can you tell if a food is high in FAT?. Greasy Squishy Shiny Creamy Oily Smooth Slippery Tender Rich Buttery Refried.

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fat in food

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  1. fat in food

  2. What is fat in food? • Is sugar the same as fat? • No, sugar is a simple carbohydrate.

  3. How can you tell if a food is high in FAT? Greasy Squishy Shiny Creamy Oily Smooth Slippery Tender Rich Buttery Refried

  4. Functions of fat: • Flavor in Food • Satiety (feeling full when you eat) • Storage energy for the body • Stores vitamins k, a, d, e • Natural oils in hair and skin (Essential fatty acids) • Body warmth/protection

  5. SATURATED FATS: • Solid at room temperature • Butter, white fat on meat, shortening, lard • High in cholesterol • Sources: animals and animal products • beef, chicken, pork • eggs, whole milk, cream, butter • Exception: trans fats • hydrogenated oils including: shortening, margarine, peanut butter

  6. UNSATURATED FATS: • Liquid oils at room temperature • Heart Healthy- no cholesterol • Essential fatty acids • Food sources: plants and seafood • seeds and nuts (peanuts, sesame) • vegetable oils (olive, soybean, corn, avocado) • fish and shellfish- Omega 3 • Exception: coconut oil

  7. What’s the big deal about eating fat? • Fat has 9 kcalories in 1 gram of fat. • Americans eat 40% of their diet from fat. • Trans fats lead to coronary heart disease. • Raise LDL cholesterol- life threatening • Lower HDL cholesterol- helps the body Also at risk for: Obesity Type 2 Diabetes Cancer High cholesterol liver dysfunction infertility

  8. Recommendations: • Eat 65 grams of fat a day or less. • Eat 25-35% fat or less, with saturated fat 10% or less. • Eat 20% fat to lose weight. • Eat as few trans fats as possible. • Eat 300 milligrams of cholesterol a day or less. • Oils are in. Eat more fish, nuts and vegetable oils.

  9. How can you know if a food is high in fat? • Check out the Food Label: Calories from Fat: Total Fat grams (g): Saturated Fat, Trans Fat Mono-Unsaturated Fat, Poly-Unsaturated Fat Cholesterol (mg): List of ingredients: hydrogenated refried oil butter cream milk-fat

  10. How to cut the fat, but not flavor • Choose lean meats and low-fat dairy products. • Use only half of the fat required in the recipe. • Substitute low-fat ingredients. • Cut the white fat off of meat/poultry. • Soak up oils with a paper towel. • Balance high fat foods with naturally low-fat vegetables, fruits, and grains.

  11. How can we know if a food has 30% fat or less? Divide the calories from fat by the total calories List the calories from fat: 30 Divide by total calories: 90 30/90 = .333 Multiply by 100 = 33.3% Is the food more or less than 30%? If less, than the food meets the fat requirement.

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