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TF-VVC Activity Area K: IP Telephony Deployments

TF-VVC Activity Area K: IP Telephony Deployments. Dr. Saverio Niccolini Research Staff Member now @ Network Laboratories, NEC Europe Ltd. (saverio.niccolini@netlab.nec.de). TF-VVC Activity Areas. Activity Area K: IP telephony deployments Work Items:

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TF-VVC Activity Area K: IP Telephony Deployments

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  1. TF-VVC Activity Area K:IP Telephony Deployments Dr. Saverio Niccolini Research Staff Member now @ Network Laboratories, NEC Europe Ltd. (saverio.niccolini@netlab.nec.de)

  2. TF-VVC Activity Areas • Activity Area K: IP telephony deployments • Work Items: • Survey about the existing IP telephony deployments • leader - Saverio Niccolini, NEC Europe Ltd. • Recommendations on how to connect different nodes • leader - Saverio Niccolini, NEC Europe Ltd. • Setting up SIP.edu services • leader - Erik Dobbelsteijn, SURFnet VoIP WS @ TNC2005 - POZNAN - JUNE 2005

  3. Survey: existing IP telephony deployments • Survey document is considered to be ready • document circulated in the mailing list and no more comments received • Questions about • details of the deployment • web-site • domains that are supported • compliance with SIP.edu • calling preferences (by URI, by number based dial plan) • linking of IP Telephony with the PSTN world (inbound/outbound) • usage of SRV records, NAPTR record • usage of ENUM (trees, prefixes) • usage of SW/HW (suggested or users free to choose) • dimension of the deployment itself (per protocol) • linking withH.323 GDS • usage of video in addition to voice • usage of FW/NAT traversal methods • legal issues implications (lawful interception: call details, wiretap) • consideration on security implications (DoS, SPIT, etc.) • usage of methods for authentication/authorization • usage of white pages or phone books VoIP WS @ TNC2005 - POZNAN - JUNE 2005

  4. Survey: existing IP telephony deployments • Problems: • is the Survey really interesting to TF-VVC? • if yes, I hope this Survey is already PERFECT because I have received really few comments! • if no, let’s drop it and save our time • Given that the Survey is interesting • I would like to find a way to reach the bigger audience possible • not only NRENs • also research institutions • also R&D related to industry (like the lab where I work) • Ideas on how to achieve such an objective (thanks to Egon) • Each TF-VVC member should take the responsibility to distribute this in its own constituency (I agree) • 4 ways (for each TF-VVC NREN and University representative) • send it yourself to the technical leads of deployment sites you know of; • send it to local mailing lists you know technical people with IP Telephony deployments are subscribed to; • send it to your general contact persons (this is not the preferred solution as many will stay unanswered because they land on the wrong desks); • if you are not the IP Telephony person, but are a participant in TF-VVC while your colleague is not, send it to the IP Telephony specialist in your own organization and ask him/her to send it to his/her contact persons. • Collect the answers and send them back to me • Let’s define some deadline otherwise the Survey will never be completed • it is about two months that the Survey is ready and no people doing anything about it (ignoring mail on the mailing list) VoIP WS @ TNC2005 - POZNAN - JUNE 2005

  5. Recommendations on how to connect different deployments • After the deployments are detailed in the Survey • What if people want to dial each other? • in the H.323 works there is VideNet and the Global Dialing Scheme (unified numbering plan for H.323 zones, including options to connect to PSTN, only in few places) • Something similar to H.323 GDS for the SIP world? • A SIP GDS (static routing) is the easiest way to start • Is ENUM the (only) way to go? • if yes, which ENUM hierarchy then (since there are many but not one golden one)? • ENUM (layer 9 problem) vs. private ENUM • Or is there something else? • what about using TRIP? VoIP WS @ TNC2005 - POZNAN - JUNE 2005

  6. Recommendations on how to connect different deployments • Discussion started (but not finished) • Ben Teitelbaum (Internet2) • Stephen Kingham (AARNET) • Tyler Johnson (VideNet) • Erik Dobbelsteijn (SURFNET) • Egon Verharen (SURFNET) • Latest addition to the discussion • Wojciech Nawrot (PNSC) • Joao Pereira (FCCN) • Saverio Niccolini (NEC) • Is difficult to extend the discussion to an open mailing list • if you are interested contact me or Egon and we can try to introduce in the discussion updating you on the last results • once we have something that looks like reasonable we come to the TF-VVC mailing list and discuss the pros/cons VoIP WS @ TNC2005 - POZNAN - JUNE 2005

  7. Setting up SIP.edu services • SIP.EDU (http://www.internet2.edu/sip.edu/) • we had a presentation from Ben Teitelbaum (Internet2) • All recommendations are on the web and easy to implement • contact Internet2 if you want to join • The idea is to move toward a SIP.e(d)u deployment • somehow evolving from SIP.edu • still in discussion (Erik Dobbelsteijn (SURFNET)) is the leader for this • some step forward already presented by SWITCH (SIP Infoday, January2005, Zurich) VoIP WS @ TNC2005 - POZNAN - JUNE 2005

  8. That’s all! Questions? VoIP WS @ TNC2005 - POZNAN - JUNE 2005

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