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How to Maintain a Positive Relationship withCSS
How to Maintain a Positive Relationship with CSS When I first started coding, I had a terrible relationship with CSS. I've always preferred working on JavaScript and getting my apps to work before styling them. Because of my aversion to CSS, I saw myself as a JavaScript developer rather than a Frontend Developer. That has changed; I no longer see myself in that light. I think it's safe to say that I adore CSS (a lot, actually). When developing an app, I now prefer to style it before implementing any logic. Moral of the story: Anyone can be great at CSS. If CSS is a challenge for you right now, you can improve by doing the right things.So, in no particular order, here are some things you can do to improve your CSS skills. Learn and understand CSS CSS should be learned and understood.CSS syntax is straightforward. I mean, it doesn't take many lines of code to change the background colour of an element to green. Many people expect it to be simple to use because of its simplicity.Yes, CSS is simple to use if you understand the rules that govern CSS and how
styles are applied. It's simple if you know which CSS properties can be used for what. It is simple if you understand CSS specificity and why your CSS rules may not apply to some elements. If you know CSS, debugging your styles is simple. That being said, learning CSS is essential for improving your CSS skills. Learn the fundamentals of CSS, such as the CSS box model, padding, margin, specificity, positioning, and so on. Advance to more advanced topics such as CSS transitions, animations, flexbox, grid, and so on. To truly understand CSS, read a CSS book, take a CSS course, read CSS articles on a regular basis, sign up for CSS newsletters,do CSS quiz and do more. This brings us to another point that can really help you improve your CSS skills. Ditch the CSS libraries A friend gave me this piece of advice, which I believe is among the best I've ever received. It compelled me to return and thoroughly study CSS. So, instead of using Bootstrap, Bulma, or any other library, use vanilla CSS for your projects. Okay, not entirely. They can sometimes speed up our work. My point is that learning CSS is essential before learning to use them. Learning how to use a library without first understanding how it works is analogous to learning React without first understanding JavaScript. It may make your life difficult at some point. If you want to improve your relationship with CSS, you should try to work without these libraries. As a result, you'll have a thorough understanding of CSS and how it works.To gain more flexibility when using these libraries, examine their code, the styles they employ, and experiment with changing these styles. They'll be more helpful this way. Understand how to debug your code. The Inspector feature in browsers is a life saver for frontend developers. Learn how to apply it. Debugging your code using your browser's inspector will make it easier and faster for you.When you encounter a bug, use your inspector to determine which CSS rule is being used. You can do a lot with the inspector tool in your browser. You can see all CSS rules and the order in which they are applied, edit your HTML, add styles to any element, and even pseudo-classes. Instead of first implementing your fixes in your IDE, test it in the browser to see if it works. Then return to your IDE and make the necessary changes. This will save you a lot of time. Learn to name your classes properly Correctly naming your CSS classes will save you hours of debugging time. It assists you in avoiding errors that may occur with classes with similar names. For example, naming a class title may appear acceptable, but is that the only title you will ever have in your CSS file? It is preferable to use more specific names, such as post-title or card-title.It may be difficult to keep track of all the CSS class names you have used if your names are not specific. Because you used an already used class name, you may end up with unwanted styles applied to an element.Following a naming convention, such as BEM, SMACSS, or OOCSS, simplifies the process of selecting class names. Even if you don't want to strictly adhere to it, learn the governing principles, apply these principles, and stick to a pattern. Do it for yourself and for the person who may be in charge of maintaining your code in the future.
Practice! Practice!! Practice!!! Nothing compares to practise. When you work on more UI designs with different features and layouts, you gain experience. You will become stuck on a variety of issues, particularly those that you have never done before. However, once you figure it out, working on similar tasks will take you less time in the future.Always take on difficult UI designs and work on them. You'll improve faster this way. Improve Skill with CSS Quiz- The multiple-choice questions (MCQs) about CSS are available in the online CSS quiz. You must read each of the provided answers and select the one that is accurate. If you're unsure of the response, click the Show Answer option to verify it. To check a new set of quiz questions, press the Next Quiz button. Last Words Find out why a CSS solution works if you find it on StackOverflow, Codepen, or any other forum. Avoid copying and pasting unnecessary styles. They could be the source of any bugs you encounter later.Don't be intimidated by the number of things you need to learn. CSS is constantly being updated with new features. Make sure you understand the fundamentals first, then continue to learn and expand your knowledge.