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Can you identify people in your organisation who do not have the title of leader but you consider to be leaders anyway? Why do you consider them as such? How would you describe your value added as a manager/leader (your personal value not the the value of your role)?

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  1. Can you identify people in your organisation who do not have the title of leader but you consider to be leaders anyway? Why do you consider them as such? • How would you describe your value added as a manager/leader (your personal value not the the value of your role)? • Being a follower (as opposed to a leader) means giving up some of our freedom to act (whether willingly when we decide to follow or unwillingly when we are allocated a leader at work) in return for something they can provide. What is it that you have given up to follow your manager/leader and what do you hope for in return? A allwch ddynodi pobl yn eich sefydliad heb deitl arweinydd ond yr ystyriwch eu bod yn arweinwyr beth bynnag? Pam eich bod yn eu hystyried felly? Sut fyddech chi'n disgrifio eich gwerth ychwanegol fel rheolydd/arweinydd (eich gwerth personol nid gwerth eich rôl)? Mae bod yn ddilynwr (yn hytrach nag yn arweinydd) yn golygu rhoi'r gorau i beth o'n rhyddid i weithredu (p'un ai'n barod pan benderfynwn ddilyn neu'n amharod pan ddyrennir arweinydd i ni yn y gwaith) yn ôl am rywbeth y gallant ei gyflenwi. Beth ydych chi wedi rhoi'r gorau iddo i ddilyn eich rheolwr/arweinydd a beth y gobeithiwch ei gael am wneud hynny?

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