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Konjunktiv II mit modal Verben Subjunctive mood with modals

Konjunktiv II mit modal Verben Subjunctive mood with modals.

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Konjunktiv II mit modal Verben Subjunctive mood with modals

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  1. Konjunktiv II mit modal Verben Subjunctive mood with modals When the subjunctive mood is used in the present perfect with a modal verb, an interesting change occurs. Instead of using the past participle of the first verb along with the subjunctive of the helping verb as in Example number 1, a double infinitive occurs with the modal verb coming last as in Example 2. Ichhätte das gesagt. = I would have said that. Subjunctive form of helping verb Past Participle of secondary verb Ichhätte das sagenkönnen. = I would have been able to say that. Subjunctive form of helping verb Infinitive form of modal verb Infinitive form of secondary verb

  2. Pass auf! When used like this with modal verbs, the helping verb will always be hätte, even if the verb is a verb that would otherwise use wäre as the helping verb. Ichwäregegangen. = I would have gone. Ichhättegehenkönnen. = I would have been able to go.

  3. Let’s review the meanings of the modal verbs in their infinitive forms. have to müssen sollen wollen dürfen mögen können supposed to want to allowed to like to be able to

  4. Was bedeutendieseSätze? Ichhätte das machenkönnen. Ichhätte das machenwollen. Ichhätte das machenmögen. Ichhätte das machendürfen. Ichhätte das machensollen. Ichhätte das machenmüssen. I would have been able to do that. I would have wanted to do that. I would have liked to do that. I would have been allowed to do that. I should have done that. I would have had to do that.

  5. Übungen • 1) Ichhättekommenkönnen, wenn du michgefragthättest. • 2) Erhättegehenwollen, wennwirihneingeladenhätten. (eingeladen – invited) • 3) Siehättespielendürfen, wennsieIhreArbeitgetanhätte. • 4) Ichhätteeinen Computer kaufenmögen, wennich das Geld gehabthätte. • 5) Du hättest das nichtmachensollen. • 6) Ichhätte das sagendürfen. • 7) Wohinhättestdu fahrenwollen? I would have been able to come, if you would have asked me. He would have wanted to go, if we would have invited him. She would have been allowed to play, if she would have done her work. I would have liked to buy a computer, if I would have had the money. You should not have done that. I would have been allowed to say that. Where would you have wanted to driveto?

  6. Übungen What would you have been able to do? (machen – to do) I would have been allowed to see the film, if I would have done my homework. (die Hausaufgabe – homework / der Film / sehen / machen) He would have wanted to see that. We should have invited her. (einladen – to invite) Would you have been able to say no, if he would have asked you? (sagen /fragen) What would you have been allowed to say? Was hättest du machenkönnen? Ichhätte den Film sehendürfen, wennichmeineHausaufgabegemachthätte. Erhätte das sehenwollen. Wirhättensieeinladensollen. Hättest du ,,nein” sagenkönnen, wennerdichgefragthätte? Was hättest du sagendürfen?

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