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RDA for Law Catalogers:

RDA for Law Catalogers:. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities George Prager New York University Law School Library July 21, 2012 (revised July 31, 2012). Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities. Overview of presentation: What is a work, an expression, a new work?

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  1. RDA for Law Catalogers:

    Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities George Prager New York University Law School Library July 21, 2012 (revised July 31, 2012)
  2. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Overview of presentation: What is a work, an expression, a new work? Statutory authority: RDA vs. LCPS Differentiating works and expressions Relating works and expressions We could speak for days on each of these topics. Luckily for you, I just have 30 minutes!
  3. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities What is a work? RDA glossary: Work = A distinct intellectual or artistic creation (i.e., the intellectual or artistic content) What is an expression?: RDA glossary: “the intellectual or artistic realization of a work in the form of alpha-numeric, musical, or choreographic notation, sound, image, object, movement, etc., or any combination of such forms.” What is a new work?: RDA/LCPS 6.1.3 gives guidance, based on mode of issuance (single or multipart monographs, serials, and integrating resources. See also RDA Adaptations and revisions, and Commentaries: RDA Many grey areas; use cataloger’s judgment!
  4. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Brief excursus on statutory authority: RDA has “instructions” (AACR2 “rules”) + alternatives Library of Congress policy statements (LCPS): Successor to LC rule interpretations (LCRIs) Many labeled “LC practice”: LC policy in following RDA’s different alternatives, or LC practice if different than RDA instructions: No need to follow unless you work for LC or creating authority records
  5. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Brief excursus on statutory authority (cont.): PCC reviewing LC practice decisions: Some LCPS now: LC practice/PCC practice Some just as: PCC practice Will take several more months to review and record all PCC decisions LCPS will be retitled: LC-PCC policy statements will be two separate sets of policy statements may be available from RDA Toolkit
  6. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Brief excursus on statutory authority (cont.): Non-PCC records in WorldCat must still adhere to OCLC guidelines Non-PCC records not required to follow PCC statements (though recommended) When no LC or PCC statements, all libraries free to follow RDA as written, including any RDA alternatives
  7. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Differentiating works: Differentiation: data describing resource should differentiate that resource from other resources (RDA RDA(0.6.3; distinguishes all works with same or similar preferred title LC practice:limits to all works that have the same authorized access point (AAP) Results in less conflict situations
  8. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Differentiating works (cont): Three choices: Add elements to access point for work Add as separate elements Can add even when no need to differentiate Add to both access point and as separate elements RDA does not specify bibliographic or authority records
  9. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Differentiating works (cont.): Record as many of the additional identifying elements listed below as necessary in AAP and/or separately (RDA 0.6.3) : Form of work (380 bib & authority) Date of work (046 $k and $l authority) Place of origin of work (370 $g authority) Other distinguishing characteristics of work (381 bib and authority)
  10. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Differentiating works (cont.): LC practice: Always add additions to access point Identifying elements added to work headings not separately subfielded in MARC 21 a. Form of work (RDA 6.3)= class or genre to which a work belongs. No controlled list Nutcracker(Choreographic work)
  11. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Differentiating works (cont.): b. Date of work (RDA 6.4). Usually year alone, except for treaties: Dublin magazine (1762) c. Place of origin of the work (RDA 6.5): Country or other territorial jurisdiction from which work originated: use form in Chapter 16 & abbreviations in Appendix B.2: Advocate (Nairobi, Kenya)
  12. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Differentiating works (cont.): d. Other distinguishing characteristics of the work (RDA 6.6 & 6.21): another characteristic that differentiates a work from another work with same title or from name of a person, family, or corporate body. Often name of an issuing body or jurisdiction Bulletin (New York State Museum)
  13. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Constructing the authorized access point: First choose the preferred title by following the general instructions in RDA and (if applicable) legal instructions in 6.19.2 Then apply general instructions for formulating AAPs under 6.27.1-3 and legal rules 6.29
  14. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Different expressions of same work: RDA 0.6.3: Add identifying elements to the AAP for the work, or: Add as separate elements in other parts of the record, or both Use any of the choices given in RDA 6.9-6.12 (content type, date of expression, language of expression, and/or other distinguishing characteristics of the expression)
  15. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Different expressions of same work (cont.): Content type $h in access point (also 336 bib and auth) Date of expression $f in access point (also 046 $k and $l auth) Language of expression $l in access point (also 377 auth)
  16. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Different expressions of same work (cont.): LC practice: Identify expressions by adding expression attribute to AAP for the work onlyin following cases: 1. Music resources (RDA 6.28.3) 2. Sacred scriptures (RDA 6.30.3); 3. Translations (LCPS 6.27.3); 4. Language editions (LCPS 6.27.3) 5. Compilations whose preferred title is a conventional collective title beginning with “Works” (LCPS 6.27.3)
  17. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities But: two French translations of Hamlet—not differentiated by LC. Other elements in the bibliographic record (e.g., translator, date, medium of performance) help user select specific expression PCC policy undecided: new PCC Task Group on Access Points for Expressions will come up with recommendations
  18. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Relationships (RDA Data should indicate significant relationships between resource described and other resources RDA has 10 sections; sections 5-10 cover elements corresponding to the relationships defined in FRBR and FRAD (0.5)
  19. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Recording primary relationships between Group 1 (WEMI) entities (RDA 0.6.5 and RDA 17): RDA 0.6.5 “When recording primary relationships between work, expression, manifestation, and item, include as a minimum the work manifested. “ More than one expression of the work, record the expression manifested More than one work or expression embodied in manifestation, only predominant or first-named work or expression manifested is required
  20. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Recording primary relationships (cont.): LC practice for Chapter 17: Do not apply in current implementation scenario (not easily done with MARC 21) Use RDA chapter 6 for identifying works and expressions Refer also to 25.1 (analytical AAPs for works in a compilation) and 26.1 (analytical AAPs for expressions in a compilation)
  21. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Recording primary relationships (cont.): If preferred title of work is same as title proper of manifestation, then 1XX (if needed) + 245 for preferred title is usually all that is necessary MARC 245 often does triple duty as title proper of manifestation, and preferred title of work and original expression
  22. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Recording other relationships between FRBR Group 1 entities (RDA 24-28): Optional, but recommended If helping to fulfill any FRBR/ FRAD user tasks Use any of the following (RDA 24.4: general): Identifier:ISBN, ISSN, URI, etc. (LC does not use the identifier by itself for a related entity)
  23. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Recording other relationships between FRBR Group 1 entities (cont.): Authorized access point:1XX if needed + preferred title Structured description: Contents note, other structured note, or linking entry fields (MARC 21 76X-78X) which also often include identifiers) Supersedes work: Sacher on spatchcocking / Sigismund Sacher. New York : Culinary Press, 2012.
  24. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Recording other relationships between FRBR Group 1 entities (cont.): Unstructured description: “Supersedes the ten volume work Sacher on spatchcocking.”
  25. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Group 1 relationship designators(RDA 24.1.5, Appendix J): Optional with AAPsor linking entry fields to further indicate nature of relationship 700 1# $i Supersedes (work): $a Sacher, Sigismund. $t Sacher on spatchcocking.
  26. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Group 1 relationship designators(cont.): If relationship is clear through MARC coding, do not also add relationship designation (LCPS 0.12) If needed, cataloger may devise concise term indicating nature of relationship Recommended to send request for needed term to chair of PCC’s Standing Committee on Standards (SCS)
  27. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Recording FRBR Group 2 to Group 1 relationships (RDA 0.6.6, RDA 18-22): Include as a minimum the elements listed below that are applicable and readily ascertainable:   Creator(if more than one, only the creator having principal responsibility named first in resources embodying the work or in reference sources is required; if principal responsibility is not indicated, only the first-named creator is required)
  28. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Recording FRBR Group 2 to Group 1 relationships (cont.): Other person, family, or corporate body associated with a work If the AAP for that person, family, or corporate body is used to construct AAP for the work
  29. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Group 2 to Group 1 relationship designators (RDA 18.1.6, Appendix I): General WORK level relationship designators for Group 2 entities: (* = creator): Abridger, Addressee, Author*, Compiler*, Dedicatee, Honoree, Host Institution, Interviewee*, Interviewer*, Issuing body, Photographer*, Sponsoring body
  30. Identifying and relating resources and entities Group 2 to Group 1 relationship designators (cont.): Special WORK level legal relationship designators: Appellant, Appellee, Court governed, Defendant, Enacting jurisdiction*, Judge, Jurisdiction governed, Plaintiff May devise term if needed (Let SCS chair know new term needs to be added to list)
  31. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Group 2 to Group 1 relationship designators (cont.): General EXPRESSION level relationship designators for Group 2 entities Abridger, Editor, Editor of compilation, Illustrator, Translator, Writer of added commentary Expression level legal relationship designators: Court reporter
  32. Identifying and Relating Resources and Entities Thank you! Further questions? pragerg@exchange.law.nyu.edu
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