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Bad Breath Caused By Poor Oral Hygiene

Bad breath is caused by bacteria that live in the mouth. These bacteria produce volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) that cause bad breath. VSC's are produced by certain types of bacteria that live in the oral cavity. When these bacteria multiply, they release gases that give off a foul odor.

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Bad Breath Caused By Poor Oral Hygiene

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  1. Bad Breath Caused By Poor Oral Hygiene Bad breath is caused by bacteria that live in the mouth. These bacteria produce volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) that cause bad breath. VSC's are produced by certain types of bacteria that live in the oral cavity. When these bacteria multiply, they release gases that give off a foul odor. 2. Bad Breath Caused by Food Food can also contribute to bad breath. If food particles get stuck between teeth, they may not be fully chewed before swallowing. As saliva flows over them, it mixes with the food particles and bacteria. Saliva contains enzymes that break down food particles and help prevent bacteria from multiplying. However, if food particles remain trapped between teeth, they can begin to ferment and create VSC's. 3. Bad Breath Caused From Smoking Tobacco Smoking tobacco causes bad breath because it irritates the lining of the mouth. Smoke from cigarettes and cigars contains chemicals called nitrosamines that damage the cells of the tongue and gums. In addition, nicotine stimulates the production of mucus, which traps bacteria and debris. 4. Bad Breath Caused Due To Mouth Infections A mouth infection can lead to bad breath. Bacteria that normally reside in the mouth can enter the bloodstream and travel to the lungs. Once there, they can cause pneumonia. 5. Bad Breath Caused Because Of A Toothache Toothaches can cause bad breath. When a toothache occurs, the nerves in the gum area become inflamed. This inflammation produces a chemical known as lactic acid. Lactic acid is responsible for causing bad breath. 6. Bad Breath Caused When You Have An Underlying Medical Condition Some medical conditions can cause bad breath. For example, diabetes can cause dry mouth. Dry mouth makes it difficult to clean the mouth properly. This can result in bad breath. 7. Bad Breath Caused After Eating Certain Foods Certain foods can cause bad breath. Dairy products, onions, garlic, coffee, tea, alcohol, and spicy foods can increase the amount of bacteria in the mouth.

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