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高考完形填空特点及解题技巧. 完形填空题是一种集知识和能力为一体,立意新、要求高的综合性语言测试题。它是一种高难度的障碍性阅读题,此题旨在测试学生的综合应用语言能力,同时又检测他们的分析判断能力和连贯性思维能力。 (一)完形填空题的题型特点 1. 首句完整 “完形填空” 所选短文一般无标题,但首句通常不设空,目的是让考生迅速进入主题,熟悉语言环境,建立正确的思维导向。 2. 语境选择

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  1. 高考完形填空特点及解题技巧

  2. 完形填空题是一种集知识和能力为一体,立意新、要求高的综合性语言测试题。它是一种高难度的障碍性阅读题,此题旨在测试学生的综合应用语言能力,同时又检测他们的分析判断能力和连贯性思维能力。完形填空题是一种集知识和能力为一体,立意新、要求高的综合性语言测试题。它是一种高难度的障碍性阅读题,此题旨在测试学生的综合应用语言能力,同时又检测他们的分析判断能力和连贯性思维能力。 (一)完形填空题的题型特点 1. 首句完整 “完形填空” 所选短文一般无标题,但首句通常不设空,目的是让考生迅速进入主题,熟悉语言环境,建立正确的思维导向。 2. 语境选择 近几年的高考完形填空题主要考查考生对上下文的理解,要求考生通过语境来作出选择。 “语境能力型” 试题具有相当难度,因为完形填空所给的四个选项往往在语法方面都能成立,错误选项多半可以和空前、空后文字形成某种搭配,极具干扰和迷惑作用。做完形填空题,需要我们立足语篇环境,树立全局观念,瞻前顾后,连贯思维,从语境角度来选择答案。

  3. 例如: (1) Japan is an island country and its ___________ go all over Japan. (2) Japan is an island country and its________ go all over the Pacific looking for fish to catch. (3) Japan is an island country and its ______ go over the Pacific looking for the fish groups. (4) Japan is an island country and its_____ go on the Pacific looking for the missing people. (5)Japan is an island country and its_______ go all over Japan, sending people to and from work. 选择项:A. fishing boats B. lifeboats C. planes D. trains A, B, C, D A C B D 例(1)无语境限制,A, B, C, D皆可。 例(2)只有fishing boats能够到太平洋捕鱼,故选A。 例(3)只有 planes 才能飞在太平洋的上空寻找鱼群,选C。 例(4)在太平洋上寻找失踪人员的应是lifeboats, 选B。 例(5).接送人们上下班的不会是fishing boats 和lifeboats, 用planes也有 违常理,故选 D。

  4. 3. 动名为主 完形填空所给的选项一般是同一词类,或属同一范畴。测试点往往集中于某些词类。高考完形填空题考查动词(5—8个)、名词(4—6个)、然后是形容词,副词等。而介词、连词、冠词等虚词则相对考得较少。这是因为现在的完形填空主要考察语境,而在通常情况下只有实词才能较好地体现语境。 4. 难处暗示 难选之处前后多有暗示。这种暗示多为后面暗示前面,也就是说前面的填空从当时的情况来看,或是线索不清,或是语境不明,无法填出,但只要我们继续往下读,我们就会发现此空在后面的某个地方有暗示。 5. 选材适中 近几年来的高考完型填空题材多为具有一定故事情节的记叙文或具有一定哲理和教育意义,夹叙夹议,以叙为主的议论文。词数在200--300之间。设空距离为10个词左右。短文内容结构严谨,逻辑性强,层次分明。材料难度与高三教材相当,所选短文的英语语言符合高三学生的实际水平。

  5. (二) 完型填空题解题步骤 1. 细读首句,预测主题 “完形填空” 所选短文一般无标题,但首句通常不设空,目的是让考生迅速进入主题,建立正确的思维导向。同时也不可忽视尾句前后呼应的作用。 2. 跳读全文,领会大意 要学会跳读技巧。借助首尾句所给启示,跳过空格,快速把短文从头到尾通读一遍,进一步从整体上理解短文大意。这是正确选择的基础,也是做题的关键。切忌急于求成,看一句填一空。若一开始就忙于填空,势必无法掌握文章中心,造成顾此失彼,错误百出的不良结果。这是因为完形填空主要考察对语境的理解,若是在没有弄清短文大意的情况下就去选择填空,可能会因备选项的干扰而偏离主题,一错到底。 3. 通读全文,试选答案 根据全文大意,以全文为背景,把所给四个选项分别套入空格所在的句子中试填,初步完形空格。试填选项时,一定要注意在语境理解上下功夫,要抓住上下文的内容联系和逻辑关系。在阅读全文时,不要忽略连接词、代词、插入语、转折语等的作用。因为这些词往往是改变语境的关键词,具有因果、让步、递进、转折、指代、列举、承上启下的特殊功能。

  6. 如:but, yet, however, whereas, while 等表示转折或对比;besides, moreover, what is more等表示信息增加; so, so that, therefore, as a result等表示推理结果。平时练习中要注意分辨这类词的细微差别,这样才有利于保证选项的准确性。要弄清空格处待填的是什么词、起何作用,同时也要注意习惯表达法,语法知识等,从而筛选出符合文意的选项。 4. 细读全文,推敲难题 有些空格在初步完形时就可以定局,可部分空格答案还不明朗。做到这一步,我们已能将短文中被挖去的词“复位”了一些,对语境的了解更清晰,更准确了。我们要充分利用这一有利条件,联系上下文意,根据常识,运用逻辑推理,结合语境和已选答案所提供的信息,对候选项再次进行仔细推敲,缜密考虑,选出最佳答案。若有些答案实在难以确定,可采用“排除法”,首先排除在语法或内容上明显不符合要求的答案,然后再比较、定夺。可按空格所在位置,从词语搭配、上下文意、习惯用法、词义辨析和语法结构等方面,耐心细致地逐项分析,以求对应。可先读所要填词的句子,复读上一句,兼顾下一句,即“瞻前顾后”,确保答案的准确无误

  7. (三)完型填空题实用解题技巧 实用技巧一: 寻找关键信息词来选择答案 在一篇文章中,有时就一个单句而言,很难确定合适的答案,但若继续下去,就会发现与问题有关的信息词,这些词往往直接或间接地提出或暗示我们所寻找的答案。 例1:Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his ____1____ and traveling. 1. A. time B. holiday C. sleep D. work D 【分析和说明】本题较难。误选A的学生较多,很多学生认为他在国外旅游,因此认为他是玩得很愉快。选错的主要原因是没认真审题,只注重单句的意思,而没注意前句给出的提示。 【解答】事实上在此句中,前面提到过on business,而不是指他是纯粹的旅游,因此应该与work有关。正确答案为D。只有D项可以同时与traveling作enjoyed的宾语。

  8. 接着读下文: • Then, after returning to the United States from a _2___ trip to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a change began to take place __ 3___ him. The material between his bones became weak. • 2. A. boring B. tiring • C. dangerous D. pleasant • A. from B. around • C. inside D. beside B C 【分析和说明】第2题:咋一看,A,B,D项都可选,如果第一句中学生认为是旅游玩得很愉快,那么选D项的就更多。句中说在此之后,Mr. Cousins got sick病倒了,这是关键的信息词。因此这是一个tiring trip;第3题:不认真看题,那么很容易选B,以为是他身边发生的事。跟第二题一样,读后句就知道,这里的a change只能是他身体内部的变化。因为文中提到The material between his bones became…。所以做题时要首尾兼顾,抓住主要信息。 【解答】第2,3题正确答案分别为B,C。

  9. B • 例2:An old lion ____ in its cave and pretended to be ill, when some animals came to visit it, the lion killed and ate them. • slept B. lay C. lying D. felt sick 【分析和说明】如果仅以“主语后面应该跟谓语动词”这一语法规则去分析,显然A,B和D都对。但是文中的“killed and ate them”说明狮子并未睡觉,而是在捕食或者伺机捕杀前来探望的动物,从而否定了A。通过“pretended to be ill”这一信息又证实了“狮子并未生病”这一事实,所以又否定了D。因此只有B为正确答案。lay虽表示“卧着”,却有“其大脑清醒”的含义,暗求着狮子随时会突然跃起,扑向靠近它的动物。 【解答】答案为B。

  10. 实用技巧二:根据词的固定搭配和句型来选择答案实用技巧二:根据词的固定搭配和句型来选择答案 英语语言结构包含着大量的固定搭配、习惯用语以及各种句型结构等。词的固定搭配,特别是动词的搭配题是完形填空测试的重点。这种情况命题方式常见的有两种:一是将固定搭配中的某个词删去,二是在原来的搭配结构中插入较长的文字结构,造成搭配关系的松散现象。如:A person’s feeling depends, in a sense, according to Dr. Green, ___the climate. 如果学生知道according to Dr. Green是插入语,depend on动词词组被故意拆开的话,答案就非常容易了。 例1:It will not be ____ the teachers and the students meet again. A. before long B. far away C. long before D. some long C 【分析和说明】“before long”为固定搭配,很多学生认为这个答案是对的。但如果再仔细想想就会知道它是一个副词词组,在句中往往直接用作状语,而后不跟从句。所以做题时即使是固定搭配或短语,也不能死搬硬套,要具体情况具体分析。 【解答】在“long before”句式中,before为连词,可以在后面跟句子,long在此句中是表时间的一种说法。因此此句的正确答案为C。

  11. 实用技巧三:用比较判断法来选择答案 有时,在一个段落中,前面的空只凭借一个句子的内容很难做出正确的判断,但是在后面的句子结构中也出现同样的语言结构,这种语言现象便是我们要找的比较信息部分。了解比较信息部分的结构,能帮助我们找到前面对应结构中等立存在的答案。 例1:Pagoda Street is a street like many others – not very __ 1___ , not very wide, ___ 2____ wide enough for two buses to pass. But it is a __3___ street all the same, particularly during the rush hour. 1. A clear B. clean C. far D. fresh 2. A. also B. even C. and D. only 3. A. famous B. useful C. busy D. free B D C 【分析和说明】第1题:此句中说明了这个街跟许多其他的街道一样,这说明了街道的共同特征,不很“宽”当然也不是“很干净”。而不是A“清晰”或是C“远”,这两个不能说明大多街道的共性。第2题:根据上句中的“not very wide”及下句中的提示“wide enough for two buses to pass”,说明街道较狭窄,“仅能让两辆车通过”。第3题:此空前的 But表转折,虽说街道不宽,但…。它是一个“繁忙”的街道,且与下文的during the rush hour相对应。 【解答】根据文意,此3题答案分别为B,D,C。

  12. 例2:The ancient Greek thinker Diogenes said that there was only one good, namely(也就是), knowledge; and only one ___1___ , namely, __ 2 __. 1. A. better B. best C. nice D. evil 2. A. ignorance B. disbelief C. laziness D. death D A 【分析和说明】第1题:文中only one good为信息词,only限制了good,形成了“绝对关系”,所以后面的部分不会再出现good的同义词或近义词,那么空1 应选择与good相反的词。A,B,C项都是体现好的方面的词,只有D项符合,evil的意思为“邪恶的”,即使你不知道这个词的含义也可用排除法选出正确答案。第2题:跟在提出例证的转折词namely后面的词,其作用是说明前面的名词的,既然good是knowledge, 那么与之相对应的evil后的词应是与knowledge相对应的反义词ignorance(无知)。而disbelief为“不相信”, laziness为“懒惰”,death为“死亡”,都与原义不符。

  13. 除了可以从相同的结构中比较外,还可以利用其他转折词的功能进行比较,常见的转折词有:though(虽然), at the same time(往往比较两个不同的动作), even so(尽管如此), instead(此外), on the contrary(恰恰相反), on the other hand(另一方面), similarly(同样), but, however(然而)等。在做完型填空时,利用这些词或词组的提示,我们可以判断它们与后面的词、句子的关系,这种关系或许是趋于向其他方面的转化,或许是与所描述的概念正好相反。如:A horse and a donkey, each bearing a burden, were being led by their master. The donkey asked the horse to take part of its burden, for it was very tired; ____ the horse refused. A. but B. then C. and D. so A 句中分号前所提供的信息是the donkey asked for help, 而分号后的句子说 the horse refused。这说明这两个句子的意思是相反的,存在转折关系,所以此空应选A。 对比法在完形填空中往往是一种重要的解题方法,扩展词汇面,找出反义词,应用对比关系然后再排除是关键。 【解答】根据以上分析,这两题答案分别为D,A。

  14. 实用技巧四:通过上下文语境来选择答案 该项目的设计主要是考查考生的综合分析能力。测试内容包括篇章结构和推理判断能力,这些答案的选择,起关键作用的是上下文的关系,也就是说,对短文的整体理解是非常重要的,这种考查项目的设计所占的比例较大,且难度也大。考生必须跨越句子层次和段落层次才能选出正确的答案来。

  15. 例1:At a small parish (教区)in rural New England there lived a priest(牧师), and several nuns(修女). One day, one of the older nuns was noticing that the rugs (地毯,小垫子)in the church were beginning to fray(磨损). She went to the priest and told him, "Father, I believe your rugs need to be replaced soon. "The priest thanked her for bringing it to his attention, and told her that he thought that she had been there long enough to refer to church property (财产) as 'our' not 'your.' Several days later, the same nun noticed that the hedge(树篱)needed to be trimmed(修剪). She again went to the priest and told him, "Father, I've noticed that your..., I mean our hedge needs to be trimmed." The priest thanked her for again bringing something to his attention and this time asked her if she had seen his watch that had gone missing. She said she hadn't, but assured him she would look for it. A few days later the parish received word that the bishop(主教) would be coming for a visit. The entire parish was busy readying the church for the visit. On the day the bishop arrived, the same nun came down the front stairs yelling, "Father! Father! I found your watch!" The bishop said, "How wonderful my child. Where did you find it?" After saying hello to the bishop, the nun turned to the priest and said, "I found it under _________ bed.“ A. YOUR B. OUR C. THEIR D. MY B

  16. 【分析和说明】这题如不注意浏览全文和整体篇章的理解就很容易选错,很多学生错选了A。这篇短文其实是一个幽默故事,一个牧师总是想要自己本院的所有成员都应有集体感,所以他老叫别人多说“我们的”少用“你们的”,经过几次小事之后,一个小修女记住了这事,在帮牧师找到了手表之后,本来是用“你的床下”,而小修女习惯地用上了“OUR”而在大主教的面前闹了笑话。【分析和说明】这题如不注意浏览全文和整体篇章的理解就很容易选错,很多学生错选了A。这篇短文其实是一个幽默故事,一个牧师总是想要自己本院的所有成员都应有集体感,所以他老叫别人多说“我们的”少用“你们的”,经过几次小事之后,一个小修女记住了这事,在帮牧师找到了手表之后,本来是用“你的床下”,而小修女习惯地用上了“OUR”而在大主教的面前闹了笑话。 【解答】答案为B。

  17. 实用技巧五:通过文章深层意义的理解选择答案实用技巧五:通过文章深层意义的理解选择答案 通过文章深层意义来选择答案,是完形填空难度最大的一种形式。它要求考生不仅要有广博的英语文化知识、丰富的生活经历,还要求考生能够驾驭全文,不仅理解文章的表层意义,而且要弄清文章的深层意义。 例1:An American and a Japanese were sitting on the plane on the way to LA when the American turned to the Japanese and asked, "What kind of 'ese' are you?" The Japanese confused(迷惑的), replied, "Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean." The American repeated, "What kind of 'ese' are you?"  Again, the Japanese was confused over the question. The American, now irritated(被激怒的), loudly repeated, "Jeez, how tough is this -- what kind of 'ESE' are you?  Are you ChinESE or JapanESE or VietnamESE . . . ? The Japanese gentleman replied, "Oh, I see. I'm Japanese." "Well, OK, now we're getting somewhere," the American said. A little while later, the Japanese man asked, "Excuse me, but what kind of 'key' are you?" "What? What the hell(到底)do you mean?" the irritated American answered. "You know, a monKEY or a donKEY or just a typical ____?" A. YanKEE B. American C. turKEY D. animal A

  18. 【分析和说明】大多同学一看会错选C,因为词型是一致的,又达到了回敬别人侮辱的目的。【分析和说明】大多同学一看会错选C,因为词型是一致的,又达到了回敬别人侮辱的目的。 其实此空是要考察学生的知识面,同时考察学生对整个文章的深层含义的理解程度。在英语中,“ESE”是对亚洲人的一种蔑称,它的意思为“小的”。当然当日本人知道这个美国人的用意之后,不动声色的还以颜色,把美国佬与动物相提并论,让他大跌眼镜,但同时又顾及了自己的斯文和不失风度。正确选择为A项,YanKEE有“北方佬,美国佬/人”之意,且音相似,显然B,D两项与前面音不符合,D项更显得粗俗不雅。C项虽有音的相似,但整个句子都是动物之名:monKEY(猴),donKEY(驴),turKEY(火鸡),失去了作者原文的趣味性,毕竟这个词应有所指-----“美国佬”(也是一种不太客气的称呼)。 【解答】A为最佳答案。

  19. 巩固练习 It was the final examination for an introductory English course at the local university. Like 1 freshman courses, it was designed to 2 new students, having over 700 students in the class! The examination was two hours long, and exam booklets were provided. The professor was very 3 and told the class that any exam paper that was not on his desk in 4 two hours would not be accepted and the student would 5 . 1/2 hour into the exam, a student 6 in and asked the professor for 7 . "You're not going to have 8 to finish this," the professor stated sarcastically as he handed the student a booklet. "Yes, I will," replied the student. He then took a seat and began 9 . After two hours, the professor called for the exams, and the students filed up and handed them in. 10 the late student, who continued 11 . 1/2 hour later, the 12 student came up to the 13 who was sitting at his desk 14 his next class. He attempted to put his exam on the stack of exam booklets already there. "No, you don't, I'm not going to accept that. 15 ."

  20. The student looked incredulous(不相信的) and 16 . "Do you know WHO I am?" " 17 , as a matter of fact I don't," replied the professor with an air of sarcasm(讥讽) in his 18 . "Are you sure that you don't know WHO I am?!" the student asked again. "No, and I don't care." replied the professor with an air of superiority(优越).  " 19 ," replied the student, who quickly lifted the pile of 20 exams, placed his in the middle, then threw the papers in the air and walked out of the room. 1. A. several such B. such many C. many such D. such a 2. A. weed out(清理) B. accept C. admit D. permit 3. A. kind B. friendly C. strict D. serious 4. A. about B. exactly C. more than D. less than 5. A. pass B. succeed C. enroll D. fail 6. A. went B. came rushing C. entered D. walked 7. A. some paper B. a pen C. ink D. an exam booklet 8. A. right B. ability C. time D. energy 9. A. writing B. cheating C. walking D. talking 10. A. All except B. All C. All besides D. All of

  21. 11. A. crying B. sweating C. trembling D. writing 12. A. first B. last C. later D. latest 13. A. headmaster B. monitor C. professor D. inspector 14. A. sitting for B. preparing for C. having D. giving 15. A. It’s enough B. It's OK C. It’s all right D. It’s late 16. A. happy B. sad C. angry D. gentle 17. A. No B. Yes C. OK D. All right 18. A. sound B. voice C. face D. eye 19. A. Bad luck B. Best C. Good D. Better 20. A. uncompleted B. marked C. marking D. completed

  22. 【分析和说明】这篇短文讲述的是发生在一个大学里的一件事。许多大学由于学生过多,所以举行一次考试,旨在选优淘劣。一个迟到了半个小时的学生确认老师不认识他后,硬是把自己的答卷塞进了试卷堆当中。短文多数题目考查考生对整个篇章结构的理解,这也是完型填空题跟一般的单项选择句的主要不同之处。如第2,9,15,19题等。【分析和说明】这篇短文讲述的是发生在一个大学里的一件事。许多大学由于学生过多,所以举行一次考试,旨在选优淘劣。一个迟到了半个小时的学生确认老师不认识他后,硬是把自己的答卷塞进了试卷堆当中。短文多数题目考查考生对整个篇章结构的理解,这也是完型填空题跟一般的单项选择句的主要不同之处。如第2,9,15,19题等。 【解答】1.C.考查such 这个词的用法。such如果跟表数量的词连用,应放在数量词的后面。如:many such, several such, no such, one such…。但如果用冠词a,应用such a…这种结构。 2.A.根据下句having over 700 students in the class!可以看出这个班级人数太多,因此此处应选“淘汰/清理”之意。而不是“接纳”或“录取”。 3.C.从文意可以得知这个教授是很“严格的--strict”,迟交卷的学生一律不收。而这一点不说明他是“友好的—kind/ friendly”或“严肃的--serious”。 4.B.从文中可知,教授给的考试时间为“两小时整”不是多少都可以或“大约”是多长时间,这也是考试的基本原则。 5.D.根据上下文意思,不能在两个小时交卷的考生就不能通过,因此只有 fail 合此意。 6.B.这个考生迟到了半个小时,因此他是“冲进来的”,表示速度之快。而went in/ walked in 都不如came rushing in形象。enter后不再用介词in。 7.D.下文提示过…he handed the student a booklet,因此这题应选D。

  23. 8.C.这名考生迟到了半小时,教授当然提醒他没足够的“时间”做题了。8.C.这名考生迟到了半小时,教授当然提醒他没足够的“时间”做题了。 9.A.从后文可知,这名考生开始写writing答题。 10.A.教授叫考生交卷,所有其他的考生都填好了答案并交了卷,只有迟到的那名考生没交还在继续做题。“除…之外(不包括)”用except/ but。 11.D.从第9题和下文得知他在继续“写”。 12.B.他来在最后,因此他是the last student。latest 意思为“最新的,最近的”,意思与本题不符。 13.C.题意较为明显,全文只提及这个“教授”而未提其他人。 14.B.…who was sitting at his desk preparing for his next class. 句中的preparing for his next class作谓语动词was sitting的伴随状语,他还没上课,只是坐在桌边备课。 15.D.教授提示他交卷太迟,而不接受他的试卷,因此他说it’s late.。 16.C.从后文可知,这名考生的态度不好,得知自己的试卷不被接纳,他当然不高兴,以至于“生气”,而并没说明他高兴happy,难过sad,或温和gentle。

  24. 17.A.从下句可知,教授并不知道这考生是谁。所以他回答说“No.”17.A.从下句可知,教授并不知道这考生是谁。所以他回答说“No.” 18.B.sound 是所有声音的总称,泛指所有的。在这里指的是教授的口气中含有讥讽的意味,voice指个人的嗓音或声音。 19.C.当这名考生确切得知教授并不知道他是谁时,他觉得是太好了,所以用C。而没必要用比较级和最高级形式。 20.D.试卷被完成,故用过去分词作定语。

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