Importfab staff group photographIMPORTFAB is a well-established contract manufacturer, specializing in the manufacturing and packaging of semi-solid and liquid products. Since 1990, IMPORTFAB has been considered a reliable reference point in the manufacturing of quality pharmaceutical products: essentially, a benchmark for modern, efficient production, assured through the use of highly performing equipment. IMPORTFAB offers manufacturing capabilities ranging from laboratory to pilot batches to scale-ups. Our computer-controlled jacketed manufacturing tanks provide variable speed mixing with double-sided agitation and temperature control features. Our packaging operations accommodate plastic, laminate and metal tubes; plastic and glass bottles; jars pumps and nasal sprays. We also offer manufacturing and packaging services for cosmetic products and nutraceuticals. Our most important asset is our people. IMPORTFAB has retained and developed its personnel over the past several years at all levels of production and management. This loyalty enables our company to pride itself in providing high quality products and outstanding customer service. Through our mission we are committed to contributing to society's better health. This commitment is also shown by quality of life programs for our employees and their families. In addition, the company contributes to just causes with donations to chosen non-profit organizations.