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What are Some Great Benefits of Finding Good Deportation Lawyers Near Me?

Deportation can be a stressful and difficult time for individuals and their families. It can result in the separation of loved ones, the loss of property, and difficulty returning to the country in the future. That is why it is crucial to have a good deportation lawyer by your side to help you navigate the legal process.<br><br> <br><br>Here, California Immigration will describe some great benefits of finding "good deportation lawyers near me."<br><br>

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What are Some Great Benefits of Finding Good Deportation Lawyers Near Me?

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  1. Core SEO Strategy For

  2. Objective Brand Engagement Maximize Organic Presence

  3. Introduction As per your SEO Goals, we have come up with a full scale SEO marketing campaign covering onpage SEO, technical SEO and offpage SEO (backlinks) around your ultimate goal to get more brand awareness for your campaign. This is an extremely comprehensive campaign plan. In the next slides, you will find a summary of the tasks for both 3 months and 6 months plan. Below that we will cover each major campaign task with a brief overview.

  4. 3 Months SEO Action Plan Outline Month 3 – Monitoring with Ongoing SEO Month 1 – On Page + Technical SEO Month 2 – All Website Fixes and Off Page SEO Start Keyword Research and Mapping Competitor Gap Analysis Content Layout and Mapping Meta Data Suggestion On Page implementation Internal Linking Implementation Tech SEO Fixes - SERanking Keyword Cannibalisation Checkup and Fix Image Optimization Brand Anchor Text Optimization Canonicalization Checks & Fixes GMB Optimization Broken Links Optimization Passage Indexing Optimization Link Profile Audit and Optimization Technical issues monitoring Site Audit/Health check Position Tracking Weekly & Monthly Reporting 404 Page Checkup and Fixes Screaming Frog Fixes Schema Implementation Architectural Fixes FAQ Page Optimization Competitor Backlink Analysis Blog Content Roll out and Optimization Google Indexing with Python Backlinks Campaign Weekly & Monthly Reporting 1stMonth 2ndMonth Next 3-4Months

  5. 6 Months SEO Action Plan Outline Month 2 – All Website Fixes and Off Page Start Month 3 – SEO Month 1 – On Page SEO + Technical SEO GMB Optimization 4xx & 5xx Optimization Passage Indexing Optimization Link Profile Audit and Optimization Technical issues monitoring Hashtag Strategy Branded campaign Launch Campaign Optimization Keyword Research and Mapping Competitor Gap Analysis Content Layout and Mapping. Meta Data Suggestion On Page implementation Internal Linking Implementation Tech SEO Fixes - SERanking Keyword Cannibalisation Checkup and Fix Image Optimization Brand Anchor Text Optimization Canonicalization Checks & Fixes 404 Page Checkup and Fixes Screaming Frog Fixes Schema Implementation FAQ Page Optimization Competitor Backlink Analysis Blog Content Roll out and Optimization Google Indexing with Python Backlinks Campaign 1stMonth 2ndMonth Next 3-4Months

  6. 6 Months Action Plan Month 6 – Strategy Review & Optimization Outline Month 5 – Advanced and AI SEO Optimization Technical issues monitoring Site Audit/Health check Position Tracking Weekly Reporting Google Algorithm Check Multi Channel SWOT Analysis based on Lead Acquisition Conversion Rate Optimization AWS & Salesforce Marketplace listing LinkedIn Pulse Content Month 4 – Advanced Link Acquisition Crawl Depth Optimization Voice Search Optimization Rank brain Algorithm Optimization Semantic Topic Clustering Content Optimization using TF-IDF and Co-occurring Keywords LDA – Cosine Optimization Smith Algorithm Checkup MUM Optimization and Multi-search Cosine Semantic Score and Proximity Checkup Entity Salience and Growth High TLD Links Tiered Links Competitor Link Acquisition Broken Link Building Skyscraper Outreach Paid Backlinks Map Link Building Link Acquisition with brand statement Wikihow Link Building Google Stacking Backlink Indexing using Python 1stMonth 2ndMonth Next 3-4Months

  7. Chapter 1 Scope of Work Advanced SEO

  8. Click Gap Analysis using Regex We will perform a click gap analysis (again, groups) - click gap analysis for ALL traffic, then non brand, then non brand non blog - we can also group click GAP analysis into categories i.e. transactional terms - research intent terms (we can run a REGEX filter on GSC data based on how, why, what, where, when to pull research intent terms or use regex to strip out intent terms that we do not want to track.

  9. Search Console Insights Integration in Site Content Search Console Insights can help site owners, content creators and bloggers to better understand their content’s performance. It provide content creators with the data they need to make informed decisions and improve their content. From this report we can optimize the most used searched terms to optimize our existing content and blog performance.

  10. Controlling Crawling and Indexing We will take control of the crawling and indexing process of your website by communicating your preferences to search engines. There will be plenty of technicalities involved in terms of crawling and indexing rate improvement for the website. The plan of actions which will be performed such as crawl budget optimization to maximize the chances of improving crawl stats. Google Search Console inspection with core web vitals, coverage issues fixing, page experience signal to improve the crawling and indexing of the website.

  11. CTR Optimization We need to improve your CTR for your SEO campaign, and for that we need to get the rankings to run CTR experiments. To investigate the current CTR value we will analyze your Google Search Console data to filter out data to start work with. Our prime focus would be to begin this exercise with positions on Google SERP page 2. We will use Google Search Console, filter out brand (Exclude) so that we can look at your true CTR. We will look at CTR by keyword and page and aim for 2-3% + on page 1 for non-brand keywords.

  12. Gap Links Acquisition By understanding how and where competitors acquire links from, we can find opportunities to build relationships with people relevant to business. If we can uncover this amount of data on users, imagine what we can do if we applied these techniques to spy on our competitors. Competitive link analysis involves a lot of manual outreach and typically have different success rates depending on the nature of the link. So competitor link analysis is the first strategy we would be focusing for our ongoing SEO journey.

  13. Passage Indexing Optimization Google will index passages from content relevant to your search regardless of the entire site’s relevance. If you have very specific queries, Google analyzes and indexes passages that will best answer your question without regard for the site’s relevance. We will optimize your webpage’s content passages based on the guidelines by Google, so that it has a chance to appear as a passage in SERP.

  14. Tactical Competitive Auditing It’s possible that your competitors are targeting keywords that you’ve never discovered. And, you may not find those keywords when you use the Google Ads Keyword Planner or any other keyword research tool out there. We need to incorporate the by targeting competitor’s business-driven keywords and should start working on the same. And based on the analysis, we will set some benchmarks and incorporate these things into our SEO journey in terms of backlinks, traffic, et

  15. Link Acquisition with Brand Statement Backlinks are undoubtedly a part and parcel of SEO. So it will be the ongoing process as we are doing to improve your website’s backlink profile strength and signal. Our focus would be earning as many unique referring domains as we can. In the long run, it will have an impact of your entire SEO campaign. We will acquire much more authoritative backlinks to enhance site’s authority

  16. Link Intersect Google has proven again and again that backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors it uses to rank your webpage on its search engine. Backlinks are extremely important and everybody need them. Building backlinks from link intersect targets is one of the oldest link building strategies in the SEO industry. The technique itself is really simple and is already available from some backlink tools like MOZ and ahrefs. We will perform this action also.

  17. Minimizing Cannibalizations Effect Internal SEO cannibalization is one of the major issues if not the single major issue affecting search engine positions. The paradox is that you will usually only tend to notice it if you’re committed to the SEO of your site. You may think that you have everything in place in terms of links, headers and content etc., but cannibalization can occur at any point if Google feels another page is themed around the same term, and could hamper your site significantly, losing you strong positions. We will make sure to minimize the chances of cannibalization for your site.

  18. Internal Link Profile Optimization We will focus on building more relevant internal links between content (specially while generating new blog content). We will build up your internal link profile by linking relevant pages! Interlink with consistency and balance. We will try to link thinking about what would benefit your end users. This strategy will be implemented whenever we will publish any new blog in your website, this in the long run strengthen the link equity and architecture of your website.

  19. Screaming Frog Fixes • Screaming Frog is an SEO Tool that helps in crawling and identifying core On page and Technical Issues of the Website. • The factors that will be monitored and fixed using this tool will be • Titles and H1/H2 Optimizations • Meta descriptions • Content Optimizations • Crawl issues • Sitemap optimization • Schema code validation. • Image Size Fixing • Meta Robots and Directives checking. • Image Alt text implementation

  20. Competitor Backlinks • At any given time your competitors is definitely out there acquiring backlink • And increasing the authority of their site. • Spying on the backlinks of high authority competitors is an effective • way to steal some of those SEO benefit for ourselves. • This will involve: • Competitor Backlink identification • Competitor Broken Link Building using Skyscraper Technique • Link Prospecting and building.

  21. Google Indexing API Implementation through Python to smoothen the indexing API stands for Application Programming Interface. It’s like a bridge between two software programs that allows both of them to connect to share data and achieve a certain level of integration between the two programs. Google released an indexing API which when connected to search console can help in indexing bulk URLs intantly with Python. Learn more here > https://thatware.co/google-indexing-api-python/

  22. Backlink Audit and Campaign • Offsite review of all backlinks • Full competitor analysis of backlinks, indexation and content growth • Review anchor texts and ratios of product vs. brand • Analyze competitor links / sites find niche links • Review localization of backlink profile • Localized plan for link growth in each target market • Place links on a non-affiliated 3rd party site • Optimize existing links anchor texts and content

  23. Link Profile Audit and Optimization Link Profile Audit include a full backlink analysis of your website along with different types and number of links acquired during the course of the campaign. This is a very important step which needs to be performed every 3-4 months to ensure the quality of backlink acquisition and the percentage of spam present.

  24. Advanced Backlink: Skyscraper Outreach • The Skyscraper Technique is one of the best ways to figure out what content is going to perform well. It’s just a form of research. • The step by step process is first you find a keyword that you want to rank for, which you’ve already done. Then you want to search for that keyword in Google to see what’s already out there, because when it comes time to publishing your content or ranking it, that’s going to be your competition so it’s important to know what you’re competing against before you start. Then it’s a matter of creating something that’s better than what’s already on the first page. • This method can also be employed to perform: • Broken Link Building • Competitor’s Backlinks

  25. High Tier Links • We will also work on tier based link building activity • Tier 1 = links pointing directly to the page you are trying to rank • Tier 2 = links pointing directly to your Tier1 pages which in turn points to your page you are trying to rank • In this way of link building we can build up link pyramid for the campaign.

  26. High TLD Links • These backlinks include links from high authority top level domains like • .edu domains • .gov domains • .org domains. • resources.html • ccTLD links like .us, .ukwhich are country specific. • These come usually as a result of press releases, collaborations with relevant sponsors and are usually part of paid backlink strategy. • However due to their high authority they are very effective in delivering quick SEO Growth. • You can learn more about the Rest of the Advanced Backlinking Techniques in our Blog > https://thatware.co/advanced-link-building-strategies-2022/

  27. AI-Driven Investigation for keeping up-to-date with Changing Algorithms Google makes minor changes to its algorithm on a daily basis. They might even release multiple updates in 24 hours. These changes are usually small, and you probably won’t notice a drop in search page rankings due to these updates alone. However, the same can’t be said for the “core” updates. Google makes these larger, more sweeping changes a few times per year, and they can directly impact your page performance. AI-driven investigation comes into play to inspect the ongoing effects of those changing algorithms. You can learn more about our advanced SEO Tactics from our blog > https://thatware.co/ultimate-guide-to-semantic-seo/

  28. Chapter Wise Work Breakdown with Deliverables Onpage SEO | Offpage SEO (Backlinks) | Content

  29. Chapter Two On-site Optimization By updating an XML sitemap file • The sitemap.xml file is a document in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) format where all of the URLs of your website that you want to get indexed are listed (URLs, the date of their last update, update priority and frequency, and more). Sitemaps help search engine robots find and index your website's pages faster.

  30. Chapter Two On-site Optimization By creating SEO-friendly URLs • An SEO-friendly URL means that it is easily readable and includes proper keywords: /how-to-create-good-url instead of /xn--80ajgxi.xn--80aqcc%31bjd0be.xn--p1ai/. An optimized URL lets both users and search engine robots understand the content of the page right away. This has a positive effect on the page’s ranking.

  31. Chapter Two On-site Optimization By creating user-friendly interlinking • Internal links are links that go from one page of a website to a different page of the same website. They are useful because they help users navigate the website, establish information hierarchy, and help spread link weight across the website. Plus, they enhance the site’s overall authority in search.

  32. Chapter Two On-site Optimization By checking the markup validity of web documents in HTML • Markup validity means how the code conforms to open standards. If a website’s HTML code contains a lot of errors, it may negatively impact the website’s SERP rankings.

  33. Chapter Two On-site Optimization By fixing broken links • Broken links can harm the user experience, and as a result, negatively affect your website's behavioral signals. Non-working links discourage users from further exploring the site. From the point of view of search engines, broken links mean an error. If a site has a great number of such errors, search engine robots will mark it as a low-quality website and decrease its overall search engine rankings.

  34. Chapter Two On-site Optimization By including the number of outbound links • If a website has a lot of non-relevant outbound links, search engines can consider its activity as a spam. For this reason, the website's search engine rankings may drop dramatically.

  35. Chapter Three Mobile Optimization By setting up a redirect for mobile users • When users find a website in mobile search results, it’s important to redirect them to the mobile version of the website: from mywebsite.com to m.mywebsite.com. Such redirects positively affect the website SERP rankings and usability.

  36. Chapter Four Content Strategy By writing a unique title for each page • The title tag is a part of the HTML code that helps search engines understand the content of the page. For this reason, title optimization is crucial for a page's SERP ranking.

  37. Chapter Four Content Strategy By writing a unique meta description for each page • The meta description is a tag in HTML that users see in the SERPs as a snippet, which is a preview of the page's content that shows whether the page answers their search query and intent.

  38. Chapter Four Content Strategy By optimizing H-tags (heading tags) • Heading tags are parts of the HTML code that indicate a title (a heading) and subheadings on a page. There are six levels of heading tags: from H1 (the most influential) to H6 (the least influential). A proper distribution of keywords between H-tags shows the search robots which keywords are more important than others.

  39. Chapter Four Content Strategy By using alt tags in every image • The alt attribute or alt tag is an HTML attribute for a text that describes an image in detail. It must be placed directly in the image tag. Alt tags help search engines quickly get a better understanding of what’s illustrated on an image. Alt tags also help users. If by any reason an image is not displayed, users will see its description. Plus, it is used by screen readers.

  40. Chapter Four Content Strategy By optimizing content both for robots and humans • Search engine robots are on the user’s side because they appreciate unique and useful content. It’s crucial to include keywords in your content, but they need to make sense and look naturally in the text.

  41. Chapter Four Content Strategy By creating fresh and trendy content • Website content should meet user intent and demand, be eye-catching and relevant.

  42. Chapter Four Content Strategy By developing a content plan • The content plan is a list of content pieces with defined due dates. Regular content updates on a site play a significant role in the website’s SERP standings. The content plan helps keep track of the upcoming pieces of content, streamlining the content creation and publication processes.

  43. Chapter Four Content Strategy By adding more blog related to the niches to your website • A blog is a powerful marketing tool that should be used to attract, engage, and ultimately, convert users. Blogs can also help significantly improve your website's SERP standings.

  44. Chapter Five Off-site Optimization By minding both a quantity and quality of a site’s backlinks • Backlinks - the links that lead from different web sources to our website - play significant role in a search ranking of the site. It’s important to mind the balance between a quantity and a quality of backlinks since both of them impact the backlink profile.

  45. Chapter Six Off-site Optimization By analyzing your competitors' backlink profiles • Competitor research is a key stage of the link-building strategy. Analyzing the backlinks of competitors that rank among the top of the search results helps you understand what a successful backlink profile should look like.

  46. Chapter Six Off-site Optimization By creating a link-building strategy • The link-building strategy refers to your website's priorities for getting backlinks. It depends on the current status of your backlink profile and backlinks of your top-ranking competitors.

  47. Chapter Six Off-site Optimization By cooperating with websites by sharing relevant content within the niche • One of the crucial factors of a quality backlink is the relevance of the host website. Backlinks from websites that are thematically related are more valuable than a link from an authoritative but unrelated site. For this reason, you should exchange and guest blog on resources that are popular in your targeted niche.

  48. Chapter Six Off-site Optimization By participating in niche forum discussions and answer the questions • Users potentially interested in some product or service often browse relevant forums searching for fresh information and reviews. Active participation in forums or blogs discussions can contribute to the website’s ranking and stimulate traffic growth. Besides, Q&A platforms (Yahoo Answers, Google Answers, Answerbag, Quora, Reddit, etc.) can be used not only for getting interesting opinions on different subjects but also for growing brand awareness and attracting targeted users to the website.

  49. Chapter Six Off-site Optimization By using images, videos, and documents for website promotion • Infographics, videos, webinars, podcasts, PDF documents, and images are types of shareable content that can increase website search visibility in video, image, and document search results. The key to an efficient use of multimedia files lies in their proper optimization.

  50. Thank You

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