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Galaxy Formation in the PLANCK era

Galaxy Formation in the PLANCK era. Bruno Henriques Simon White, Peter Thomas, Raul Angulo, Qi Guo, Gerard Lemson, Volker Springel. Guo et al. 2013. +Muzzin(2013) + Ilbert(2013). dwarf galaxy population to build up too early.

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Galaxy Formation in the PLANCK era

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  1. Galaxy Formation in the PLANCK era Bruno Henriques Simon White, Peter Thomas, Raul Angulo, Qi Guo, Gerard Lemson, Volker Springel

  2. Guo et al. 2013 +Muzzin(2013) + Ilbert(2013) dwarf galaxy population to build up too early. At z=0, dwarf galaxies are too blue, too old and are not forming enough stars Age color SSFR

  3. Monte Carlo Markov Chain Henriques, Thomas et al. (2009), Henriques & Thomas (2010), Henriques et al. (2013a) Kampakoglou et al. (2008), Bower et al. (2010), Lu et al. (2011, 2012), Mutch et al (2013) large number of parameters complex galaxy formation physics Self-consistent model of galaxy formation inter-play between different physics large volume across cosmic time hard to define success and improve MCMC

  4. Cosmology Particle mass, Box size and redshift are scaled to the recently published PLANCK cosmology following Angulo & White 2010 As shown in Wang et al. 2008 and Guo et al. 2013, it doesn’t matter yet for galaxy formation.

  5. Stellar Mass Function The delayed reincorporation of gas shifts star formation in dwarfs to lower redshifts. Strong suppress in number density at early times, same evolution at later times. Muzzin(2013)+Ilbert(2013) Ilbert(2010)+Marchesini(2011) Henriques et al. 2013a same as Oppenheimer & Dave 2008, 2010

  6. Environmental problems The later build up of low mass galaxies results in a higher fraction of star forming low mass galaxies, but satellites are still passive.

  7. critical cold gas density threshold for star formation Ram pressure stripping only acting on haloes with Mvir>1014Msun Henriques et al. 2014, in prep

  8. red massive galaxies overcome the blue number density at high-z lower mass galaxy populations become predominately red with decreasing redshift

  9. AGN feedback A large fraction of intermediate mass galaxies need to assemble at z<2 and be quenched by z=0

  10. Colours and SFRs

  11. Main sequence of star formation Model is consistent with the observed evolution of SFRs from z=3 to z=0 clear change at z=1, with galaxies falling of the main sequence of star formation

  12. More Predictions

  13. More Predictions Moster2012 Henriques13 - model

  14. UV LF no dust Metallicity dependent dust Scott Clay, Stephen Wilkins, Peter Thomas

  15. SFRF model

  16. Database As usual everything will be in the database (Gerard Lemson) Also in the jobrunner (Mathias Egger, Gerard Lemson) Include full SF histories and full spectra (Sourour+Peter T.) MR observatory (Roderik Overzier, Gerard Lemson) http://galformod.mpa-garching.mpg.de/portal/

  17. Conclusions delayed reincorporation of gas ejected from SN feedback low mass galaxies build up below z=2 lower threshold for star formation low mass galaxies with large cold gas fractions can form stars ram-pressure striping only effective in massive groups satellites in low mass groups will have fuel for star formation new AGN radio mode feedback implmentation Intermediate mass galaxies assemble at z<2 and are quenched by z=0

  18. Henriques, White, Thomas et al. 2014, in prep Mass downsizing

  19. Age downsizing Henriques, White, Thomas et al. 2013b, in prep

  20. K-band LF M05 or CB07 Stellar populations Henriques et al. 2011, Henriques et al. 2012, Henriques et al. 2013a

  21. GALFORMOD Web-based, modeler & observer friendly semi-analytic model Combine the most robust set of dark matter numerical simulations available Stellar Mass resolution of 108M with a large enough volume to sample BAO MS, MII & MXXL Monte Carlo Markov Chain optimization + Fit physical and cosmological parameters Modular implementation of the physics “Observer friendly” outputs Choose IMF, SPS, Bands, Dust model

  22. More Predictions

  23. Rainforest Brazil Indonesia

  24. Chemical Enrichment 0.8 M SN Ia + Stellar Winds SN II 8 M Metals return timescale <100 Myr Rob Yates, Peter Thomas, Simon White, Guinevere Kauffmann, Bruno Henriques

  25. Gas

  26. Far-Infrared Emission Peter Thomas, Sorour Shamshir, Bruno Henriques, Qi Guo + Sussex Infrared Use empirical templates from Herschel to get an emission spectra for the light re-emitted by dust Full radiative transfer code

  27. Cosmology Sampling with MCMC Bruno Henriques, Marcel Van Daalen, Raul Angulo, Simon White, Volker Springel, Fabio Fontanot, Qi Guo Incorporate the Angulo & White 2010 formalism into the semi-analytic model. Include cosmological parameters in the sampling.

  28. Ages of Galaxies Light – Weighted Ages Mass – Weighted Ages BC03 M05 Average!!! M05 TP-AGB Henriques, Maraston, Monaco, et al. (Astro-ph: 1009.1392)

  29. SSFR vs Halo Mass Henriques2013b Guo2013

  30. SMF of satellites Low mass red galaxies are mostly satellites at all times. - environment effects Massive red galaxies are mostly central galaxies and they determine the trends on SMD. - AGN feedback

  31. SSFR vs Halo Mass low mass galaxies are all blue high mass galaxies are all red Wetzel et al. (2012) - SDSS

  32. age downsizing mass downsizing

  33. Clustering

  34. Feedback Scaling fraction of SN energy used Reincorporation time-scale mass loading Henriques et al. 2013a

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