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Floor Washing Robot - ILIFE Robotics

Floor Washing Robot - ILIFE Robotics

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Floor Washing Robot - ILIFE Robotics

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  1. ILIFE Robotics www.iliferobot.com

  2. About ILIFEisaworld-leadingmanufacturer and innovator specializing inrobot vacuums,floorwashingmachines, handheldvacuums,andother superiorhouseholdcleaningdevices. Wearecommittedtoprovidingmore cut-edgingandhigh-quality cleaningproductstohelpmore peopleworldwidecreateacleaner Formore detail and shop product online, visit usnow. >>

  3. Our(WSeries)Floor WashingRobot >>

  4. ShinebotW450 ShinebotW400s ShinebotW400

  5. ILIFERobotics SHINEBOTW450 FLOORWASHING ROBOT ILIFEShinebotW450floor washing robot has upgraded Panoviewnavigation,smartApp control,iVoiceassistant,3 cleaning modes for different needs >>

  6. SHINEBOTW400S FLOORWASHING ROBOT ILIFEShinebotW400sfloor washingrobothasaTidalPower cleaning system, clean dirty water tank separation, equip with1bottlecleaningsolution >>

  7. ShinebotW400 FloorWashing Robot ILIFEShinebot W400floorwashing robot hasaTidalPowercleaning system,cleandirtywatertank separationdesign,andmultiple cleaningmodes >>

  8. CONTACTUS FeelFreetoContactUs www.iliferobot.com

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