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Department of Education

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Department of Education

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  1. TEMPUS Project title ENHANCEMENT OF QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM THOUGH PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF ACADEMIC LEADERSTEMPUS 516996-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-UK-TEMPUS-SMGRCurriculum development: aspects to be considered while evaluatingProf.dr. Vaiva Zuzevičiūtėv.zuzeviciute@smf.vdu.ltLondon Metropolitan University, UK, 06 JUNE, 2013 Department of Education

  2. Learning entity….. • Learning happens based on success and mistakes • Cooperation • More or less everyone has the same opportunities to participate (in learning and even organisation policy formation) • It does not really exist per se….it is always in motion, in the state of becoming, in development TEMPUS: Enhancement of Quality Assurance System Through Professional Development of Academic Leaders, QAPD, No. 516996

  3. Curriculum evaluation • Do we have the liberty to choose the main standpoint? • If yes- WHAT IS MINE • If no - HOW DO WE GO ABOUT IT? TEMPUS: Enhancement of Quality Assurance System Through Professional Development of Academic Leaders, QAPD, No. 516996

  4. Quality???? • Excellence (Plato) • Quality of the product • Quality of the process towards product • Quality from the perspective of the client • Dimension of cost (effective) • Total Quality mamagement TEMPUS: Enhancement of Quality Assurance System Through Professional Development of Academic Leaders, QAPD, No. 516996

  5. Curriculum • If it is for students, probably… the client should be considered in any case? (students future employers, visionaries of the profession) • Costs? • Good practice: in the end - do I feel providing a good service? TEMPUS: Enhancement of Quality Assurance System Through Professional Development of Academic Leaders, QAPD, No. 516996

  6. Good practice: • Discussions…. • Participation of stake holders • Participation of colleagues • Evaluation is about the process… • Assessment - has the ambition to provide a final - even if temporary - conclusion TEMPUS: Enhancement of Quality Assurance System Through Professional Development of Academic Leaders, QAPD, No. 516996

  7. For further ideas On quality and produc as service: • Shiba S. (1999). A New American TQM. Four Practical Revolutions in Management. Portland, OR: Productivity Press. • Grönroos, Ch. (2001) Service Management and Marketing: A Customer Relationship Management Approach. England, Wiley. 2001. • Zuzevičiūtė V., Paulauskaitė J. (2010). Towards a Learning Organization: The Role of Core Competencies as an Internal Factor for Transformation. In: H. Soonghee (Ed.), Managing and Developing Core Competence in a Learning Society (pp. 181–207). Seoul: Seoul National University Press. ISBN: 978-89-521-1103-6 93300. On learning, curriculum: • Griffin, C. et al. (1998). The Theory and Practice of Learning. 2nd edition. London: Kogan Page. • Zuzevičiūtė V., Teresevičienė M. (2010). The Role of Human Resource Manager as a Facilitator of Learning: Some Evidence from Lithuania. Baltic Journal of Management, 5 (1), p. 68–82. ISSN 1746-5265 [Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing, INSPEC, Electronic Collections Online, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences edition SCOPUS, Social Sciences Citation Index; Social SciSearch; Zetoc (British Library) www.emeraldsight.com/bjm.htm]. TEMPUS 516996-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-UK-TEMPUS-SMGR

  8. Thank you for attention TEMPUS 516996-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-UK-TEMPUS-SMGR

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