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An Overview of the Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling and Simulation (ACIMS) University of Arizona Arizona State University Bernard P. Zeigler www.acims.arizona.edu. Outline. Mission, objectives, and history Research and educational activities
An Overview of the Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling and Simulation (ACIMS)University of ArizonaArizona State UniversityBernard P. Zeiglerwww.acims.arizona.edu
Outline • Mission, objectives, and history • Research and educational activities • fundamental work in the theory of modeling and simulation (M&S) • simulation environments and standards based on discrete event systems specification • M&S-based integrated development and testing of net-centric service oriented architectures • Unique relationship with information technology industry and government.
Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling and Simulation (ACIMS) • Mandated by the Arizona Board of Regents in 2001 • Spans University of Arizona and Arizona State University • Mission – Advance Modeling and Simulation through • Research • Education • Technology Transfer M&S will be a corner stone of technology development for the foreseeable future!
Faculty • Graduate Students • Full time staff • RTSync Spinoff • DEVS research and education community
Education • Courses in ECE at UA and ASU • Masters in ECE with specialization in M&S • Short course • Tutorials • Visiting Scholars The Center contributes to the pool of trained M&S professionals needed to do today’s and tomorrow’s simulation-based technology development
Simulation Software • License for Education and Research • Open source • User Guides, literature • Commercialization via spin-off
Fundamental Research in M&S • Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS ) • Provides sound M&S framework • Derived from Mathematical dynamical system theory • Supports hierarchical, modular composition • System Entity Structure: ontology framework for M&S • Distributed simulation, web-based, SOA-based • Linguistic levels of interoperability (syntactic, semantic, pragmatic) • M&S Simulation interoperability standards
Fundamental Research in M&S (Cont’d) agents interactions Discrete-event, Models landscape Knowledge Interchange Broker Discrete-time, Cellular Automata Models Heterogeneous-Formalism Modeling NSF ERE Biocomplexity in the Environment program • Knowledge Interchange Broker (KIB) provides its own distinct formalism and realization • Separately accounts for domain-neutral and domain-specific modeling • Removes the need for composed models to have detailed knowledge of each other Design of Adaptive Service-based Software Systems with Security and Multiple QoS Requirements NSF Science of Design Program • Develop a SOA-based DEVS simulator to aid design and evaluation of flexible and configurable SOA-based software systems • support design of SOA systems able to adapt to changing tradeoffs among timeliness, throughput, accuracy, and security
Define Requirements Capture Requirements Generate Atomic DEVS Models GenerateSystem Entity Structure Prune Entity Structure (PES) Integrated Development and Testing Methodology Interpret Structural Aspects Transform PES to hierarchical DEVS Models Simulate Interpret Behavioral Aspects CreateTest Models Simulation-Based Testing Insert Models into Test Platform Implement System
Define Requirements Capture Spreadsheet Data Generate FD-DEVS Models (behavior) Generate DEVS Models (structure) Update PES AutoDEVSMethodology (Cont) Automatic Extract Structural Aspects Simulate Verify Created Models Create Test Models Transform PES to DEVSJAVA Extract Behavioral Aspects Manual
Define Requirements Capture Spreadsheet Data Generate FD-DEVS Models (behavior) Generate DEVS Models (structure) Update PES AutoDEVSMethodology (Cont) Automatic Extract Structural Aspects Simulate Verify Created Models Create Test Models Transform PES to DEVSJAVA Extract Behavioral Aspects Manual
Define Requirements Capture Spreadsheet Data Generate FD-DEVS Models (structure) Generate DEVS Models (behavior) Update PES AutoDEVSMethodology (Cont) Automatic Extract Structural Aspects Simulate Verify Created Models Create Test Models Transform PES to DEVSJAVA Extract Behavioral Aspects Manual
Define Requirements Capture Spreadsheet Data Generate FD-DEVS Models (behavior) Generate DEVS Models (structure) Update PES AutoDEVSMethodology (Cont) Automatic Extract Structural Aspects Simulate Verify Created Models Create Test Models Transform PES to DEVSJAVA Extract Behavioral Aspects Manual
Define Requirements Capture Spreadsheet Data Generate FD-DEVS Models (behavior) Generate DEVS Models (structure) Update PES AutoDEVSMethodology (Cont) Automatic Extract Structural Aspects Simulate Verify Created Models Create Test Models Transform PES to DEVSJAVA Extract Behavioral Aspects Manual
Define Requirements Capture Spreadsheet Data Generate FD-DEVS Models (behavior) Generate DEVS Models (structure) Update PES AutoDEVSMethodology (Cont) Automatic Extract Structural Aspects Simulate Verify Created Models Create Test Models Transform PES to DEVSJAVA Extract Behavioral Aspects Manual
Define Requirements Capture Spreadsheet Data Generate FD-DEVS Models (behavior) Generate DEVS Models (structure) Update PES AutoDEVSMethodology (Cont) Automatic Extract Structural Aspects Simulate Verify Created Models Create Test Models Transform PES to DEVSJAVA Extract Behavioral Aspects Manual
Define Requirements Capture Spreadsheet Data Generate FD-DEVS Models (behavior) Generate DEVS Models (structure) Update PES AutoDEVS Methodology (Cont) Automatic Extract Structural Aspects Simulate Verify Created Models Create Test Models Transform PES to DEVSJAVA Extract Behavioral Aspects Manual
Define Requirements Capture Spreadsheet Data Generate FD-DEVS Models (behavior) Generate DEVS Models (structure) Update PES AutoDEVS Methodology (Cont) Automatic Extract Structural Aspects Simulate Verify Created Models Create Test Models Transform PES to DEVSJAVA Extract Behavioral Aspects Manual
IDE: Define Requirements Capture Spreadsheet Data Generate FD-DEVS Models (behavior) Generate DEVS Models (structure) Update PES AutoDEVS Methodology (Cont) Automatic Extract Structural Aspects FD-DEVS Simulate Verify Created Models Create Test Models Transform PES to DEVSJAVA Extract Behavioral Aspects SESBuilder Manual
SimView: Define Requirements Capture Spreadsheet Data Generate FD-DEVS Models (behavior) Generate DEVS Models (structure) Update PES AutoDEVS Methodolgy Automatic Extract Structural Aspects Simulate Verify Created Models Create Test Models Transform PES to DEVSJAVA DEVS/SOA: Extract Behavioral Aspects Run Demo Manual
DEVS/SOA Infrastructure for GIG Mission Thread Testing • MAJ Smith tasks Intell to reconnoiter objective area and provide threat estimate • 2. Posts taskings using Discovery and Storage 3. Intell Cell initiates high priority collection against objective, and collectors post raw output 4. Intell posts products via Discovery and Storage • MAJ Smith pulls • estimate from Storage NCES GIG/SOA
Observing Agent for Major Smith Observing Agent alerts other Agent Computes Time for Task, Measure Performance Observing Agent for Intell Cell notes time of posting sends time to other Agent DEVS/SOA Infrastructure for GIG Mission Thread Testing • Test agents are DEVS models and Experimental Frames • They are deployed to observe selected participant via their service invokations • MAJ Smith tasks Intell to reconnoiter objective area and provide threat estimate • 2. Posts taskings using Discovery and Storage 3. Intell Cell initiates high priority collection against objective, and collectors post raw output 4. Intell posts products via Discovery and Storage 5. Intell Cell issues alert via messaging • MAJ Smith pulls • estimate from Storage NCES GIG/SOA
Projects Related to JITC Contract IC- Intelligence Community NGA- National GeoSpatial- Intelligence Agency DOD DISA- Defense Information Systems Agency USAF US Army JTAMDO – Joint Theater Air Missile Defense Organization TRMC Test Resource Management Center DOT&E Director, Operational Test and Evaluation SIAP JPO- Joint Program Office NCES- Network-Centric Enterprise Services SIAP- Single ntegrated Air Picture JITC- Joint Inter -operability Test Command IABM- Integrated Architecture Behavior Model ACIMS- Arizona Center for Integrative M&S RTSync
Unique ACIMS/{NGIT,RTSync} Relationships • A long term contractual relationship between Northrop Grumman IT (NGIT) with ACIMS • Employs faculty, graduate/undergrad students, others • Perform M&S tasks for/at Fort Huachuca • Challenges: • Rationalize different ways of doing business • Deliver quality services on time and on budget • Benefits: • Access to well-trained, creative talent • Experience with real world technical requirements and work environments • Transfer of ACIMS technology • RTSync – ACIMS • commercialize/bring to market ACIMS technology • enhance ACIMS education/training • employ ACIMS graduates
JITC/Ft. Huachuca, Arizona Northrop Grumman IT Contractual Relationships Prime Subcontractor Subcontractor Spinoff Subcontractor JITC Contract for Advanced Interoperability Testing 2000-2009
JITC/Ft. Huachuca, Arizona Northrop Grumman IT Structuring for Re-compete of JITC Contract CONSORTIUM OTHER ACADEMIA
RTSync • Profile : - Founded in 2004. - As technology spin-off of ACIMS, RTSync commercializes ACIMS technology and provides M&S services and products to government and industry. - Two offices ( Phoenix and Sierra Vista, AZ ), 10+ employees • Work in Progress : - Facility Clearance Status (FCL expected in late 2008) - SBA 8(a) certification program (expected in late 2008) - Mentor-Protégé program with Northrop-Grumman IT (NGIT) in 2008. • Commercial Products under Development : - SESBuilder : SES-based data engineering / ontology framework for M&S - Integrated ATC-Gen : Automated Test Case Generator for interoperability testing - Automated Test Suite : Commercialized AutoDEVS methodology
RTSync – cont’d • Current SubContracts : - Joint Interoperability Test Command, Scientific and Engineering Support, Northrop Grumman IT (prime contractor) 1) NCES Operation Testing Support task ($1.4 mil, FY 09 / 10) 2) SIAP IABM Testing Support task ($1.0 mil FY 09 / 10 ) - US Army, TEIS Program, STG Inc ( prime contractor ) 1) Data Engineering Service for Integrated Telecommunication Engineering ($0.5 mil, FY 08) • Customers / Partners : Northrop Grumman IT, STG Inc., US Navy, US Air Force, US Army, DISA, NGA, Republic of Korea Navy and Air Force / S&T (Sweden), EWA Services Inc., • Subcontractors : ACIMS (Arizona State University) and Oak Ridge National Lab. • Point of Contact : Dr. Doohwan “DH” Kim at 602-334-6649 or dhkim@rtsync.com, info@rtsync.comhttp://www.rtsync.com
Summary • M&S Mission, objectives, and history • Research and educational activities • Relationship with NGIT and JITC • Seeking to expand to Consortium that would partner in recompete and other projects Contact Bernard P. ZeiglerProfessor ECE University of Arizona zeigler@ece.arizona.edu www.acims.arizona.edu