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pC Polarimeter Run05 Analysis

pC Polarimeter Run05 Analysis. RSC meeting March 21, 2007 Itaru Nakagawa. Carbon target. 90º in Lab frame. Recoil carbon. Polarized proton. pC polarimeter. Present Knowledge of pC A N @ 100GeV. Data from Run4. Run4 Jet Normalization~9%. Preliminary. 6. 1. 2. 5. 3. 4.

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pC Polarimeter Run05 Analysis

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  1. pC Polarimeter Run05 Analysis RSC meeting March 21, 2007 Itaru Nakagawa

  2. Carbon target 90º in Lab frame Recoil carbon Polarized proton pC polarimeter

  3. Present Knowledge of pC AN @ 100GeV Data from Run4 Run4 Jet Normalization~9% Preliminary

  4. 6 1 2 5 3 4 Detector port (inner view) SSD pC Polarimeter Setup 2mm pitch 12 strips Ultra thin Carbon ribbon Target (3.5mg/cm2) 10mm 72 strips in total 18cm Redundancy  Systematic/Consistency Check Si strip detectors (TOF, EC)

  5. L Target (adc) (effective deadlayer) Energy Correction (t0,x)Kinematic Fit ~ 30%

  6. Effective DeadLayer

  7. Anomaly Checks for Kinematic Reconstruction • Invariant Mass Peak Position • Invariant Mass Peak Width • Invariant Mass vs. Kinetic Energy Correlation • True Event Rate Consistency

  8. Invariant Mass Peak Position and Width |Peak Position| < 0.5GeV Width < Ave + 0.1GeV

  9. Invariant Mass vs. Kinetic Energy t ~ 1ns, x~4ug/cm2 Criteria : | Slope | < 0.001

  10. Problematic Strip Statistics WFD issue M-E Corr GausFit 2 Width Position

  11. Data Rejection

  12. Energy Slope Fitter

  13. Jet Anomaly in Energy Slope Fill# < 6928 (Before April 18 21:00)

  14. Bunch By Bunch Asymmetry

  15. X90 X45 6 1 6 1 2 5 5 2 3 3 4 Y45 1 6 5 2 3 4 Typical Good Bunch Asymmetries Specific Luminosity

  16. Anomalies in Asymmetry Fill#7048 Factor of ~2 Thick Target

  17. Fill 7327 (Yellow) Asymmetries

  18. Bad Asymmetry Blue Measurements Total : 2 Measurements

  19. Bad Asymmetry Yellow Measurements Total 22 Measurements

  20. Polarization Profiles

  21. Consistency within Fill Strong Correlation with Rate

  22. 3 Profile Data Sets from Run05

  23. Blue 7151 Consistent with no profile

  24. Yellow 7133

  25. Yellow 7151

  26. Data Quality at Edge of Profile

  27. Three Polarization Profiles Rate -> xpos -> Polarization

  28. Rate vs Polarization Profile L

  29. Measurement Rates

  30. Rate Distribution for given target (blue)

  31. Rate vs. Polarization Correlation (Blue) Universal Rate = Ratei/Rmean

  32. Best fit Gaussian Fit on Profile Scan 7151 Universal Rate vs Polarization (Blue)

  33. Rate Distribution for given target (Yellow)

  34. Universal Rate vs. Polarization (Yellow) Fill# 7002(2hour) 7045(~3) 7294(~4) Reject Data Universal Rate < 0.5

  35. Ppeak Pave =0.93 Peak -> Average Polarization

  36. Towards Normalization against Jet

  37. Fill By Fill Average

  38. Fill By Fill Average with prof prof(R)

  39. pC vs. Jet (Blue) (Jet in Both Beam Mode) (60 Bunch Mode) (120 Bunch Mode)

  40. pC vs. Jet (Yellow) 0.93

  41. pC vs. Jet with Cprof both 60 bunch 120 bunch

  42. Jet Normalization both 60 bunch 120 bunch

  43. Jet Normalization Summary • Blue • Yellow

  44. Systematic Uncertainties for Fill Average Polarization

  45. Radiation Damage Effect Energy Correction History (blue)

  46. Energy Correction Projection (Blue)

  47. Energy Correction History (Yellow)

  48. DeadLayer vs. Pol Dependence (Blue)

  49. Sin(phi) fit chi2 (blue)

  50. Error Summary 0.0 2.0  deminish 1/sqrt(Nfill)

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