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    5. The changing demographics of the USA alone, as reflected in the 1990 census, shows an increase of cultural diversity of the US population. We know that in the year 2000, what had been described as minority groups now constitute a national majority.

    6. There are 6 million Muslims in the USA, and it is estimated that by the year 2010 their number will surpass Jews to make Islam the second largest religion. The odds of seeing a Muslim patient in your clinic are growing.

    8. CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN NURSING PRACTICE This statement describes the features of an operational definition of cultural diversity as it is expressed in nursing practice, education, administration, and research.

    9. CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN NURSING PRACTICE Knowledge of cultural diversity is vital at all levels of nursing practice. Ethnocentric approaches to nursing practice are ineffective in meeting health and nursing needs of diverse cultural groups of clients. Knowledge about cultures and their impact on interactions with health care is essential for nurses, whether they are practicing in a clinical setting, education, research, or administration. Cultural diversity addresses racial and ethnic differences; however, these concepts or feature of the human experience are not synonymous.

    10. How cultural groups understand life processes. How cultural groups define health and illness. What cultural groups do to maintain wellness. What cultural groups believe to be the causes of illness. How healers cure and care for members of cultural groups. How the cultural background of the nurse influences the way in which care is delivered.

    11. Journal of transcultural nursing The official journal of the Transcultural Nursing Society

    12. Leininger, M. (1985b). Transcultural care diversity and universality: A theory of nursing. Nursing and Health Care, 6(4), 209-212. The Sunrise Model

    14. Culturally Sensitive Caring for Saudi Patients Mohammad Zafir Al-Shahri, MBChB, ABFM, FFCM (KFU) Journal of Transcultural Nursing, Vol. 13 No. 2, April 2002 133-138

    15. Culture is shaped by many factors: Religion Race Economic Status Level of Education Environmental Factors Other Factors

    16. RELIGION OF ISLAM Total submission to the will of Allah by conforming inwardly and outwardly to His law.

    17. The Five Pillars of Islam To testify that there is no God save Allah and that Mohammad (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah. A form of worship rites that involve specific movements and sayings, which need to be performed five times a day. To pay 2.5% of the wealth annually for the benefit of the needy in Muslim community. To abstain from eating, drinking, and sexual intercourse during daytime (from dawn to sunset) throughout the 9th lunar month (Ramadan). The pilgrimage to Makkah once in life for those who are physically and financially able.

    18. RELIGION OF ISLAM KORAN There are two main branches, Sunni and Shiite. There are converts to the religion of Islam.

    19. Muslims are all over the world. 90% of Arabs are Muslim 20% of Muslims are Arab Muslims are not a homogeneous group of people. They come from a wide range of cultural, political, and racial backgrounds. Their faith is only one influential factor in their lives.

    20. RELIGION OF ISLAM They believe in predestination. They attribute the occurrence of disease to the will of Allah. Medical treatment is allowed, as is preventive medicine. Smoking Alcohol Illicit drugs

    21. RELIGION OF ISLAM Traditional medicine and healers Cauterize Herbal medicine Dietary treatments Chiropractic treatments Fracture reduction Cupping

    22. RELIGION OF ISLAM Spiritual Healing Possession Mal-effects of evil eye Poisonous stings

    23. RELIGION OF ISLAM Cleanliness is an important part of Islamic beliefs and ritualistic washing of certain body parts is essential to make one eligible to perform prayers which are required five times a day. Modesty is one of the core values which is expressed by both genders. Unnecessary touching is forbidden between unrelated adults of opposite sexes.

    24. RELIGION OF ISLAM Dignity and Honor Everything one does reflects on family honor of past, present, and future generations Reputation is critical Gender roles: Men are providers and protect women and family Women make the home and teach the children Respectful behavior is expected of young adults

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