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50 Incredible Middle School Art lessons.
Figure “8” Drawings with Patterns-Materials: 12” x 18” drawing paper, colored pencil and sharpie marker-Start by making a straight or curved line across the paper, then draw a “wavy” line (like the symbol for water… ”www”) along these initial lines, then make another wavy line on the opposite side to complete the row of figure 8’s. Add other lines within the figure 8’s to create areas to color.-Add other figure 8 lines across the paper to divide up the space. -Color in the figure 8’s with colored pencil, then fill the negative space with a unique pattern in each area.
Black and White Op Art-Materials: 12” x 12” or 12” x 18” white drawing paper, ruler or compass, black permanent marker, pencil-Study the Op Art the 1960’s…namely Bridget Riley, and Victor Vasarely.-Use a pencil and ruler to try one of many possible op art compositions.-Color the design in a checkerboard fashion (every other space colored/blank)
Tempera Bottle Still-Life-Materials: 12” x 18” paper, pencil, tempera paint, stamps, and stamp pads, bottles for a still-life-Set up a still-life of bottles (crowded and overlapping) and draw them in pencil on the drawing paper. Include highlights.-Use complementary colored tempera paints and white and black for variations to paint the bottles, table and all negative space / background.-Use a thin paintbrush (or liner brush) to outline all of the shapes.-Add stamps to the bottles, table and/or background. Placing a piece of paper on the edge of the bottle will allow for a stamp to go ½ on the bottle and ½ on the paper, leaving a ½ stamp (example on right).