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Abstract - As the web has grown in popularity, so have the many aspects of software. The web software is no longer static, and it must be able to handle continual interactions with users who engage with the system by clicking the mouse. This produces a massive amount of data. The web-based programme should be able to automatically update the persistent data. In this article, we will show why the MVC framework is necessary for web-based software design and provide a web application software built with the CakePhp framework.

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  1. A WEB APPLICATION USING MVC FRAMEWORK Abstract - As the web has grown in popularity, so have the many aspects of software. The web software is no longer static, and it must be able to handle continual interactions with users who engage with the system by clicking the mouse. This produces a massive amount of data. The web-based programme should be able to automatically update the persistent data. In this article, we will show why the MVC framework is necessary for web-based software design and provide a web application software built with the CakePhp framework. Introductory A web application, as opposed to a static website, requires user interaction and permanent data storage capabilities. This adds complications to the software that may be mitigated by using a framework. Without a framework, a large portion of a programmer's time is spent on standard services like cache, persistence, and security. There is no interoperability across distinct programmes because they are most likely application specific. As a result, each new project requires a significant amount of duplicating effort. A framework is a code foundation that offers functionality that is shared by many different types of applications. This foundation may be built upon by the programmer and utilised in various projects. Lower-level functions, such as database connections, can be established ahead of time, reducing web development time and allowing the programmer to focus on the key requirements or business logic, which is the project's goal. A web framework's characteristics include the ability to quickly store, read, and change persistent data in the application; data integrity; session management; user authentication; security; and caching. The framework often controls the execution flow and can help with programming design patterns like Model-View- Controller (MVC). MVC with 3-Tier Architecture The MVC technique divides the programme into three components: the model, which contains the application data, the view, which displays the user interface, and the control, which handles user input. The MVC design is perfect for creating user-interactive websites. It makes it easier to code, maintain, and extend apps. This is due to the program's logic being divided into three areas: presentation (view), business or logic (control), and data access (model). Using the conventional MVC definition, the components are as follows: Model - Represents permanent application data and alerts views and controllers when its state or data changes. View - Displays model data to the user and monitors the model for changes. Controller - Handles any form of input and, if necessary, sends commands to update the model depending on that input. Three-tier architecture is founded on the same separation principles, with the premise that the components can be physically separated and housed on various computers. In addition to the previously described benefits of code separation, three-tier architecture provides the benefit of being able to update or replace any of the tiers without impacting the others. CakePHP development is a PHP fast development framework with an extensible architecture for building, updating, and deploying applications. CakePHP saves development costs and helps developers write less code by utilising well-known design principles such as MVC and ORM inside the convention over configuration paradigm. This is simply one of several frameworks for creating PHP web development. Laravel, Phalcon, Zend, Symfony, and CodeIgniter are some more prominent frameworks. CakePHP is popular because it is open source, offers a plethora of built-in security measures, and has an ORM.

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