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Welcome to our English Lesson

Welcome to our English Lesson. Tall Obese Muscular. T all O bese M uscular. Trust-worthy Optimistic Mature. T rust-worthy O ptimistic M ature. D river A ctive V an I mpatient D angerous. D avid is A ngry with Miss Fok V ery nice to Miss Chik

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Welcome to our English Lesson

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to our English Lesson

  2. Tall Obese Muscular

  3. Tall Obese Muscular

  4. Trust-worthy Optimistic Mature

  5. Trust-worthy Optimistic Mature

  6. Driver Active Van Impatient Dangerous

  7. David is Angry with Miss Fok Very nice to Miss Chik Important to be on Duty

  8. AcrosticPoems

  9. Write an acrostic poem? - When? - How? →short? long? funny? serious?

  10. Short ones Top speed Interesting Great Eager Real

  11. Dolphins live courageous in water Orderly Lovable Pleasant Happily Interesting Normal Sensible

  12. Long ones White is the snow Horses are white In the high sky are the clouds The white colors are on shirts Even a white bird is pretty

  13. Blue is my favorite color Lovely flowers are sometimes blue Under the blue ocean are fish Even in the blue sky fly airplanes

  14. Write an acrostic poem? - What? → name, school, teachers, hobbies, food, pets, etc.

  15. Your Turn • Group work—4 students in each group • Write an acrostic poem about…… your SCHOOL! YCHLPYSS

  16. Time Allowed • 10 minutes to finish your task • Each group can get a large writing paper and a drawing pen • The best group can get five apples today GO!

  17. Peer Evaluation • Post your work around the classroom NOW! • One member has to describe how you created your acrostic poem • Each of you now walk around, give your favorite piece of poem a sticker to see which one is the winner today

  18. Individual Work • Each of you has to create an acrostic poem to introduce yourself • Use your name • Appearance? Personality? GO!

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