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Preterite of verbs like caer

Learn how to conjugate and use verbs like caer and leer in the preterite tense. Understand the changes in third-person preterite endings and the accent mark in other forms.

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Preterite of verbs like caer

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  1. Preterite of verbs like caer Preview • Preterite of verbs like caer • The verb leer

  2. Preterite of verbs like caer • When -er or -ir verbs like caerse have a stem that ends in a vowel, the i of third-person preterite endings changes to y: -ió -yóand -ieron -yeron. • In all other forms the i has a written accent mark (í) to show that the íis pronounced as a separate syllable. caerse(to fall) nosotros(as) nos caímos yo me caí tú te caíste vosotros(as) os caísteis Ud., él, ella se cayó Uds., ellos, ellas se cayeron

  3. Preterite of verbs like caer • When -er or -ir verbs like caerse have a stem that ends in a vowel, the i of third-person preterite endings changes to y: -ió -yóand -ieron -yeron. • In all other forms the i has a written accent mark (í) to show that the íis pronounced as a separate syllable. Ese gato travieso se subió al refrigerador y se cayóen la basura.

  4. The verb leer • The verb leer also has a stem that ends in a vowel and follows the same pattern as caerse. • Construir (to build) has the same third-person endings, but has no accent marks in the tú, nosotros, and vosotros forms. ¿¡Leístetoda la novela anoche!? ¿No dormiste? ¿Qué construisteen la playa?

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