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Comparing ULM (Microlight) regulation and accidentology in two EU countries

This article compares the microlight (ULM) regulations and accident data in France and Spain. It discusses the medical regulations for ULM pilots in both countries and the causes of ULM accidents. The conclusion highlights the need for a coordinated approach in aviation regulations.

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Comparing ULM (Microlight) regulation and accidentology in two EU countries

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  1. Comparing ULM (Microlight)regulation and accidentology in two EU countries P Ortiz MD Spain Delegate FAI-CIMP FAI-CIMP Conference Zagreb 2009

  2. ULM Medical Regulations in France Sport license requires an initial medical certificate stating absence of: • Weight – height deficiency • Cardiovascular illnesses causing alteration of left ejection fraction and/or rythm at effort or at recovery • Evolutionary pleuro pulmonary lesions • Severe morphological static and/or dynamic alterations, particularly in dorso-lumbar vertebral column with risk of acute pathology or accelerated wear • Epilepsy, loss of consciousness, vertigo, equilibrium alterations Regulation: - Law 99-223, 23 march 1999, Art. 5 on health of sport and fight against doping - Code de Santé Publique (Art. L.3622-1) > It is not an aviation medical examination: all doctors can perform it. > The Federation Drs will make a decision on the cases were a pathology is present and the candidate asks for revision.

  3. ULM Medical Regulations in Spain JAA FCL Class 2 Regulation: • DGAC, Orden ORDEN FOM/1267/2008 de 28 de abril (BOE 110, 6 May 2008) > It is an aviation medical examination: only authrised AMEs can perform it. > The Federation Drs have no official role to play

  4. ULM Accidents

  5. Causes of ULM accidents Spain 2007 Human > 78 % 1/2 1/2 Adapted from : Min Fomento CIAIAC: Accidentalidad de ULM en España durante el año 2007 CIAIC ULM http://www.fomento.es/NR/rdonlyres/2885E1B3-BCE3-4538-BE33-1F3D736667C6/41384/InformeULM2007.pdf accessed Aug 7,2009

  6. Causes of ULM accidents France 2007 Human > 81% Adapted from: FFPULM Mémo Sécurité du pilote ULM Ed. 10/2008 http://www.ffplum.com/Images/Upload/Securite/Annee%202008/MEMO%20SECURITE%202008_.pdf accessed Aug7, 2009

  7. ULM Accidents Source: Spain: Min Fomento CIAIAC: Accidentalidad de ULM en España durante el año 2007 CIAIC ULM http://www.fomento.es/NR/rdonlyres/2885E1B3-BCE3-4538-BE33-1F3D736667C6/41384/InformeULM2007.pdf accessed Aug 7,2009 France: Bureau Enquètes et Analyses / http://www.bea.aero/etudes/securite2007/securite2007.html accessed Aug 7, 2009 and Aviation Civile / Aviation légère / Vol moteur ULM (secteur associatif) / http://www.aviation-civile.gouv.fr/html/avia_leg/statistiques/oac_stat2007_ulm.pdf accessed Aug 7, 2009

  8. Accident / Aircraft Ratio

  9. DISCUSSION • Though the limitations in the methodology and statistical approach, it seems that different regulatory approaches only result in number of participants and not in the safety • Aviation authorities apply different analysis methodologies in EU; Eventually EASA might bring a coordinated approach

  10. CONCLUSIONS • As it seems to be the case in Gliding*, the level of medical requirements for the pilots seems not to correlate with the achieved safety in ULM. • The raw data to gain evidence exist and are nowadays easier to obtain, but they are difficult to process statistically due to the differences in accident reporting and analysis. • It is suggested to perform analysis from the descriptions / basic data and not from the interpretations of the different national bodies. *Ortiz P, Panel 19 Air Sports Medicine Médecine des sports aériens ICASM Madrid 2001 http://www.iaasm.org/FullMadridProgramwithAbstracts.pdf accessed Aug 7,2009

  11. Thanks !Hvala !

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