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kjf,dj. fodrgq jsjr lsrSug. leu;so@. Un fuys wruqK oek .ekSug leu;s kus. tod .,a hqqqq.fha .skaor fidhd .;aod isg wo olajd f,dj oshqKqfjka oshqKqjg m;afjuska ;snshoS oshqKqfjs uyd fmr,shla we;s lruska wfma oshqKqjg ;=vqoqka WmlrKhla .ek myod oSuhs uf.a wruqK.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. kjf,dj fodrgq jsjr lsrSug leu;so@

  2. Un fuys wruqK oek .ekSug leu;s kus tod .,a hqqqq.fha .skaor fidhd .;aod isg wo olajd f,dj oshqKqfjka oshqKqjg m;afjuska ;snshoS oshqKqfjs uyd fmr,shla we;s lruska wfma oshqKqjg ;=vqoqka WmlrKhla .ek myod oSuhs uf.a wruqK fu;ekaisg jsjr lrkak Tfns oEia

  3. I.C.T Age kj usksidf.a PSjs;h ixlSraK jSu;a iu. Tjqkaf.a wjYH;d jevsjSu yd ;r.ldrS iudPh yuqfjS Tjqkaf.a wjYH;d fjs.j;aj yd ksjerosj imqrd.ekSug Tyqg isoqj ;sfns'fuS wkQj f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh f,djg yoqkajdoSu;a iu. f,dalh fjs.j;aj oshqKq jsh'fufia mrs.Kl lquh m%p,s; jqfha tys fjs.j;a nj yd M,odhS;djh ksihs' tuksid fuu hq.h The ICT Age f,i yoqkajhs' f,dj oshKq qyd oshqKq fjuska mj;sk rgj, wdra:slh k.d isgqjSug fuu I C T fhdod .kshs'

  4. f;dr;=re yd ikaksfjSokh ksid oshqKq jq ;eka • wOHdmk lafIa;%h Computer aided learning • nexl= lafIa;%h A t m • ikaksfjSok ;dlaIKh Fax, telepone , e mail,intter net • ffjoH lafIa;%h CT,MRI,ECG ,EEG • bxPsfkare lafIa;%h

  5. mrs.Kl b;sydih mrs.Klhg b;d oSra> b;sydihla we;' w;S; usksidg o;a; .Kkhioyd fjs.j;a oE wjIah jSfus m%;sM,hla jYfhka mrs.Klh ksraudkhjsh' mrs.Klh ksraudKh jSug m%:u WmlrK reila we;sjsh

  6. fuh l%s'mq 450oS pSkfhaoS ksmojQjls uq,au .Kkh lsrSfus WmlrKhhs wenlih

  7. ovqpl%h keue;s hka;%ho 1617 oS John Napier jsiska ixLHd .=K lsrSu ioyd ksraudKh lf,ah' by; lS ish,q WmlrK mrs.klfha uq,a mqrelah

  8. mrs.Klhg uq,msrEjka Charles babbage

  9. Herman Hollere.

  10. Blaise Pascal

  11. jra;udk mrs.Klfha Wmdx. computer system

  12. Monitors.

  13. Key Bord

  14. mouse

  15. Sustem unit

  16. C.P.U

  17. Printers

  18. Speakers

  19. kQ;k mrs.Klh Kq;k mrs.Klfha fiajh wmuKh fjS.j;a Ndjh ksid th f,dj mqrd m=p,s;h ud’fuS meyeos,s lf,a mrs.Klh ms<sno f;dr;=re nsols fmd; m; u.ska ;j;a f;dr;=re fidhkak

  20. ieug udf.a ;=;s

  21. E.A.Thilina Udara NAME birthday 1995.06.15 7-a Grade Seelarathana m.v School 060-2308498 Telipone namber

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