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Hitech Cleaning Services

Hitech Cleaning and Placement Services is a professional cleaning company based in Kathmandu, Nepal. We provide a wide range of cleaning services to residential and commercial clients. Our team of experienced and certified cleaners are dedicated to providing the highest quality of service possible.<br><br>

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Hitech Cleaning Services

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  1. Keeping Your Home Clean and Safe During Flu Season Flu season is an annual occurrence that can bring discomfort and illness to homes across Nepal, especially in densely populated areas like Kathmandu. At Hitech Cleaning and Placement Services, we understand the importance of maintaining a clean and hygienic living environment to protect your family’s health. In this blog post, we will discuss practical tips and strategies for keeping your home clean and safe during flu season. 1. Regular Disinfection Flu viruses can linger on surfaces for hours or even days. To minimize the risk of infection, it’s crucial to regularly disinfect high-touch surfaces in your home. Our cleaning services in Nepal and cleaning services in Kathmandu include thorough disinfection techniques to ensure that your living spaces are virus-free. However, between professional cleanings, you can disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and countertops using household disinfectants. 2. Frequent Handwashing Encourage your family members to maintain good hand hygiene. Provide easy access to soap and water, and remind everyone to wash their hands thoroughly and frequently, especially before meals and after returning home. Proper handwashing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of flu and other illnesses. 3. Proper Ventilation A well-ventilated home can help reduce the concentration of airborne viruses. Open windows and doors when weather permits to improve air circulation. Consider using air purifiers with HEPA filters to trap airborne particles, including viruses. 4. Laundering and Cleaning Bedding During flu season, it’s advisable to wash bedding, including sheets and pillowcases, more frequently. Use hot water to ensure that any viruses or germs are effectively killed. Our cleaning services can also assist with deep cleaning your mattress and upholstered furniture to eliminate potential contaminants. 5. Personal Hygiene In addition to maintaining a clean home, personal hygiene is essential. Teach your family members to cover their mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing, ideally

  2. with a tissue or their elbow, to prevent the spread of germs. Dispose of used tissues immediately and wash hands afterward. 6. Professional Cleaning Services To ensure the highest level of cleanliness and safety during flu season, consider enlisting the help of professionals like Hitech Cleaning and Placement Services. Our experienced team uses industry-leading cleaning techniques and eco-friendly products to keep your home spotless and healthy. During flu season, maintaining a clean and safe home is paramount to protect your family’s well-being. At Hitech Cleaning and Placement Services, we are committed to providing top-notch cleaning services in Kathmandu. Follow these tips to minimize the risk of illness, and remember that our team is just a click or a call away to assist you in maintaining a clean and safe living environment. For more updates and information, connect with us on our social media platforms: Facebook: Hitech Cleaning Services Nepal Instagram: Hitech Cleaning Official LinkedIn: Hitech Cleaning and Placement Service Stay healthy, and let us help you keep your home clean and safe during flu season and beyond. Top 10 Cleaning Hacks You Need to Know for a Tidy Home Are you tired of spending hours scrubbing and cleaning every nook and cranny of your private home? Do desire there was a less difficult and extra efficient manner to keep your own home clean and tidy? Look no further! In the blog post, we’re going to proportion with you the pinnacle 10 cleaning hacks on the way to revolutionize the manner you clean your home. From doing away with stubborn stains to tackling unpleasant odours, these hacks are assured to make your cleansing ordinary a breeze. So seize your cleansing supplies and let’s get started out! Vinegar: The Ultimate Cleaning Agent Vinegar is a less expensive and versatile family factor that may be used for a large number of cleaning responsibilities. From removing soap scum inside the bathroom to fighting hard stains on your kitchen countertops, vinegar is a real superhero. Mix the same components of vinegar and water in a twig bottle and use it to easy windows, mirrors, or even your microwave! Its acidic homes smash down dirt and dust, leaving surfaces sparkling easily.

  3. Baking Soda: The Odor Eliminator Have a stinky carpet or a cool fridge? Baking soda is right here to shop the day! Sprinkle baking soda generously on your carpets and allow it to take a seat for a few hours before vacuuming it up. Say goodbye to unpleasant odours! For your fridge, place an open container of baking soda on one of the cabinets to absorb any lingering smells. You can also mix baking soda with vinegar to create an effective cleansing paste for cussed stains and greasy surfaces. Lemon: Nature’s Freshener with Cleaning Not only does lemon add a refreshing twist to your glass of water, but, it could additionally clean up your property. Cut a lemon in half and rub it on slicing forums to cast off stains and do away with odours. Squeeze lemon juice onto a cloth and use it to easily shine your stainless-steel home equipment. Lemon is also a natural bleach, so it could be used to eliminate stains from clothing and brighten white fabrics. Microfiber Cloths: The Cleaning Essential Say goodbye to paper towels and hiya to microfiber cloths. These tremendously absorbent and reusable cloths are perfect for cleansing a number of surfaces. They are splendid for dusting, as their best fibres entice dirt debris in place of simply pushing them around. Microfiber cloths also can be used with just water, reducing the need for chemical cleaning dealers. Plus, they’re gadget-cleanable, making them an extra sustainable and value-effective alternative. Toothpaste: Not Just for Your Teeth Believe it or not, toothpaste is not only for your pearly whites, but it is able to also paint wonders as a cleansing agent. Got scuffed or dirty shoes? Apply toothpaste to the affected areas, scrub them with a broom, and watch them shine like new. Toothpaste also can cast off markers and crayon marks from walls and clean your silver rings to repair their lustre. Just do not forget to use white, non-gel toothpaste for those cleaning responsibilities. Dryer Sheets: The Dust Buster If you’re bored with dirt deciding on your surfaces shortly after cleaning, strive the use dryer sheets. Not handiest do they make your clothes smell clean, but they also can repel dirt and static. Run a dryer sheet over your fixtures, blinds, and electronics to maintain them dust-free for longer. You may even place a dryer sheet for your vacuum cleaner bag to release a pleasant heady scent while you smooth. Hydrogen Peroxide: The Stain Eraser

  4. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful stain remover that can address even the hardest marks. It’s mainly effective on garb stains, which include blood or wine. Just follow hydrogen peroxide at once to the stained vicinity and permit it to sit down for a couple of minutes before washing. However, be careful whilst using hydrogen peroxide on coloured fabric, as it could have bleaching consequences. Always take a look at it in a small, inconspicuous area first. Salt: The Grease Fighter Grease stains on your stove or pots and pans can be a nightmare to smooth. Luckily, salt can come to the rescue! Sprinkle salt on the greasy area and allow it to take a seat for a few minutes. The salt will soak up the grease, making wiping it less difficult. You can also use salt to clean your cast-iron skillet. Simply sprinkle salt onto the skillet and scrub with a damp cloth or sponge. Newspaper: The Window Cleaner Achieving streak-unfastened home windows has never been easier thanks to the newspaper. Instead of the use of paper towels, cave in up a sheet of newspaper and use it to wipe your windows. The ink within the newspaper acts as a mild abrasive, eliminating dust and filth without leaving streaks at the back. For an extra shine, spray your windows with a vinegar-water answer earlier than wiping them down with the newspaper. Rubber Gloves: The Pet Hair Magnet If you have got hairy buddies at home, you understand how difficult it is able to be to do away with puppy hair out of your fixtures and clothing. Put on a couple of rubber gloves and rub them over your upholstered surfaces or apparel. The static electricity will appeal to the pet hair, making it clear to accumulate and put off. You can also hose down the gloves slightly for an excellent higher grip on the hair. Top 10 Cleaning Hacks – Conclusion Cleaning would not be a daunting assignment anymore. With these top 10 cleaning hacks, you can rework your cleaning habits in a quick and efficient manner. From vinegar and baking soda to lemon and toothpaste, those family substances can tackle an extensive variety of cleaning duties. So say goodbye to hours of scrubbing and welcome a tidy domestic with those available cleaning hacks. Don’t forget to share your favourite cleaning hacks in the comments below and satisfied cleaning!

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