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Bio-fuels in Zambia-Focus and scope for CSBF by Marriot Nyangu Chairperson -CSBF Civil Society Bio-fuels Forum-Zambia Email:biofuelsforum@zambia.co.zm www.biofuelsforumzambia.com. QUOTE!. A great Guinea Bissau revolutionary leader,Amilcar Cabral,once said:

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  1. Bio-fuels in Zambia-Focus and scope for CSBFby Marriot NyanguChairperson -CSBFCivil Society Bio-fuels Forum-ZambiaEmail:biofuelsforum@zambia.co.zmwww.biofuelsforumzambia.com

  2. QUOTE! A great Guinea Bissau revolutionary leader,AmilcarCabral,once said: “Hide nothing from the masses of our people.Tell no lies, expose lies whenever they are told, mask no difficulties,mistakes,failures,claim no easy victories”

  3. Introduction and background • The Govt of Zambia has embraced the dev of Bio-fuels through S.I.41 • The objectives of the S.I 41 are: • An industry that meet strategic energy needs and contributes to rural development • Stimulate rural development and contribute to the reduction of poverty

  4. Introductions and Main Goal • The CSBF membership comprises of Local NGOs ,Civil Society Organisations whose main objectives are to reduce poverty and improve incomes through local enterprises Main Goal: • To ensure that the biofuels industry processes, policies and practices are equitable and favourable to all stakeholders

  5. Objectives and Role of CSBF Main Objectives : 1.Research ,document & disseminate factual based issues on the bio-fuels industry in relation to land rights, environment and bio-diversity,out-grower schemes, industry impact on women and children & related government policy. 2.To identify policy & practice gaps for advocacy, lobbying & engagement with policy makers & other stakeholders CSBF has an important role to play in the advocacy of policies on trade , marketing cultivation , land rights , labour & gender issues in the bio-fuels industry

  6. Current Assessments • 3 provinces • Northern, Southern & Central 2 districts per selected province: Mungwi & Chinsali in NP, Mumbwa & Mkushi in CP; Choma & Monze in SP Areas of assessment were in: • GOVT policies and expenditure • Out grower schemes, small scale farmers • Environment and biodiversity • Land use rights • Impact on women and children

  7. Opportunities • By entering the bio-fuels production & use, Zambia can create jobs, increase incomes & increase food security thus improve poverty reduction. How to define poverty reduction by bio-fuels? • In simple terms bio-fuels production & use should translate in increase in household income, meet requirements of food & other basic needs of housing & water, sanitation & health.

  8. Concerns • Impact on poverty on increased bio-fuels production is hard to predict; assessments done so far shows little or insignificant change in their lives because they depend on various factors which vary among regions in Zambia. • It has also been proved that past out-grower schemes in the past for Soya beans ,Tobacco, cotton did not bring the desired benefits

  9. Concerns • Promoters of bio-fuels set the conditions and terms of international trade dictating prices, markets & conditions of employment. • Smallholder producers who cannot negotiate with big multi-national companies have to do with low & fluctuating prices. • Multi-national companies tend to dominate out-grower schemes by operating cartels.

  10. Conclusion • Ensure value created for local farmers & rural development through local processing & value addition. • Need to develop Land use strategies (such as agro-ecological mapping & zoning initiatives. • Need to remove legal & institutional barriers for women to access land • Avoid land-use conflicts by not displacing rural communities

  11. Thank you for your attention!

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