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Maternal and Child Health Bureau

Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Division of State & Community Health (DSCH). Mission of the Division of State and Community Health.

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Maternal and Child Health Bureau

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  1. Maternal and Child Health Bureau Division of State & Community Health (DSCH)

  2. Mission of the Division of Stateand Community Health “To work, in partnership with States, primarily through the Title V block grant, communities, and grantees to assure continued improvement in the health, safety and well-being of the MCH population.”

  3. Functions of the Division of State and Community Health • Serve as Project Officers to the 59 State and jurisdictional MCH programs. • Develop and update every three years the Title V MCH Block Grant Application Guidance. • Track State progress in meeting performance objectives. • Coordinate Technical Assistance (TA) opportunities, as requested by States and jurisdictions.

  4. Functions of the Division of State and Community Health • Administer the SSDI program. • Provide administrative oversight for two AMCHP Cooperative Agreements: • Partnership for State Title V MCH Leadership • State Public Health Coordinating Center for Autism • Orchestrate the annual Federal/State Partnership meeting (MCH and CSHCN State Directors grantee meeting).

  5. Electronic Application Submission • Title V grantees submit applications/annual reports online using the Title V Information System (TVIS). • States report on 18 National Performance Measures, State Performance Measures, Outcome Measures, Health Status Indicators and Health System Capacity Indicators. • Annual data reported is available for 5 years.

  6. Electronic Application Submission • State, Regional, and National comparisons are accessible by the general public. • TVIS can be accessed through the MCHB website or at: https://perfdata.hrsa.gov/mchb/mchreports/Search/search.asp. • Every five years States are also required to conduct a comprehensive, Statewide Needs Assessment.

  7. Priority Areas of the Division of State & Community Health • Analyze Title V Performance Data • Across States • Within Individual States over Time. • Identify Promising Practice Models • Further Investigated by Rigorous Evaluations. • Coordinate Technical Assistance • To Individual States. • With Other Divisions and Offices of MCHB and HRSA.

  8. End Users Title V Block Grant Data • Researchers • Academic Institutions/Public Health Programs • Federal/State Policy Makers • Federal/State/Local Governmental Agencies • Stakeholders • Professional Organizations/Associations • General Public

  9. Division of State and Community Health 2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Congratulations to the Title V MCH Block Grant Program for achieving a rating of Effective in the 2008 U.S. Office of Management and Budget’s Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) review. - Highest Achievable Rating - Approximately 19 Percent of Federal Programs are rated as performing at an “Effective” Level - Review posted at www.ExpectMore.gov

  10. Division of State and Community Health 2008 ACCOMPLISHMENTS • PART Review cited that the program has had a positive impact, with strong and effective collaborations established between Federal, State, local and private-sector entities concerned with MCH. • Also cited was that the program has shown improvements in the scope and quality of evaluations conducted since the 2002 PART review.

  11. Division of State and Community Health ACCOMPLISHMENTS Recent Completed Evaluations: • Assessment and Evaluation of Title V Block Grant Program’s Infrastructure-Building Activities Final Report (Based on Report prepared by Health Systems Research, Inc., December 2007) • Meeting State MCH Needs: A Summary of State Priorities and Performance Measures (Sheps Center-UNC, January 2008)

  12. Division of State and Community Health ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Evaluation Reports (Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., May 2008): • Assessment of Data Notes for Title V MCH Block Grant National Performance Measures and for Nine MCHB Discretionary Grant Performance Measures; • Assessment of MCH Block Grant State Performance Measures Related to Obesity; and • Analysis of Family Participation Performance Measures in the MCH Block Grant and MCHB Discretionary Grant Programs.

  13. Division of State and Community Health FUTURE EFFORTS • 2008 PART review findings indicated a continuing need to determine what actions are required to improve the percent of low birth weight births. • PART Improvement Plan Objectives: • Develop a program performance measure targeting the ratio of racial and ethnic disparities in low birth weight infants.

  14. Division of State and Community Health FUTURE EFFORTS • PART Improvement Plan Objectives: • Promote evidence-based practices to reduce the incidence (and better understand the causes) of low birth weight; and • Conduct a technical review and evaluation of State Title V MCH priority needs, SPMs and promising practices. (Ongoing work with the Sheps Center to examine current trends in the delivery of VLBW infants at appropriate level hospitals and States’ efforts and existing data capacity around preconceptional health and oral health care/access.)

  15. Division of State and Community Health State MCH Block Grant Project Officers Region V Pam Eason PH: 301-443-0272 E-mail: peason@hrsa.gov Region III Keisher Highsmith PH:301-443-1963 E-mail: khighsmith@hrsa.gov Region IV Scott Snyder PH: 301-443-0345 E-mail: ssnyder@hrsa.gov Region I Ellen Volpe PH: 301-443-2204 E-mail: evolpe@hrsa.gov Region II Corey Palmer PH: 301-443-5843 E-mail: cpalmer@hrsa.gov

  16. Division of State and Community Health State MCH Block Grant Project Officers Region VI Cassie Lauver PH: 301-443-2204 E-mail: clauver@hrsa.gov Region VII Corey Palmer PH: 301-443-5843 E-mail: cpalmer@hrsa.gov Region VIII Michele Lawler PH: 301-443-8152 E-mail: mlawler@hrsa.gov Region IX Cassie Lauver PH: 301-443-2204 E-mail: clauver@hrsa.gov Region X Carol O’Toole PH:301-443-0869 E-mail: cotoole@hrsa.gov

  17. DSCH Project Officers DSCH

  18. State Systems Development InitiativeProject Officer – All Regions Scott Snyder, M.P.H. PH: 301-443-0345 E-mail: ssnyder@hrsa.gov

  19. Division of State and Community Health Program Support Florence Odongkara Public Health Analyst 301-443-6007 fodongkara@hrsa.gov

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