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Racquet Up Detroit

Racquet Up Detroit. Student Protection Plan. What is it?. Intended to: Protect students, staff and volunteers during their involvement with Racquet U Protect all children involved with RUD from abuse and neglect while participating in the program .

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Racquet Up Detroit

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  1. Racquet Up Detroit Student Protection Plan

  2. What is it? • Intended to: • Protect students, staff and volunteers during their involvement with Racquet U • Protect all children involved with RUD from abuse and neglect while participating in the program. • Promote awareness and prevention of child abuse and neglect in the community at large. • Key Components: • Mandated Reporting • Volunteer Screening • Electronic Communication and Social Media Usage • Student Supervision • Volunteer Monitoring and Feedback • Appropriate Conduct

  3. Mandated Reporting • “all adults that have supervisory responsibility over minors – whether in a volunteer or professional capacity – are required to report all cases in which the adult had reasonable cause to suspect that the minor is being abused or neglected” • Mandated Reporting Process (SPP pg. 2-3) • Determine if there is Reasonable Cause to suspect child abuse or neglect: • If Yes: (1) telephone referral, (2) written report within 72 hours, (3) notify Executive Director • If No: notify Executive Director of suspicion within 72 hours

  4. Volunteer Screening • All volunteers (new and returning) must complete the following each year: • Volunteer Registration • Most completed this online form before today’s training • Authorization & Disclosure for Background Check • Ensuring Minor Safety Questionnaire • Protecting Youth Sports conducts our Background checks. • Background Check Policy (Document 2 of SPP) outlines how the background check results will be used in decision making.

  5. Complete Volunteer Screening Forms • We will take 10 minutes now for all volunteers to complete the following forms: • Volunteer Registration (if not completed online) • Authorization & Disclosure for Background Check • Ensuring Minor Safety Questionnaire

  6. Electronic Communication and Social Media • Adults responsible for maintaining appropriate boundaries. • Volunteers should not be communicating with students via voice messages, e-mails or text messages without approval by SPPA. • If you have a reason to communicate with student using these methods, all communications must be directed to parents/guardians or copied to parents/guardians if parent has allowed direct communication. • Volunteers may not post photos to any non-RUD maintained websites or social media pages without prior approval from the SPPA. • Only students’ first names may be used in posts to public sites. • Review and sign Electronic Communication and Social Media Policy.

  7. Student Supervision • One-on-One Interactions • Are to be an extremely rare occurrence. • Only after notification and approval by RUD Executive Director. • If interaction is planned, there will be intermittent monitoring by RUD staff throughout the session. • YOUR ROLE: Don’t allow yourself to end up in an unplanned one-on-one interaction. • Responsibility for Students • Once you have assumed charge of the student(s) you remain responsible until a duly designated adult has taken charge of each child (i.e. until another volunteer or staff has taken charge or until parent has taken charge in rare situations).

  8. Student Supervision • Student Movement in Facility and Communication with Northwest Activities Center Staff and Visitors (Safe Movement Policy) • All students must have an adult volunteer or staff member with them as they move through the building during program hours. • Bathroom passes are required to use the bathroom and drinking fountain during Learning Time. • Students will refrain from using Men’s/Ladies Locker rooms as well as the Men’s/Ladies Restrooms nearest the Racquet Up Office. • Students in Squash Practice will only use the Restrooms on the 1st floor above the Squash Courts on the eastern section of the Northwest Activities Center.

  9. Student Supervision • Student Transportation • Students may only be transported according to their Transportation Plan. • Volunteers are not allowed to approve alternate transportation arrangements. • Volunteers may not drive students without explicit permission of SPPA / Executive Director, and only after providing proof of insurance and having a driving record check. • Volunteer to Student Ratio • Volunteers should generally always have staff present when interacting with students. • Recommended supervision ratio of 1 adult : 8 students. • Whenever possible – 2 adults with students, one of whom should be the same gender as the students.

  10. Volunteer Monitoring and Feedback • Formal, unannounced observations • Once per semester • Completed by RUD staff member (ideally SPPA or Executive Director) • Produce a written report • This is a great opportunity for feedback and suggestions for continued development as a volunteer.

  11. Appropriate Conduct • Prohibited Behaviors • Abusive statements such as those that deal with race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, gender, age, sex, or sexual orientation. • Physical, emotional, sexual, and ethical. • Neglect or endangerment of a child. • Romantic or sexual conduct with minors, including any and all RUD students. This includes any romantic or sexual encounters or relationships that the volunteer perceives to be consensual. • Providing minors with alcohol or drugs (including prescription pills) • Encouraging violence or physical altercations • Threatening, bribing, or extorting minors for any purpose • Facilitating a minor’s possession of any contraband, including weapons, firearms, or stolen property • Wrestling or sparring with students, even in jest

  12. Appropriate Conduct • Let’s discuss some appropriate and inappropriate verbal and physical behaviors. • Some guidelines to remember about physical contact: • Touching should be in response to the need of the child, not the need of the adult. • Touching should be with the child’s permission. • Resistance to touching must be respected. • Touching must never include the breast, buttocks, or groin. • Touching should be done in the open, NOT IN PRIVATE. • Touching should have a brief, limited duration.

  13. Questions? • Acknowledgment of Receipt • You each have a copy of the Student Protection Plan • Please sign and submit

  14. Thank you!

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