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Civil Rights Review

Civil Rights Review. What Supreme court case declared “separate is inherently unequal”?. Brown v. Board of Ed. The murder of this individual united the civil rights movement in 1955. Emmett Till. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot in this city in this year. Memphis, TN; 1968.

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Civil Rights Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Civil Rights Review

  2. What Supreme court case declared “separate is inherently unequal”? Brown v. Board of Ed.

  3. The murder of this individual united the civil rights movement in 1955. Emmett Till

  4. Martin Luther King Jr. was shot in this city in this year. Memphis, TN; 1968

  5. MLK Jr. wrote his famous letter from a jail defending his non-violent strategies in what state? Alabama

  6. What is de facto segregation? Segregation by custom, habit

  7. Put the events in the correct order. Letter from a Birmingham Jail, Montgomery Bus Boycott, March on Washington, March from fear

  8. The first African American to attend the University of Mississippi James Meredith

  9. Name two campaigns that led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 Freedom Summer, Selma Campaign, MFDP’s stand at the Democratic National Convention

  10. What individual was chosen to represent the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party at the 1964 Democratic National Convention? Fannie Lou Hamer

  11. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 did what? Eliminated the literacy test

  12. The founder of the Nation of Islam… Elijah Muhammad

  13. The Watts Riots took place in this city… Los Angeles

  14. This leader of SNCC eventually became a Black Panther. Stokely Carmichael

  15. The violence that resulted from MLK Jr.’s assassination may have influenced the violence that led to the assassination of this political leader in the same year. Robert Kennedy

  16. The assassin of MLK Jr. was named… James Earl Ray

  17. The Civil Rights Act of 1968 did what? Banned discrimination in housing

  18. The Kerner Commission blamed African American rioting on… White racism

  19. What is the name for someone who rode buses in the south to try and make sure southerners subscribed to the laws on integration Freedom riders

  20. MLK Jr. debuted on the national stage with his help with this event. Montgomery Bus Boycott

  21. “SNCC” stands for Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

  22. MLK JR. headed an organization called __________, which stood for ________________ SCLC, Southern Christian Leadership Conference

  23. What man served as the Browns’ lawyer? Thurgood Marshall

  24. Put the following events in chronological order Freedom Riders, Freedom Summer, Civil Rights Act of 1957

  25. MLK Jr’s “I have a dream” speech was given in what city? Washington D.C.

  26. This individual coined the slogan “Black Power.” Stokely Carmichael

  27. The main goal of this political group was to fight police brutality in the ghetto. Black Panthers

  28. This policy involves making special efforts to hire or enroll groups that have suffered discrimination in the past. Affirmative Action

  29. This man led the voter project in Mississippi during the summer of 1964. Robert Moses

  30. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did what? Prohibited discrimination because of race, religion, national origin and gender.

  31. The name of the hostile police chief in Birmingham was? Bull Connor

  32. Emmett Till was murdered in _________ (state) by the husband and brother-in-law of ________. Mississippi, Carolyn Bryant

  33. The governor of Arkansas during the Little Rock School Segregation crisis was named… Governor Faubus

  34. This girl was the most controversial of the “Little Rock Nine.” Minnie Jean Brown

  35. Put the events in chronological order. Little Rock, Emmett Till murder, Birmingham

  36. Malcolm X’s shift from a believer in the use of violence to the use of vote after his split from the Black Muslims can be described in this phrase. “Ballots or bullets”

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