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Jelly Candy

Jelly Candy . OVERVIEW. Supersaturation Principles of sugar confectionery processing F actors affect ing the production and storage of sweets Jelly Candy (Tomato & Rosella). What happens when you heat a sugar solution?. Supersaturation.  Supersaturation is an unstable state .

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Jelly Candy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jelly Candy

  2. OVERVIEW • Supersaturation • Principles of sugar confectionery processing • Factors affecting the production and storage of sweets • Jelly Candy (Tomato & Rosella)

  3. What happens when you heat a sugar solution?

  4. Supersaturation  Supersaturation is an unstable state.  The sugar molecules will begin to crystallize back into a solid at the least provocation.

  5. Principles of Sugar Confectionery Production

  6. Factors affecting the production and storage of sweets

  7. Degree of Sucrose Inversion • “The amount of invert sugar in the candy/sweets must be controlled!!!!” • Tartaric, citric acid  can be used in controlling amount of inversion • If too much  sticky candy (take up water from the air). • If too little  insufficient to prevent crystallization of the sucrose. • Ex : Hard candy needs 10-15% invert sugar

  8. Sweet and Boiling Temperature

  9. Candy Thermometer

  10. Moisture Content • The water left in the sweet will influence its storage behaviour. • For sweets which contain more than 4% moisture, it is likely that sucrose will crystallize on storage.

  11. Added ingredients • The addition of certain ingredients can affect the temperature of boiling. • Added ingredients also have an effect on the shelf-life of the sweet. • Some ingredients  have a higher viscosity • Some others  increasing deterioration (ex : rancidity (caused by fats)

  12. Permen Jelly Rosella • Pewarnaalami • Kandunganantioksidan yang tinggi • Efek anti hipertensi, kramotot, dan anti infeksibakteri

  13. EkstraksiKelopakBunga Rosella

  14. Bahan 1

  15. Bahan 2

  16. PembuatanBahan 1

  17. PembuatanBahan 2

  18. TahapanPencampuran

  19. TahapPencetakanPermen yang sudahdicetakdiloyang, didiamkansemalam.Laludicetaksesuaiseleradanditaburidengangulapasir



  22. CARA MEMBUAT PERMEN JELLY TOMAT • Bahan A: campur sari tomatmendidihdan gelatin hingga gelatin larut. • Masukkan serbukpengeringpermen aduk kembali hingga rata,sisihkan. • Bahan B: masak agar-agar dengan sari tomat hingga agar-agar larut. • Masukkan gula pasir aduk kembali sampai gula larut. • Masukkan zitrunsuur aduk kembali hingga tercampur rata • Masukkan glukosa, aduk kembali hingga tercampur.

  23. Cont….. • Campur bahan A dan bahan B aduk hingga rata,lalu beri warna sesuai selera. • Tuang diloyang / dicetak sesuai selera dan diamkan selama 1malam. • Potongsesuaiseleralalutaburidengangulapasirdanangin-anginkanhinggakering.


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