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draft-nadeau-pwe3-msgmap-00.txt IETF #56 San Francisco, CA USA

Thomas D. Nadeau tnadeau@cisco.com Monique Morrow Mmorrow@cisco.com George Swallow Swallow@cisco.com ftp://ftp-eng.cisco.com/tnadeau/oam/draft-nadeau-pwe3-oam-msgmap-00.txt. draft-nadeau-pwe3-msgmap-00.txt IETF #56 San Francisco, CA USA. Based on MPLS OAM and Customer Requirements.

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draft-nadeau-pwe3-msgmap-00.txt IETF #56 San Francisco, CA USA

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  1. Thomas D. Nadeautnadeau@cisco.com Monique Morrow Mmorrow@cisco.com George Swallow Swallow@cisco.comftp://ftp-eng.cisco.com/tnadeau/oam/draft-nadeau-pwe3-oam-msgmap-00.txt draft-nadeau-pwe3-msgmap-00.txtIETF #56 San Francisco, CA USA

  2. Based on MPLS OAM and Customer Requirements • Driven by a need to provide a common set of OAM mappings from PWE3 transport networks to native OAM types. • ftp://ftp-eng.cisco.com/tnadeau/oam/draft-nadeau-mpls-oam-requirements-00.txt • Soon to be draft-ietf-mpls-oam-requirements-00.txt • Existing PW3 encapsulation drafts were spotty in their specification of OAM: • Some skipped this and some did not. • Inconsistent for implementations.

  3. Overview • Provides details of how LSP ping/VCCV failures should translate into native ATM/FR OAM messages that PEs return to the native attachment interfaces. • OAM Emulation • AIS and RDI Generation for ATM AAL5 over MPLS • AIS/RDI Generation for ATM upon reception of label withdrawal and vice versa • LMI/ILMI based status notification upon label withdrawal reception for AToM VCs • LC-ATM/XTAG Interface status notification using OAM cells

  4. FR CPE ATM CPE FR UNI ATM UNI FR CPE ATM CPE ATM FR IP/MPLS FR UNI FR UNI/NNI ATM UNI/NNI ATM UNI FR PVC MPLS PSN ATM PVC Q.933 messages Q.933 messages Q.933 messages MPLS PING, Traceroute, VCCV F5/F4 end-to-end AOM cells F5/F4 segment OAM cells Interworking Q.933 Interworking AOM cells AIS RDI CC Loopback (I.620) Loopback OAM Message Mapping Example

  5. Open Issues • Ethernet encapsulation OAM left as TBD. • Possible draft name change.

  6. Next Steps • Refinements • Editorial enhancements. • Accept as a PWE3 WG document to keep as a central point of OAM definition for PWE encapsulations.

  7. Thank You

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