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CAPACITY. Composition of the Atmosphere: Progress to Applications in the user CommunITY ESA project 1/10/2003-1/4/2005 Hennie Kelder, KNMI, TUE. Atmospheric Chemistry Applications Workshop, 20-21/01/2004. CAPACITY project. Goal : Operational atmospheric chemistry monitoring missions

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  1. CAPACITY Composition of the Atmosphere: Progress to Applications in the user CommunITY ESA project 1/10/2003-1/4/2005 Hennie Kelder, KNMI, TUE Atmospheric Chemistry Applications Workshop, 20-21/01/2004

  2. CAPACITY project Goal: Operational atmospheric chemistry monitoring missions Strategy: • Produce an inventory of user requirements for different applications. • Develop and optimise a global monitoring system for atmospheric composition that integrates space and ground-based observations. Time frame The time frame for this system is 2010-2020, concurrent with the operational use of MetOp, NPOESS and geostationary platforms.

  3. Monitoring: Total ozone

  4. Chemical weather from spaceSciamachy NO2 from SCIAMACHY

  5. CAPACITY: basis and challenges • Measuring the chemical composition of the global atmosphere from space is a recent development. • The chemical composition of the stratosphere as well as the troposphere is amenable from space • These data are of importance both for scientific and operationaluse and for monitoring and forecasting.

  6. CAPACITY: basis and challenges • What are the potential operational applications ? • How to optimise the potential operational applications?

  7. CAPACITY: consortium Lead: KNMI Partners: KNMI, RAL, U. Bremen, U. Leicester, Astrium, Alcatel Consultants: User requirements: WMO, NILU, RIVM, JRC, TNO-FEL, Ademe, MPI Mainz, DLR, ETH, IUP Heidelberg, CNR-ISAC, Meteo France, DMI, Eurocontrol Mission requirements: LSCE, UiO, USTL-LOA, CNRS-LISA, CNR-IFAC, IMK, SRON, CNRS-SA, Noveltis, BIRA, LSCE, CNRS-LPPM

  8. Overview of workpackages Task WP-leader Management KNMI, Kelder, van Oss, van Broekhoven User Requirements KNMI, Goede Obs. Requirements KNMI, van Weele Existing systems RAL, Kerridge Integrated Obs. Systems Leicester, Monks/Remedios GEO Instr. and Mission reqs Bremen, Bovensmann LEO Instr. and Mission reqs RAL, Kerridge Space segment issues Astrium-D, Mager Ground segment issues Alcatel-F, Sassier

  9. Summary • There is overwhelming evidence and support for Earth System Monitoring and hence for continuation of atmospheric composition sounding from space, inclusive the troposphere, in an integrated approach. • The challenges of CAPACITY are : • to make an inventory of the needs • to identify and review existing and planned Global Observing Systems for atmospheric chemistry • To define the system(s) required and identify the gaps to be filled. First step: User consultation workshop January 20/21 2004 ESTEC

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