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Brainstorming. Powerful tool for design teams Used to generate ideas in a group Can be used on any sub-problem It is best after knowing the main design requirements. Ground Rules. Relax Have fun Support not criticize. Ground Rules. No boundaries Completely free your mind

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Brainstorming • Powerful tool for design teams • Used to generate ideas in a group • Can be used on any sub-problem • It is best after knowing the main design requirements

  2. Ground Rules • Relax • Have fun • Support not criticize

  3. Ground Rules • No boundaries • Completely free your mind • No limits on the number of ideas • Fragmented ideas OK • Just keywords OK

  4. Ground Rules • No criticizing (during or after) • No evaluating or dismissing • No dismissing EVEN your own ideas • No “You must be joking” looks or comments

  5. Ground Rules • Explain quickly (few seconds) • No questions • Let ideas you don’t understand go • Speed is the key • Important is “Association” not “Viability”

  6. Ground Rules • Avoid subtle evaluations • How is it going to do … • Isn't this violating the rules • That is an excellent idea • How is this different than that idea

  7. Ground Rules • Select a moderator • No dominating • No interrupting • No passing

  8. Ground Rules • Short session (20 minutes) • Create ideas in silence • Multiple rounds

  9. Idea Trigger Method • Phase I: Idea Purge Phase • The objective is declared. • Many ideas written rapidly on sheet of paper. • There is a relaxation break after two minutes. • The process continues for another minute.

  10. Idea Trigger Method • Phase II: Idea Trigger Phase • Leader calls each member for their ideas. • Team members cross out shared ideas. • Each idea as read may trigger other ideas in other members who write them down quickly on a second page. • After the first round, the members repeat the reading process for the second sheet and more until no new ideas are triggered.

  11. Idea Trigger Method • Phase III: Compilation • Members compile and classify ideas into a master list and distribute it.

  12. Afterwards • Work alone to create more ideas. • Meet and selects promising ideas. • Promising ideas are developed in more detail listing pros and cons.

  13. Idea Selection • Team meets and selects one design to be engineered. • Team members identify critical sub-systems and hold brainstorming sessions on such sub-systems.

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