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José Manuel do Carmo, Project Coordinator

Tavira finds in tourism an important component of its economic tissue, but also has in its environment a factor of economic richness, associated to biological production, namely, the excellence of its agricultural, fishing and shellfish production. José Manuel do Carmo, Project Coordinator.

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José Manuel do Carmo, Project Coordinator

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  1. Tavira finds in tourism an important component of its economic tissue, but also has in its environment a factor of economic richness, associated to biological production, namely, the excellence of its agricultural, fishing and shellfish production. José Manuel do Carmo, Project Coordinator

  2. The capacity to attract visitors has depended, largely from the quality image of its landscape, natural spaces and the richness and specificity of its biodiversity.

  3. Moreover, by the colours given by traditional activities and the flavours of gastronomy rooted in popular culture, based in the local land and sea activities.

  4. Project Rio begins a communication process of a new type. • It considers scientific culture as the competence of a community to participate in relevant issues in an informed way at several levels, both, individual and organizational.

  5. An innovative experience of communication and collective reflection within the community over an important issue for its development, • that make possible participative elaboration by the several stakeholders/actor: citizens and their organizations, political decision makers, scientists and technical experts, enterprises and cultural and academic institutions, • in the building up of a vision that might allow a road map to medium term action plan.

  6. Project Rio aims… • …To initiate a public debate around the river, equating problems, potentialities and projects and turn these into community heritage, opening trails for the future. • …To make recognizable the global context that makes the river a protagonist . • …To highlight the river as the key element that articulates past and future, the economic activity with knowledge and the environment.

  7. The Project will focus in the search for understanding on the ways how economic development might articulate with environmental qualification.

  8. We will look forward • to promote the river as an object of collective reflection, considering its role as a leisure but also a living space needing qualification and the consideration of potentialities to raise opportunities of work and rent. • empowering the cooperation and reflexion among the local agents by the communication and sharing of the different visions in the search for common understandings and agreements in essential processes. • acquisition of pertinent information, research and reflection. • to collect experiences, good practices, and innovative strategies. • Exigency and accuracy that characterize scientific production. • a wide and interested involvement of the population in a fertile debate as the practice of a democratic society oblige.

  9. In summary, • the development of a multidisciplinary and multiparticipated reflection aiming at building a socially shared understanding, articulating communication in science with citizen participation in the reflection around a local meaningful issue.

  10. Operationalactions/Land marks 1. Survey of Science Communicators and contributing stakeholders. • Identification of existing scientific research around topics associated with the river. • Identification of existing interests, ideas and projects related to the river. • Identification of persons that might bring key contributions. • Promotion of knowledge mobility and potentiating partnerships able to produce new knowledge in context.

  11. Outcomes 1. Survey of Science Communicators and contributing stakeholders. - From June 2011 a questionnaire and a brief presentation to the project is sent to a large list of possible interested people and organizations. - In January 2012 begins the collection of relevant documents and information on the “river and Tavira”, including a list of possible stakeholders. - From 10 to 16 de February the first field work for interviews with local actors and register of images for the video to be produced. - A second field work will occur in March 2012 to complete the list of contacts and structure participations in the first seminar. - A first report with a list of stakeholders and the contribution they may bring to the Project will be produced by the end of May.

  12. Operationalactions/Land marks 2. Production of Information • We will collect existing, scientific, economic and cultural knowledge, and incentive production of new one, systematizing the information in pieces of simple and accessible comprehension. Inquiry will be conducted in two directions: • - Collect and organize existing documentation relative to the relation of Tavira and its river. • - Field work to identify local social, environmental, cultural and economic dynamics; • -Identify more accurately problems and potential protagonists aiming at the seminars to be organized. • -Promote a climate of interest toward the seminars and events. • -Identify the issues to be addressed in the small video to be produced.

  13. Operationalactions/Land marks 3. Organization of Seminars/Encounters • Informal platforms of debate or ‘think tanks’, will “pop out” specificities and opportunities, with a look at landscape, natural resources and biophysical values, but also at the social, cultural and economic framework, and will trigger a debate among distinct actors, to enhance creativity, innovation and development. • Encounters and seminars will have an active role in incubation and genesis of ideas assuming a format of a laboratory of participation and knowledge. • Seminars will be of open participation, confronting actors than normally don’t confront: Planners debating with fishermen; Researchers debating with tourism enterprises; City counselors debating with salt producers. • Promoting debate out of the normal comfort zone, we will open a gap for the genesis of ideas and synergies, as well as for unblocking impasses, many times impairing local development. • Seminars have the ambition to be a source of multiple knowledge, including a public reflection on “development” and “sustainability”.

  14. Outcomes ENCONTROS DO RIO [ciência, desenvolvimento, comunidade e utopias em Tavira] 25 de Maio conferência - Para que serve o desenvolvimento? • 10h >> Biblioteca Álvaro de Campos • _José Manuel do Carmo (CCVT) • _Fernando Oliveira Baptista, prof. ISA-UTL • _Álvaro Domingues, geógrafo, FAUP • _António Covas, prof. UAlg • _Alberto Corvo, geógrafo • Moderador: Associação Chão de Gente 26 de Maio Grupos de trabalho • 10h30 >> • Paisagens produtivas, barrocal e serra – Casa das Artes • Paisagens produtivas, o rio e a ria – Esplanada do Ref Café (c/ pequeno-almoço) • Da cidade à serra, território potencial – Palácio da Galeria Encerramento • 15h30 >> Biblioteca Álvaro de Campos • Apresentação dos resultados dos Grupos de Trabalho • Vereadora Ana Paula Martins (CMT)

  15. Outcomes 2º Seminar moment: October 2012 - Based on the results of the first seminar, this seminar will address de definition of concrete strategies for development focused on the river. • a) Structure of the Encounter: • - Guided field trip to selected sites of contention. • - Presentation of study cases (national or international) related to the identified needs. • - Application of methodologies /knowledge to specific cases in Tavira (work groups). • - Presentation and discussion of group work conclusions. • - Publication of conclusions on the Project site. • - Launching of the ideas contest – Tavira Prize. 3º Seminar moment: May 2013 – This seminar will aim at put to public debate concrete projects arising from the second seminar with participation of political decision makers. Its structure will be developed after a critical refection on conclusions drawn from the second during June and July.

  16. Operationalactions/Land marks 4. Realization of Events. • From acquired knowledge and issues raised from debates, concrete and actions will be organized as an interaction of specific actors. • These will be organized by the project team or in a bilateral way by specific organizations involved in the global project as a result of contacts made possible through the project network of contacts. They will be announced in the site of the project as they come to occur.

  17. Outcomes PROJECTO RIO [ciência, desenvolvimento, comunidade e utopias em Tavira] 25 de Maio  Passeio de barco pela Ria 15h30 >> Por Henrique Cabeleira, Arq. Paisagista (CCDR) e Nuno Grade (PNRF) Encontro junto à lota, partida de barcos para a Ilha Passeio pelo Vale da Assêca / Pego do Inferno 16h30 >> Por Alberto Corvo Encontro na Biblioteca Álvaro de Campos RIOBlitz [seja cientista por um dia ! Capture pequenos seres vivos no rio e identifique-os sob orientação de um cientista.] • 8 de Junho • BIOINDICADORES DA QUALIDADE DA ÁGUA • 17.30 >> Centro Ciência Viva de Tavira. • Conferência pela Eng. Paula Vaz, Projeto Voluntários para a Água (ARH) • Apresentação da experiência da escola secundária de Tavira pela professora Augusta Carvalho, da Escola Sec. de Tavira • 9 de Junho • Rioblitz • Das 10h às 17h >> No Jardim, junto ao Mercado da Ribeira. • Seja cientista por um dia! Capture pequenos seres vivos no rio e identifique-os sob orientação de um cientista. Reconheça o seu significado como indicador da qualidade do Rio Gilão.

  18. Thechallengeswillbe • Promote dialogue in a friendly way. So that knowledge can bring ideas that might generate fruitfull iniciatives and projects

  19. Thechallengeswillbe Some of the knots of this networking are already beeing made: - Researcher on water dynamics advises oysters and clams producers about adequate locations. -Researcher involves citizens on evaluation of water quality.

  20. RIO DE IDEIAS (A riverofIdeas)A Contest for a startup of ideas RIO DE IDEIAS - A Contest for a startup of ideas We propose the foundation of a competition • for the presentation of ideas and proposals that constitute a stimulus to innovation and creativity in economical, cultural and environmental sustainable development • that might leverage new opportunities and initiatives able to create and sustain a cosmopolitan dynamic in Tavira and open ways to new strategies in political decision making.

  21. RIO DE IDEIAS –Thecompetitionwill: RIO DE IDEIAS - A Contest for a startup of ideas • Be biennial and involve the allocation of prize money to stimulate tenders. • Be an incentive to innovation in the production of scientific knowledge and its communication in a transversal dialogue in the context of local and global challenges. • Foster the development of ideas that might result in projects by stakeholders as an answer for needs. • Publically expose all the ideas and allow for public consideration. • Be cumulated in a bank of ideas and resources. • Promote according to their nature the selected ones.

  22. RIO DE IDEIAS – Criteria definition | Board-Jury RIO DE IDEIAS - A Contest for a startup of ideas • The launching of this initiative will be made by an initial board constituted by the main partners, however, a set of criteria will be defined • The jury will consist by at least three expert/scientist recognized, a person of the Third Party organisation, a representative of local stakeholders supporting this initiative and a representative of city government. • the initial task of the board and jury as an exercise, in itself.

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