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Give a Boy a Gun

Give a Boy a Gun. Summary.

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Give a Boy a Gun

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  1. Give a Boy a Gun

  2. Summary • In the novel Give a Boy a Gun by Todd Strasser, the main characters, Brendan and Gary, were bullied. Since they started school, they’ve been harassed and teased. Brendan and Gary get so fed up with how they are treated that they want to get revenge. Both of them will go to any extent to pay back the jocks that have teased them all their life. Now, the students of Middletown High must watch out for these two boys because they don’t care who they hurt on their road to revenge.

  3. Biography of the author • Todd Strasser was born on May 5, 1950 in New York City. He’s an American author that has published more than 130 young adult novels. He studied literature in college. Todd earned a living working as a journalist. He published articles and short stories in The New Yorker, the Esquire, and The New York Times. He mostly writes about things like Nazism, bullying, homelessness, and school shootings. Strasser has written many award winning novels for young adults and teens.

  4. Characters • Gary-main character, a victim of bullying. • Brendan-main character, a victim of bullying. • Ryan Clancy-a friend of both Gary and Brendan. • Allison Findley-Gary’s on and off girlfriend. • Cynthia Searle-Gary’s mother. • Dustin Williams-a neighbor of Brendan’s in Middletown. • Emily Kirsch-a former friend of Brendan’s. • Beth Bender-Middletown High School counselor. • Sam Flach-a jock who bullies Brendan and Gary. • Allen Curry-principal of Middletown High School.

  5. Major Conflict • Brendan and Gary are against the whole school. Almost every student that goes to Middletown High has or does bully the two boys. When the teachers see that the boys are being bullied, they don’t do anything to help them out. No one thinks the bullying affects these two boys, but it does a lot. The boys find it necessary to get revenge because they are so sick of their lives and how they are treated.

  6. Foreshadowing and Symbolism • There were many examples of foreshadowing in this book. The emails that the boys shared between each other showed that they were planning a way to get revenge. In one of the emails from Brendan to Gary, Brendan said “When I take ‘em out, I’m gonna make sure I nail this guy…” Brendan’s plan involved “taking out” most of the people that attended Middletown High. A gun is an example of symbolism because the boys shot people when they held everyone hostage at the school dance to get revenge.

  7. Recommendation • I would recommend this book to my classmates. It shows that bullying really does get to people and you never know what extent they would go to just to get revenge. It also shows that sometimes bullies may push a person too far and could cause them to make a decision that could permanently affect someone or even themselves. This book teaches a good lesson to young people.

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