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  1. What is an example of digital marketing? • Examples of digital marketing include: Social Media Marketing (SMM)Search Engine Optimization (SEO)Search Engine Marketing (SEM) What are the 3 types of digital marketing? • Types of Digital Marketing • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) The goal of SEO is to get a business to rank higher in Google search results, ultimately increasing search engine traffic to the business's website. ... • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ... • Social Media Marketing.

  2. How can I start digital marketing? • Kickstart your career in digital marketing in these seven steps: • Create your own website. • Choose one digital marketing channel to focus on. • Learn more about your chosen digital marketing channel. • Execute on what you're learning. • Familiarize yourself with free digital marketing tools. • Apply for a job in marketing. • What skills do you need for digital marketing? Top 7 Skills Required to Become a Digital Marketing Expert • Data Analysis. ... • Content Creation. ... • SEO & SEM. ... • CRM. ... • Communication Skills. ... • Social Media. ... • Basic Design Skills.

  3. What is digital marketing strategy with example? • Examples of digital marketing strategies include a social media campaign that includes partnerships with influencers, a content marketing strategy that uses online guides to drive leads, or a growth marketing strategy that uses social media and email build customer loyalty. • Ten common types of digital marketing platforms include: • Social Media • Influencer Marketing • Content Marketing • Email Marketing • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) • Pay-per-click (PPC) • Affiliate Marketing • Mobile marketing • Marketing Automation Platforms • Marketing Analytics Platforms

  4. Content Marketing • Content marketing allows marketing teams to be proactive about educating consumers about current and new products in a relaxed and unpressured way, and about answering their users’ questions. Digital marketing teams create written content, videos, and other marketing assets to answer questions or provide context to consumers throughout the three stages of the buyer’s journey: • The awareness stage: Buyer realizes they have a need  • The consideration stage: Buyer determines a course of action to meet this need  • The decision stage: Buyer decides on a product / service to purchase to meet the need For example, a consumer might realize they need new shoes to wear to the gym. The digital marketing team for an activewear company may produce a piece about what features you need from a running shoe, as opposed to what you need if you focus on strength training. Looking at this content, the buyer determines they need a pair of running shoes that meets that criteria. Another piece of content might show the most popular running shoes and their price points. Once they are educated on these factors, they decide.  • The guidance offered by your brand throughout this consideration and buying process builds consumer trust and increases the likelihood of a sale. Content marketing is often less expensive than other forms of marketing, while producing nearly 3 times as many leads.

  5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing • Search engine optimization, or “SEO”, often goes hand-in-hand with content marketing. Pieces of content created by the business for their website, blog or other digital marketing platforms, can be written and posted online in such a way that they are more likely to be seen by prospective buyers searching for information on a certain topic than similar content created by their competitors. • This writing and posting strategy, and all the techniques and considerations it entails, is known as SEO, or “search engine optimization”, because the customer is using a search engine, such as Google, to find info about a product or service.  • SEO, when done correctly, can be an extremely effective part of a business's marketing strategy. In fact, 53% of consumers say that they research their potential purchases using a search engine before making a buying decision, and 51% of smartphone users have discovered a new product or service via a search engine on their phones. 

  6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing • For example, when the customer from the above example is conducting research on which gym shoes to buy, they will probably click on one of the first three results that appear on Google. With this in mind, the athletic shoe company’s digital marketing team works to ensure their article appears in those top three results. • This is done by optimizing content for user experience and ensuring the technical elements are in place to enable search engine crawlers to easily find and index this content, putting it right in the prospective shoe buyer’s path.

  7. Social Media Marketing Platforms  • Today's consumers are highly reliant on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. This is why it is essential that brands are active across multiple social media accounts. Consider these stats • On average, consumers have about 8 social media accounts. • The average adult spends an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes on social media per day - that’s almost 2 and a half hours for businesses to interact with and convert consumers every day. • Out of the 5.11 billion people who have a phone, 3.26 billion access social media using it. • People spend about 1/7th of their waking time on social platforms. • 64% of consumers want brands to connect with them on social - this is practically an invitation to interact, and ultimately, convert.

  8.  Mobile Marketing • Mobile marketing initiatives can include many of the digital marketing strategies mentioned above, and typically leverage  a combination of text messages, social media, email, push notifications, and mobile applications. The importance of mobile marketing is rising, as it is expected that by 2024, the number of mobile shoppers will rise to approximately 187.5 million users. With the clear move to mobile, digital marketers need to think about how they can optimize their current marketing efforts for mobile to be able to deliver a seamless and user-friendly experience. • Just think of the coffee alternative purchase we referenced previously - the odds are good that that purchase was made on a mobile device. In fact, statistics show that almost 75% of the total funds spent on online purchases are spent on a mobile device, such as a cell phone or tablet. This means that if your business isn’t optimizing all your digital marketing methods for optimal use on mobile devices, now would be a great time to start!

  9.  Marketing Analytics Platforms • Marketing analytics platforms allow businesses to collect and analyze the data from their digital marketing campaigns to determine how effective their campaigns have been, what ROI they can expect from them, and what can be done to increase revenue from their marketing in the future.  • The benefit of marketing analytics platforms to a company can be compared to the usefulness of a report card to a student: unless you know what results your digital marketing campaigns are getting, you won’t know how to correct them in the future. In fact, 21% of businesses cite marketing analytics as the single most effective way to create and maintain a competitive edge over similar companies.


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