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P.J. Marcer & P. Rowlands

How Computer Science simplifies the understanding of Quantum Physics; resolves the Enigma of Heisenberg Uncertainty; to reveal a Unique, Self-organised Emergent Quantum RNA/DNA Cosmology, where the evolution of the human genome results in natural human intelligence a - see slide Note .

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P.J. Marcer & P. Rowlands

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  1. How Computer Science simplifies the understanding of Quantum Physics; resolves the Enigma of Heisenberg Uncertainty; to reveal a Unique, Self-organised Emergent Quantum RNA/DNA Cosmology, where the evolution of the human genome results in natural human intelligence a - see slide Note P.J. Marcer & P. Rowlands

  2. A Explanation of the Creation of New States of Matter This explanation of quantum physics uses computational rewrite science productions. These describe a single parameter phase θ, self organised, single heat bath cosmology idealised by the Quantum Carnot Engine - able to create novel ensemble states of matter, with properties that may have never have existed before: such as human consciousnessk as a property of the brain

  3. This Rewrite Methodology for Quantum Physics follows from the fact that in quantum physics (qp) there are only unique fermions and their boson interactions & that the languages of computational rewrite productions for computer hardware to interpret, use an alphabet of unique symbols, where each symbol may stand for itself, a sub-alphabet or the whole alphabet, to define the language grammar 1 P Rowlands, Zero to Infinity, 2007, World Scientific, Singapore & London 2 H Weyl 1928 The Theory of Groups & Quantum Mechanics, Dover edition - Chapter IV C-Permutation Group-10 periodic table & V C-15 spin&valence

  4. so Pauli exclusion says there should exist a computational rewrite language for quantum physics with an infinite alphabet of symbols, each corresponding to a unique fermion state, where both, it can be postulated, are isomorphic to the complete symmetry/ permutation group known as the Galois group (of automorphisms) by means of which all the finite groups can be realised, and if one identifies the permutations with bijections on the symbol for the whole alphabet/degenerate vacuum state, this remains true of all groups including the continuous and Lie groups.

  5. A universal normalized quantum physics of emergent fermions where permutation defines probability current & density b quantum normalization is always satisfied; for by definition for any group, a unit element exists and each group element has an inverse; & by the 3D Heisenberg Lie group G and its Lie algebra g - qp uncertainty too! the symmetry breaking of the Galois group (as the degenerate ground state) into its non degenerate fermions parts, where each new fermion operator construct X must differ from but be compatible with all the Xs that proceed it.

  6. Remarkably in this cosmology! Heisenberg uncertainty is such that expg →G & logG→g (as in a slide rule) i.e. the means by which exponential complexity may be optimally controlled, as illustrated in the next slide quantum phase θ coherence /entropy is not simply a measure of disorder but also the metric of physical complexity – leading thermodynamically to the creation of entirely novel ensemble states of matter, which may never have existed before.

  7. Heisenberg uncertainty - the actual means of 3D geometric quantum computation! The diagramc shows quantum signal decay losing amplitude wrt z axis but simultaneously regaining the energy longitudinally as phase θ, so that the brain slice selected for measurement (by a prepared e-m pulse train applied in MRI) is transformed thermo-dynamically into a wave diffraction pattern/quantum hologram of the brain slice.

  8. 1. The First or Conservation Law this universal rewrite language L with an infinite alphabet of self organized emergent construction [1], predicates a single generic algebraic Dirac fermion operator X appropriate to the Einstein equation for the quantum conservation law of Energy, Momentum and Mass, X2 = E2– p2– m2= 0 for each nilpotent root X ≠ 0, so that L(X) describes the quantum physics of a non trivial emergent fermion cosmology with roots X, the quantum mechanical trace ∑X2 of which is always a zero totality, even though the description of each emergent fermion is non trivial i.e. X≠0!. Where .. &d

  9. The Second Law in L(X), a single heat bath self organised quantum cosmology Single parameterquantum coherence phase θ fundamentally alters ideal Carnot heat engine* thermodynamic efficiency from η = 1- Tc/Th where Tc and Th are the low & high temperatures entropy sink and source to ηθ = η – θcosθ even when Th = Tc * Which Scully et al Science 2003, 299,pp 862-864 call a Quantum Carnot Engine (QCE)

  10. the cosmic emergence, is, Conwaye tells us, isomorphic to the Galois group's unique birthorder field automorphism, • its initial degenerate state θ0 is arbitrary, fixed and 'dark' as no fermion state is distinguishable from any other, • the single generic, nilpotent, self-similar fractal dimension 2 operator X delivers the entire semantic language apparatus of quantum physical normalised amplitude and phase θ • X/conservation law are both implicitly gauge invariant i.e. independent of any particular 'space-time' coordinate system and each gauge invariant individual solution/root (Xj,θj) conforms to the usual Dirac fermion properties including spin - see Note d slide 8 & Appendix slide • the phase mapping θ →θ (measure the unit disk) delivers the infinity of possible solutions Xj of the conservation equation in terms of its multivalued Riemann surface.

  11. An actual physical system where Nature can be postulated to implement such a Riemann surface is • the genetic helical structure θ→θ of fRNA(nilpotentX{A=U}≠0) : DNA(nilpotentX2{A=T}=0)where {}, the planes in which the base pairings take place, are the Riemann surface sheets/hologramplanes j • and each unique gauge invariant θj, encodes the associated relativistic gauge invariant 3+1 space time geometry j, through the base pairings {G≡C} and {C≡G} • next slide courtesy of molecular biologist Dr Vanessa Hill • the symmetries U(1), SU(2), SU(3) a Lie group, the gauge group of the Standard Model, the Lie algebra of which correctly defines the quantizations of the scalar boson, the 3 vector bosons and 8 gluons [1].

  12. the molecular biological basis of the RNA/DNA genetic code via the language of the human genome, enables the Group's Mission Statement postulateg that creativity & natural semantic language thinking at the higher rewrite level of self organised emergent chemical molecular complexity of the human brain, is realisable by these same universal rewrite language L criteria, where each new emergent fermion X described, is a new property of matter.

  13. So the 3D dynamic architecture .. of the conscious human brain-mind & the self, realised respectively L(X) says, by its neural/glia and microtubule substrates, would have the creative natural language capability L(X) to specify, symbolize, spell out & understand the cosmos that conceived it and to resolve the dichotomya of first person subjectivity and third person objectivity.

  14. Are All Scientific Laws, Rewrite Productions of L(X)? 6. the 3D structural molecular complexity of brain/mind & senses including 5. the laws of living systems in the 3D form of biological molecular DNA/RNA genetic code 4. the laws of atomic chemistry, valence & the periodic table [2] 7.the semantic laws of natural language** & thought in accord with Wittgenstein's principle in the form of the Nilpotent Universal Computational Rewrite language L(X) itself 8.as the creative intelligent semantic means to understand the science of the cosmos? 3. the nilpotent Dirac operator X & Standard Model elementary particle quantum physics [1] The laws of thermodynamics & in particular 1. a generic Einstein conservation equation of energy, momentum and mass & 2. the Second law as it applies in a single heat bath! L predicates a description for the primeval dark energy from which 1-8 are emergent **see Note h next slide

  15. Is the Great Book of the Universe written in the language L(X) of Universal Rewrite Computation? This nilpotent language L of self organized emergent rewrite productions X so far spells out in recognisable mathematical form, the laws of quantum physics[1], chemistry[2], molecular biology[1,ch19] & neurophysiology[1,ch20;3i] starting with the First, Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics

  16. BCS Cybernetics Machine Specialist GroupRemit – the physical foundations of computation Founding speaker 1986 David Deutsch – 'The Church-Turing Principle & the universal quantum computer' Leading question – the brain’s architecture? Why is it so different from that of the digital computer? Could physical law, explain this? and in particular, quantum mechanics (QM)?

  17. The 2007 source book of the NUCRS j is Zero to Infinity • http://www.worldscibooks.com/physics/ 6544.html plus more • recent refereed papers of the American Institute of Physics CASYS and Vigier conference proceedings of which • Peter Rowlands, physicist ;Bernard Diaz computer scientist, Vanessa Hill, molecular biologist,Nature’s genetic Code ch19, & myself, Nature’s Rules. ch20 for the evolution of intelligence are coauthors

  18. Slide Appendix A new application of MRI showing neuron fibre signal paths in the corpus collosum of the human brain An picture of a coil of DNA by electron microscopy A DNA shaped Nebula The 'rewrite' derivation of the quantizations of the Standard Model Baryons and Leptons The universal nilpotent computational attractor Relative sizes in the Universe (logarithmic scale map) The structure of a human neuron and Eccles' Hypothesis Self organization of solid state matter

  19. This is a new application of MRI

  20. An actual picture of a coil of DNA

  21. Large-scale physical systems ‘Astronomers have discovered an unusual helix-shaped nebula near the centre of the Milky Way. This peculiar nebula stretches 80 light years, and looks like the classic image of a DNA molecule. The nebula formed because it’s so close to the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, which has a very powerful magnetic field, powerful enough to reach out this incredible distance and twist up this gas cloud with its field lines.’ Nature March 16 2006.

  22. The nilpotent fractal self similar universal computational attractor, where the changes of phase θ all take place, each resulting in an entirely new emergent 2D unit vector i.

  23. Relative 3/4D sizes in Universe This marvellous Scientific American book gives a more detailed picture. By moving the decimal point to change the scale from the human scale we see, what our scientific instruments tell us is the case! exp(ln θ) = θ = ln(exp θ)

  24. Eccles' Hypothesis II Eccles Hypothesis moots that if one can explain the exact nature of the working of the synapse and it is quantum mechanical then the brain must be too.

  25. Self-organization in solid-state matter Coldea et al, Science, 327, 177, January 2010, showed that linked chains of magnetic atoms of cobalt, one atom wide, transform, under a magnetic field applied at right angles to an aligned spin into a quantum critical state – a quantum version of a fractal pattern. Resonances occurred in the golden ratio of 1.618…, reflecting an underlying E8 symmetry.

  26. The End

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