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CIVICS TERMINOLOGY. Definitions of Important Political and Economic Terms. Civics Terminology. Civics: The study of public affairs and the duties and rights of citizenship. Citizen: A member of a society, subject to the duties and privy to the rights of that society. .

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  1. CIVICS TERMINOLOGY Definitions of Important Political and Economic Terms

  2. Civics Terminology • Civics: The study of public affairs and the duties and rights of citizenship. • Citizen: A member of a society, subject to the duties and privy to the rights of that society. • Citizenship: A status bestowed upon individuals in a society, whether by birth, right, test or time, that makes that individual a citizen.

  3. Civics Terminology • Politics: (1) The practice and study of government. (2) Interactions between individuals in a society. • Political Science: The art and science of government. • Economics: The practice and study of financial and industrial institutions, businesses and system.

  4. Civics Terminology • State: (1) An inhabited geographic area with defined boundaries, that is fully sovereign [The same as a country]. Example - Italy. (2) An inhabited geographic area with defined boundaries that is a part of a larger country. [The same as a province]. Example - California.

  5. Civics Terminology • Government: The authority or power, and decision making system, over a country, province, or city. The word comes from Latin and Greek words that mean to steer. • Autocratic: Decision making is carried out by one person, or a few people. • Democratic: Decision making is carried out the people.

  6. Civics Terminology Democratic Autocratic

  7. Civics Terminology • Monarchy: Rule by a king or queen where power is transferred to the oldest son or daughter, and failing that, another relative.

  8. Civics Terminology • Dictatorship: Rule by a dictator, one person, usually used to describe a bad government, often interchangeable with tyranny.

  9. Civics Terminology • Aristocracy: Rule by a small group of people, usually those with wealth, though sometimes merit. • Oligarchy: Rule by a small group of people, usually used to describe a bad government.

  10. Civics Terminology • Democracy: Rule of the people. • Direct Democracy: A government in which every citizen in the society votes on every issue.

  11. Civics Terminology • Representative Democracy: A government in which citizens select representatives to vote on issues.

  12. Civics Terminology • Constitution: The rules and regulations (laws), either written or unwritten, that govern how a state operates. • Constitutional Monarchy: A monarchy that is restricted and limited by law.

  13. Civics Terminology • Conservative: (1) Refers to cautious and traditional. (2) A political party. • Liberal: (1) Tolerant and open minded. (2) A political party.

  14. Civics Terminology • Capitalism: An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are owned and operated by private corporations or individuals.

  15. Civics Terminology • Socialism: A economic system in which the means of production and distribution are owned and operated by the public.

  16. Civics Terminology Socialism Capitalism

  17. Civics Terminology • Totalitarianism: A police state controlled by one political party or dictator, characterized by high surveillance, propaganda and militarism.

  18. Civics Terminology • Theocracy: A religious government. • Plutocracy: Government of the wealthy.

  19. Civics Terminology • There are many more terms that you will need to learn to succeed in Civics. • New terms will be introduced in future lessons. • The terms just reviewed, provide a respectable start to an understanding of Civics.

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