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The Large Hadron Collider Machine, Experiments, Physics Top Physics (at the LHC)

The Large Hadron Collider Machine, Experiments, Physics Top Physics (at the LHC). Johannes Haller Thomas Schörner-Sadenius Hamburg University Summer Term 2009. TOP PHYSICS.

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The Large Hadron Collider Machine, Experiments, Physics Top Physics (at the LHC)

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  1. The Large Hadron ColliderMachine, Experiments, PhysicsTop Physics (at the LHC) Johannes HallerThomas Schörner-Sadenius Hamburg UniversitySummer Term 2009

  2. TOP PHYSICS Remember: The top quark was discovered in 1994in proton-antiproton collisions at the Tevatron. It proved to be very heavy: This makes the top quark unique in many respects: – Mass: New physics phenomena might couple to high masses. Remember for example the Higgs coupling to fermions (Yukawa couplings): – The top quark decays as a quasi-free quark  no hadronisation phase  chance to study free quark and its properties (spin!). Hadronisation time from QCD considerations: Hadronisation takes place at energy scale ΛQCD of the order of 250 MeV. Using Heisenberg this cor- responds to about 3x10-24 s: – Top mass might decay to other, yet undiscovered particles. – Top quark allows for very precise tests of SM via its connection to the W and Higgs masses. UHH SS09: LHC

  3. TOP PHYSICS Remember direct and indirect measurements of W, t, H masses at LEP and Tevatron: – In addition, top constitutes an important background for new physics like Higgs and SUSY!  Many good reasons to measure and understand top quark production and top properties! • – Top quark currently only produced at Tevatron (extremely small cross-section at HERA). It is pro- duced via strong interactions: • Cross-sections Tevatron: ~pb. LHC: ~nb !!! • More gluon-induced processes at LHC: centre-of-mass energy, parton luminosities and PDFs. • LHC is a top factory  precision measurements! Current status top mass from Tevatron: UHH SS09: LHC

  4. TOP PHYSICS: GOALS From full events like the following one would liketo extract a number of things: – The ttbar production cross-section, spin correlations and charge asymmetries.– Top mass and charge.– Cross-section for single top production (FCNC?).– Top decays (W helicity, FCNC, tH+b, …) Top quark decays are weak processes! In cross sectionsquare of CKM matrix element: Therefore decays tWs and twd that are allowed byall quantum numbers are practically not realised!  BR(tWb)~100%! UHH SS09: LHC

  5. TOP EVENTS: CLASSIFICATION All tops decay into Wb. The W can then decay leptonically or hadronically – this allows a simpleclassification of top-antitop events: – Dileptons:- easy to identify (at least e,μ channels)- small cross-sections for e,μ. - missing energy of two neutrinos  difficult! – Lepton + Jets:- cross-section about 30%.- only one neutrino. – Purely hadronic:- difficult to separate from QCD background – will be ignored here! Note: All events contain 2 b jets  possible identification using “b tagging” – mostly via secondary vertex reconstruction! Define strategies to enrich and refine clean samples: • Exploit kinematic and topological variables! • b jet identification with lifetime information. • b jet identification with leptons from blνX. UHH SS09: LHC

  6. “B TAGGING” B hadrons (here from tWb) have typically largerlifetimes (of the order of some picoseconds) than for example D mesons or other decaying hadrons  Will decay in flight after ~mm (cτ~500 μm) distance from vertex. Try to reconstruct this “secondary vertex”  b jet identification! Combination of various observables like decay length,decay length significance, lepton pT, invariant mass etc. allows efficient and pure b tag. UHH SS09: LHC

  7. TOP PAIRS: DILEPTON CHANNEL Typical selection: – >1 central hard jets (pT>20 GeV) – 2 charged central leptons with high transverse momentum > 15 GeV and opposite charge.– missing ET > 35 GeV (accounts for neutrinos).– specific cuts against background. Distribution of selected events: data versus signal and background Monte Carlo simulations. Before 2-jet cut: Low jet multiplicity well de-scribed by MC without top! At high jet multiplicities topcontribution needed to de-scribe the data  “Top discovery” !!! After 2-jet cut: Adjust top signal MC con-tribution until data are described. Best descriptiongives cross-section for top-antitop production! Dominated by statistics: only28 events selected here! UHH SS09: LHC

  8. TOP PAIRS: LEPTON + JETS CHANNEL – >2 central hard jets (pT>20 GeV) – 1 hard charged central lepton.– large missing ET.– specific cuts against background. Distribution of selected events: data versus signal and background Monte Carlo simulations as function of transverse momentum of all objects in event.  B tag improves purity of top sample! 2 b tags 1 b tag • 2 jets • 2 b jets • lepton • ETmiss UHH SS09: LHC

  9. TOP PAIRS: SUMMARY TEVATRON – Theoretical predictions are derived in the usual way: factorised ansatz: Comparison of different cross-section measurements from D0 and CDF and theory prediction: • Lepton+jets best! • Agreement theory-data. • No indications for BSM. • Large errors! UHH SS09: LHC

  10. TOP MASS MEASUREMENTS – Can derive mass information from all three event classes (dilepton, lepton+jets, hadronic), but - dileptons difficult because of two neutrinos. - hadronic channel suffers from large background lepton+jets channel most promising! Again selection: - 1 hard charged lepton. - ETmiss > 20 GeV - at least 4 hard jets! Basic assumption for these event candidates: ttbar!– 24 possibilities to attribute jets to quarks (com- binatorics!!).– Perform kinematic fit for each possibility: – First term: Variation of momenta within their errors (otherwise χ2 becomes big). – Other terms constrain masses of W and top quark, ensure that momentum conservation is obeyed! – For each attribution of jets to quarks one obtains one χ2 and one mt,reco. Choose the one with the smallest χ2. – Use MC-simulated events to check validity of method: How well do we reconstruct the mass? • More correct attributions with 2 b tags (less combi- natorics). • For 2 b tags 50% correct! • Correct combinations have better mass resolution! UHH SS09: LHC


  12. TOP MASS MEASUREMENTS • – Determination of top mass from comparison of distributions of mt,reco in MC and data (“template method”). • Best single top mass measurement: But also other methods are used in the lepton+jetschannel. Summary of measurements: Prospects of top mass measurements at the LHC: UHH SS09: LHC

  13. TOP MASS MEASUREMENTS – Consistency of direct and indirect determinations: Data suggest low mass Higgs boson of 80 GeV (at least less than 144 GeV!) Development of to mass measurements (direct and indirect) over the times: Development of top mass uncertainty with time: UHH SS09: LHC

  14. TOP: W HELICITY IN TOP EVENTS – Top quarks decay as fermions in V-A theory: – V-A coupling at tbW+ vertex requires left-handed b quark. Neglecting b quark mass, b quarks must also have negative helicity. – But then also W+ boson only with negative helicity (numbers f: SM predictions for relative fractions): – SM test: Measurement of f+. Value different from 0 would mean new physics at tbW+ vertex. W helicity experimentally accessible! Angle θ* between negative top direction and direction of charged lepton in W rest system: Assuming F0=0.70 (SM):  Limit on F+ < 0.10! UHH SS09: LHC

  15. TOP: SPIN CORRELATIONS – Top quark pairs from pp collisions are basically unpolarized, but the two top spins are correlated: Either parallel (qq events) or antiparallel (gg). – Test of the top quark spin: - Search for new physics, i.e. CP violating interactions, Higgs with undefined parity, properties of s-channel resonance - Test of top decays as a quasi free quark - precise test of production and decay mechanism - Top spins affect the angular distributions of decay products  important for event selections. – Define observables C and D (a and b are quantisation axes, for example reconstructed top flight directions). … but how to measure the spin of the top quark? Spin of top quark from angular distribution of decay products:  Studies at ATLAS of observables A, AD that are closely correlated to C, D (in various channels): precision 4-5% ! Currently achieved at TEVATRON: 15-20%  large potential at LHC! UHH SS09: LHC

  16. TOP: SPIN CORRELATIONS: REAL LIFE • Dilepton analysis: • For parton and detector level. • With and without correlation of top quark spins. •  Experimentally extremely difficult to achieve precision! UHH SS09: LHC

  17. SINGLE TOP PRODUCTION • – Possibility to produce single top quarks in pp: • Small cross-sections, and also experimentally more demanding (fewer b jets and kinematic constraints, …) • Use multi-variate methods to select events: - likelihoods - neural networks - decision trees … one number between 0 and 1 for each event. Latest result from CDF: SM: 1.98±0.25 pb SM: 0.88±0.11 pb CDF: σ = 2.3 ± 0.5 pb 5σ statistical significance  discovery ! UHH SS09: LHC

  18. TOP: FURTHER TOPICS – Search for flavour changing neutral currents. – Search for fourth-generation quarks: Additional generations might effectively reduce Vtb (which is only indirectly known!) and thus the single-top cross-section. Do we observe that? Also: Are the unitarity relations fulfilled? – Measurement of tt+jets events  test of SM couplings. – Measurement of tt+photon events  measurement of top quark electric charge.– …  Lots to do for LHC! UHH SS09: LHC

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