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Proseict Dina Gr ŵ p Bach

Proseict Dina Gr ŵ p Bach. Ymchwil Cynnal sesiynau Dina gr ŵ p bach therapiwtig. Canolbwyntio ar yr agwedd gymdeithasol ac emosiynol blynyddoedd Rhyfedddol i blant sydd yn derbyn sesiynau Dina yn y dosbarth yn yr ysgol yn barod. Research

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Proseict Dina Gr ŵ p Bach

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  1. Proseict Dina Grŵp Bach Ymchwil Cynnal sesiynau Dina grŵp bach therapiwtig. Canolbwyntio ar yr agwedd gymdeithasol ac emosiynol blynyddoedd Rhyfedddol i blant sydd yn derbyn sesiynau Dina yn y dosbarth yn yr ysgol yn barod. Research Delivering small group Incredible Years therapeutic Dina social and emotional coaching sessions to identified high risk children who also receive the classroom Dina programme in the school

  2. Ysgolion- Schools Bore gwybodaeth i gyflwyno’r rhaglen i benaethiaid ysgolion Ymweliad i bob ysgol i egluro’r rhaglen ac i deilwro’r rhaglen ar eu cyfer Casglu gwybodaeth am gefndir hyfforddiant staff yn y maes Blynyddoedd Rhyfeddol Sicrhau bod hyfforddiant ychwanegol ar gael i gynnal y staff sydd ei angen Half day session- briefing school heads on programme Visit each school to explain programme in detail and tailor it to their needs Collect information regarding staff training within the Incredible Years programme in the schools Ensure that additional training is available to support staff if needed

  3. Ysgolion Cam 1 -9 Gwynedd Cam 2 – 13 ysgol 8 Gwynedd 1 Caergybi 4 Powys Phase 1- 9 Gwynedd schools Phase 2- 13 schools 8 Gwynedd 1 Holyhead 4 Powys

  4. Rôl yr athrawes- Teacher’s role 2 ddiwrnod yr wythnos paratoi adnoddau Cymraeg ar gyfer y rhaglen cynorthwyo yn y sesiynau hyfforddiant a sesiynau goruchwyliaeth 2 days a week prepare Welsh medium resources help with training and supervision sessions

  5. Ymweld â sesiynau Dina Grŵp Bach yn yr ysgolion Cynnig cymorth a chynhaliaeth i redeg y rhaglen, rhoi adborth ar ddiwedd ymweliad Adrodd yn ôl i’r grŵp llywio ar ddatblygiadau o fewn y prosiect attend small group Dina sessions in schools Provide support for practitioners with programme, give feedback at end of session Update the steering group regarding the developments within the schools

  6. Sesiynau hyfforddi- Training sessions 3 diwrnod o hyfforddiant- ymarfer rhannau o’r sesiynau Dysgu am dystiolaeth ymchwiliadau a chanfyddiadau ar ymddygiad Rhannu profiadau am y problemau/sefyllfaoedd sy’n wynebu’r staff gyda’r plant yn y dosbarth 3 training days- including role play Discuss research evidence and findings on behaviour Share experiences about problems/situations presented to them in the classroom

  7. Sesiynau yn yr ysgolion 2 awr yr wythnos am 18 wythnos hyd at 6 o blant gyda 2 oedolyn mewn sesiwn 12 o blant o bob ysgol- rhannu i 2 grŵp -gweithredol - grŵp rheoli 2 hours a week for 18 weeks Up to 6 children with 2 adults 12 children split into 2 groups - intervention and control

  8. Grŵp gweithredol-6 o blant- Ionawr – Mehefin Grŵp rheoli- 6 o blant- tymor yr hydref canlynol Intervention- 6 children-January- June Control group- 6 children- following autumn term

  9. Rhaglen- Programme Cyfnod Sylfaen yn weithredol yn ysgolion Gwynedd Rhaglen strwythuredig Angen trefnu seibiant a chyfle i symud yn gorfforol yn ystod y sesiynau ac egwyl yn ôl anghenion y plant Foundation Phase is implemented in Gwynedd schools Structured programme Need to ensure that children are given short frequent breaks between activities and periods of movement within the session

  10. Adnoddau- resources Adnoddau i gyd wedi eu paratoi Posteri, gemau, a chardiau ciw i gynorthwyo’r dysgu Sticeri, bathodynau Gwobrau Ffeiliau gwaith cartref Bag Dina personol All resources provided and prepared Posters, games,cue cards to support learning Stickers, badges Prizes Homework files Individual Dina bags

  11. Gweithio gyda’r rhieni- key to working with parents Un o’r prif amcanion a gofynion er mwyn cynnal partneriaeth agos ar y cychwyn Egluro’r rhaglen Sicrhau cyswllt cyson Cydweithio i oresgyn problemau e.e. gwaith cartref Main aim is to set a firm foundation with parents from the beginning Make time to explain the programme Ensure frequent link to update parents Work together to solve problem e.g homework

  12. Plant cam 1- phase 1 children ymateb positif o fewn sesiynau oed amrywiol 3-8 sylwadau’r plant… Positive response in sessions Ages varied form 3-8 Comments from children….

  13. Athrawon a chymorthyddion- teachers and classroom assistants Cydweithio da Paratoi’n drwyadl o flaen llaw Addasu i’r rolau yn fuan yn y rhaglen Dod i adnabod y plant yn llawer gwell ar lefel bersonol Atgyfnerthu’r gwaith yn y dosbarth Canmol y plant am eu hymdrechion Good working partnership Prepared well for sessions Adapted well to their roles Reinforcing the work in the classroom Praising children for their efforts

  14. Gweld plant yn goresgyn problemau ar yr iard ac yn egluro’r camau i wneud hyn Cynorthwyo’r plant oedd yn cael trafferthion gyda’r gwaith cartref am resymau gwahanol Noted that children were solving problems on yard and being able to explain how they succeeded Supported children who had difficulties with homework for various reasons

  15. Profiadau o fewn y sesiynau- experiences within the sessions Targedau personol o fewn y grŵp i’r plant Gwneud eu gorau yn yr ysgol Sylwi a deall am deimladau eraill ac eu hunain Datrys problemau Rheoli tymer Sut wneud, siarad hefo a chadw ffrindiau Chwarae rôl Personal targets set for children within the group How to do their best in school Detect and understand their own and others’ feelings Solve problems Manage anger How to make, talk with and keep friends Role play

  16. Anawsterau- Difficulties Gwaith cartref- Cam ymlaen- addasu ar gyfer pob sefyllfa Homework Way forward- customize it to each situation

  17. Y ffordd ymlaen • Rhannu gwybodaeth am y gwaith da sydd wedi ei wneud yn barod yn ysgolion cam 1 • Cynghori ysgolion cam 2 yn dilyn blwyddyn o brofiad gyda’r gwaith ymchwil • Gweithio gyda’r ysgolion i gynnal partneriaeth rhwng yr ysgol a’r rhieni hefo’r prosiect • Diolch am eich gwrandawiad. Thank you.

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