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Marketer to Developer Translation

Marketer to Developer Translation. SMX West February 9, 2009. Developer Goals. Help Grow The Business. Developer Goals. Robust Supportable Code. Developer Goals. Work on Fun Stuff. Developer Goals. Don’t Get Drawn In To Stupid Projects By Marketing. Marketing Goals. Help Grow

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Marketer to Developer Translation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Marketer to Developer Translation SMX West February 9, 2009

  2. Developer Goals Help Grow The Business

  3. Developer Goals Robust Supportable Code

  4. Developer Goals Work on Fun Stuff

  5. Developer Goals Don’t Get Drawn In To Stupid Projects By Marketing

  6. Marketing Goals Help Grow The Business

  7. Marketing Goals Promote the Web Site

  8. Marketing Goals Stop Development From Working On Stupid Projects

  9. Marketing Goals Two Martini Lunches!

  10. Links Are Votes Inbound Links 4 Links Your Domain Who Ranks first? Who has more links? Your Domain Their Domain 3 Links Their Domain

  11. Link Juice is a Fixed Quantity LJ =1 LJ =1 Link Juice = 5 LJ =1 LJ =1 LJ =1

  12. Link Juice is a Fixed Quantity LJ = 1.25 LJ = 1.25 More Juice For The Important Pages LJ = 1.25 Link Juice = 5 LJ = 1.25 LJ = 0

  13. Why Redirects Matter Links Shredded With It! Old Page New Page

  14. Implementing Redirects Link Juice Page Moved New Page 302 Redirect Link Juice Page Moved New Page 301 Redirect

  15. Canonical Issues 600 Links http://www. yd.com 600 Links Drive Rankings 75 Links Wasted 75 Links http:// yd.com

  16. Canonical Redirect 600 Links http://www. yd.com 675 Links Drive Rankings 301Redirect 75 Links http:// yd.com

  17. Canonical Redirects in Apache • RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} . • RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.seoclass\.org [NC] • RewriteRule (.*) http://www.seoclass.org/$1 [R=301,L] • May be Cryptic, but that’s it!

  18. Canonical Redirects In IIS • First of all, you need to set up separate entries for the www and non-www version of your website (usually using the host-header setting in IIS). Determine which version you want to redirect (for some help, try this tool to check the numbers on the canonical versons of a domain). • 1. Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services. • 2. Double-click "Web Sites" and then find the web site where the unpreferred domain is. • 3. Right-click on the unpreferred site and choose "Properties". Choose the "Directory" tab. • 4. Click the "A redirection to a URL" option. • 5. Enter the URL of the preferred domain to the right of "Redirect to:", add "$S$Q" to the end to redirect paths, files and querystrings (eg "http://www.domain.com$S$Q" - don't use the quotes). • 6. Select "The exact URL entered above" and "A permanent redirection for this resource". • 7. Use "OK" to save the changes. • Don't trust the settings - test them with the server header checker. The preferred domain should come normally, the other one should 301-redirect. Try some lower level pages and some parameters in the querystring to be certain that it's working everywhere. It must return code "301" (not 302). • If you do not have console access to IIS, you will have to include a script into all pages / scripts processed on the domain. An example of how to handle this can be found at http://www.jlh-design.com/2006/08/301-redirects-in-asp-on-iis-server/.

  19. Canonical Redirects with IIS ISAPI Rewrite • RewriteEngine On • RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^yourdomain\.com$ [NC] • RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.yourdomain.com/$1 [R=301,L] • May be Cryptic, but that’s it!

  20. Redirects in a Different Publishing System

  21. Other System Redirects

  22. Other System Redirects

  23. Duplicate Content • Duplicate content is one of the banes of the web publishing world • Content management systems are often the culprit • So why does it matter?

  24. Wasted Crawl Budget I’ll take 100 pages today 1 2 3 4-50 54-100 53 52 51 Duplicate Pages Gotta go! Original Pages Not Crawled = 50

  25. Duplicate Pages LJ =4 1. 2. 3.Your Domain Home Page Link Juice = 12 LJ =4 LJ =4 Dup Page

  26. Duplicate Pages LJ =6 1. Your Domain 2. 3. Home Page Link Juice = 12 LJ =6 LJ =0 Dup Page

  27. CMS Dupe Content Example

  28. CMS Dupe Content Example

  29. http://www.mohawksoft.org/?q=node/8.

  30. http://www.mohawksoft.org/?q=node/8

  31. Example CMS Code Flow

  32. Thank You! Eric Enge President Stone Temple Consulting eenge@stonetemple.com (508) 485-7751

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