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The Mythical Founding of Rome

The Mythical Founding of Rome. The Aeneid Escape, adventures, and resettlement of Aeneas and his followers. Founding of Rome. Founding of Rome. Aeneas: Son of prince Anchises and the goddess Venus. Founding of Rome. Aeneas: Trojan hero, principal lieutenant of Hector

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The Mythical Founding of Rome

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  1. The Mythical Founding of Rome The Aeneid Escape, adventures, and resettlement of Aeneas and his followers

  2. Founding of Rome

  3. Founding of Rome Aeneas: • Son of prince Anchises and the goddess Venus

  4. Founding of Rome Aeneas: • Trojan hero, principal lieutenant of Hector • Not killed or enslaved at Troy

  5. Founding of Rome Aeneas: • Commanded by the gods to flee, gathered a group • Carried father, son to the ships • traveled, searching for new homeland

  6. Founding of Rome

  7. Founding of Rome Aeneas: • Fierce storm sent by Juno (Hera) blew them off course • 6 years later land at Carthage

  8. Founding of Rome Aeneas: • Welcomed to Carthage by Queen Dido

  9. Founding of Rome Aeneas: • Retold story of Trojan War

  10. Founding of Rome Aeneas: • Cupid, half-brother, caused Dido and Aeneas to fall in love

  11. Founding of Rome Aeneas: • Hunting expedition seek shelter in a cave

  12. Founding of Rome Aeneas: • Dido believed that they were “married” • Mercury sent to remind Aeneas of his duty

  13. Founding of Rome Aeneas: • Aeneas secretly left Carthage • Dido’s heart broken commited suicide • Prophecy

  14. Founding of Rome Aeneas: "‘These things I plead; these final words I pour out of my blood. Then, Tyrians, hunt down with hatred all his sons and race to come; send this as offering to my ashes.

  15. Founding of Rome Aeneas: Do not let love or treaty tie our peoples.May an avenger rise up from my bones,one who will track with firebrand and swordthe Dardan settlers, now and in the future,at any time that ways present themselves. I call your shores to war against their shores, your waves against their waves, arms with their arms. Let them and their sons’ sons learn what is war'" Book 4, lines 857-68

  16. Founding of Rome

  17. Founding of Rome

  18. Founding of Rome Aeneas: Landed on the coast Established Lavinium Latinus

  19. Founding of Rome Aeneas:

  20. Founding of Rome Aeneas:

  21. Quirinal Hill Field of Mars Viminal Hill Capitoline Hill Esquiline Hill Tiber River Palatine Hill Caelian Hill Aventine Hill

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