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Needs and Requirements for meteorological and climate information in support to humanitarian agencies – summary of initial evaluation. CBS (DPFS/PWS) Task Team on the Provision of Operational Meteorological Assistance to Humanitarian Agencies April 2013 J.Milton. Content.

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  1. Needs and Requirements for meteorological and climate information in support to humanitarian agencies – summary of initial evaluation CBS (DPFS/PWS) Task Team on the Provision of Operational Meteorological Assistance to Humanitarian Agencies April 2013 J.Milton

  2. Content • First meeting TT on Meteorological Services for Improved Humanitarian Planning and Response – September 2010 • Early Warning Early Action Report • Scoping of needs and requirements for meteorological and climate information for humanitarian preparedness and planning • World Food Programme • Emergency Services Branch OCHA

  3. Early Warning Early Action Report Fall 2012 report • Warning of the potential of high risk, high probability and high impact events requiring HA involvement • Assessment of (i) the occurrence and intensity of potential hazards, whether natural, conflict based or economic, (ii) the risks associated with these hazards and, (iii) the impacts of these hazards that could meet or surpass a humanitarian assistance determined threshold.* • Potential triggers and impacts - indicators • Refinement and adjustment of process • Bi-annual

  4. Early Warning Early Action Report Recommendations regarding WMO participation Identifying a process for involvement and knowledge transfer (WMO) Phase 1 - Preparation: Identification of potential global and regional scale hazards prior to drafting EW Report: - participation early in process - understanding previous ‘hot spots’ and exacerbating meteorological or hydrological factors - communication processes (user groups, RCOFs, global seasonal updates, and others) - updates in HA concerns Phase 2 - Drafting and validation process - multiple communications – availability of support - weather vigilance – high risk conflicts - considerations for linkages with country/national level support Phase 3- Verification process (occurrence of natural hazards)

  5. World Food Programme • On site discussion with Emergency Preparedness and Response branch and Food Security Analysis Service • Broad understanding WFP decision making, need and use of information; • Information exchange on meteorological and climate concepts, as well as requirements questionnaire; • PRIORITY: Food production and food security • Response to requirements questionnaire • Next step: Validation of responses and Follow up

  6. World Food Programme - activities • Mapping of demographic, urban, environmental and politic information is one key activity supporting the Emergency Preparedness and Response Branch; • The occurrence of potential events within a specific area; • Potential risks related to this area; • The number of people affected, number of people displaced, and other demographic information; • Routes to these specific high risk areas, infrastructure logistics, border crossing points, etc; • 6 broad activities, of which: • Tracking man-made and natural hazards • Multi-hazards risk analysis, remote sensing • Early warning maps • Focus on Africa and Asia

  7. World Food Programme - needs • Meteorological and climate guidance: currently using ECMWF and NOAA available outputs (EPS meteograms, TCC outlooks, TRMM, Tsunami warnings, global forecasting system). • WFP is looking into open source information; • Access to historical climate data requested; • Potential need for agricultural related indicators (growth); BUT • WFP needs to assess how to integrate met and climate information in decision making (other than for mapping); • Unclear how information is shared and used from HQ to regional to country levels;

  8. World Food Programme - recommendations • Follow up with WFP necessary for overall assessment of needs (incl Humanitarian Air Operations Activities); • WFP coordinating role in the EWEA report; • Outreach and training opportunities could be identified; • Need for facilitated support or expertise in crisis situations to be evaluated: WMO NMHS

  9. Emergency Services OCHA/Global Disaster Alert and Coordination Services • On site discussion with Emergency Relief Coordination Centre and GDACS Secretariat/telecon with Joint Research Centre (European Commission) • Managed by Steering Committee of the European Commission Monitoring and Information Centre; • Cooperation framework: UN, EC, stakeholders such as Disaster management, JRC, UNITAR/UNOSAT and Dartmouth Flood Observatory; • Virtual On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (Virtual OOSC): one stop platform • PRIORITY: Interoperable systems for the provision of alerting, impact assessments and updated information of major natural disasters for which governments could request support • Focus on earthquakes, cyclone, storm surges, flooding

  10. Emergency Services OCHA/Global Disaster Alert and Coordination Services - activities • GDACS and Virtual OSOCC: one stop platform integrating meteorological and modelling information (ex: experimental storm surge model), population risks for planning and response purposes by disaster management; • Breaking emergencies follow an information structure moderated at each level; • Weather Alerts based on thresholds (3 level color coded) for risk of flooding due to cyclone activity (precipitation accumulations), for flash floods (rain rates) and strong winds; • Training modules

  11. Emergency Services OCHA/Global Disaster Alert and Coordination Services - activities • Training modules and simulations; • Supporting planning, coordination; • Weather forecast information: operational support. Provider SARWeather; http://www.gdacs.org/ April 2, 2013

  12. Emergency Services OCHA/Global Disaster Alert and Coordination Services - needs • Access to authoritative warning information and forecasts (request links to GTS); • Integration of tropical cyclone information (only one as per October 2012); • Requirements for meteorological and climate information not yet determined (with DMO);

  13. Emergency Services OCHA/Global Disaster Alert and Coordination Services - recommendations • Identification of requirements and existing information for GDACS (and DMO needs for planning, logistics and operations); • Evaluate potential access to GTS; • WMO participation in annual GDACS meeting/outreach and training; • Evaluate opportunities of GDACS as portal for linkage of NMHS and disaster management and response organisations

  14. Scoping of needs and requirements..for humanitarian preparedness and planning

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